The Book Of Life Of The Lamb




Table of Contents

Pages 1 through 5

Opening Statement and Overview

Pages 6 through 9

Pictures and art

Page 10 through 14


Pages 15 through 308……………. The Book Of Life Of The Lamb

The book from this point on is not your normal book layout, when i wrote it, it was in notebooks that read on front and back like a scroll, so in the spirit of the original scribes its fitting that i keep it as original as possible.




                         Opening Statements and Book Overview


 When the Esoteric comes to life in an unbelievable and amazing way, 

you find yourself awestruck! So is it with, “The Book of Life of The Lamb”


A Homeric tale of human resilience in the face of 

sheer non combos mantis ensued Alien encounters and religious abuse by

the hand of the church. So, inspiring a story the reader will not only embrace

this experience but acquire an abundance self-confidence, to the point of

believing one can accomplish anything he or she puts their mind too.


    The Book of Life of The Lamb provides a perspective that not all we have 

been taught may always be absolute? Aliens and humans coexisting under 

the nose of 99% of the human population. Encounters with advanced beings

shaped his life unaware of its purpose for many years. The author tells of 

how he journeyed to the Akashic Records (the Mythical “Book of Life”) 

“In the religion of theosophy and the philosophical school called anthroposophy,

the Akashic Records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, 

words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future 

in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human.

They are believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of 

existence known as the mental plane. There are anecdotal accounts but there

is no scientific evidence for the existence of the Akashic Records.” 

(Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). 


    The visit to the Akashic Records was his early astral travel at the age of twenty. When returning

to earth, Alejandro returns with a treasure trove of information that would take him 30yrs to decipher. 

We asked the Author, “What does this all mean? Traveling to a hall of records of sorts? 

He replied with an emphatic “Yes”! He say’s There is no doubt it exists, he had 

the experience of a lifetime, ignorant of the facts that such a place exists let 

alone finding documentation proving its origins. Alejandro adds “I was given a 

glimpse of my past and present as well as future, it was 30yrs of questioning

the very experience which would engender the answers to finally arrive. The answers were 

far more incredible and more amazing to consider, hard not to believe once the proof 

surfaced. Tangible proof, documented proof of who i am and who I was, DNA 

and Genealogical proof which must be considered. Alejandro adds this to

the conversation, read from:


                 The book of Revelations 13:8 “And all that dwell upon 

the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb 

                                slain from the foundation of the world.”


(His claim to this statement is staggering with a doubt mind boggling),


“The book prophesied about 2000 years ago has finally made its arrival in our times. 

A book many for years have wondered of its existence and content. The advent of the

second Adam, his mission and accomplishments. Read it now as earth changes 

pinpoint the accuracy of this book’s appearance”.


   After reading this book i come to a junction of belief and disbelief a paradox,

fantasy and reality. Could what the Author says really be? I ask myself, “Could he have

made a jump in human evolution”? Either way, the book is full of extraordinary

experiences and encounters not many have the literary prowess to explore. It absolutely

pushes the boundary of science, religion and reality. This read is absolutely beneficial for any and all 

who have an interest in the esoteric, Alien encounters, Human/Alien hybridization, Awakening

phenomena, potential and abilities of the human mind, body and essence as and much, much more



This book serves a threefold purpose, to share my story, my findings supporting my claims as well as serving a declaration of my rights to this Earthly domain.  I declare by Galactic law set in order by Anu King of the Anunnaki, my freedom from The Alien "Mach" a reptilian also known as "The Grey", all unearthly entity, seen and unseen, powers earthly and unearthly dominions under these stated decrees:

“It was then that dream and the tablet from Galzu”, Enki told his father.

Anu was greatly puzzled: I never sent a secret emissary to earth by that name!” Anu told the three leaders.

Enki and Enlil were puzzled. A baffled look crosses their faces.

On account of Galzu, Ziusudra and the seed of life were saved! Enki said.

On account of Galzu on Earth we remained! Enlil said to his father.


“The day you return to Nibiru, you shall die. Galzu said to us.”

Anu was incredulous; the change of cycles indeed caused havoc but with elixirs, it was cured! Whose emissary, if not yours, was Galzu? Enki and Enlil said in unison.

Who wanted to save the earthlings? Who made us stay on earth?

Ninharsag nodded her head slowly: For the Creator of All did Galzu appear!

Was the creation of the Earthlings also destined, of that I must wonder!

For a while the four of them were silent, each recounted past events in his heart.

“While we decreed fates, the hand of destiny directed every step!” Anu said.   




“As the time for departing came, Anu said words of goodbye and guidance to his children.

Whatever destiny is intended for earth and the earthlings, let it be so! If man, not Anunnaki is destined to inherit earth, let destiny help us. Give mankind knowledge to measure up secrets of heaven and earth. Teach them laws of justice and righteousness. Then, depart and leave!

So, Anu give his children fatherly advice. Once more they hugged, embraced, and kissed, and from the new chariots' place, Anu and Antu for Nibiru left.



Zecharia Sitchin.

By Royal Blood and DNA of Prince Enki and Princess Ninhursag, I stand and declare as true Heir of Earth.

By Blood Sacrifice, my ancestor bought our freedom for all time.

The Bible says in Mark 10:41-45, “And when the ten heard it, they began to be much displeased with James and John. 42 But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great one’s exercise authority upon them. 43 But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: 44 And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. 45 For even the son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.”

Rev 21:5 “And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, write for these words are true and faithful. 6And he said unto me, it is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 7 He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.”


I, Alejandro Sandoval Castro, Son of Alberto Padilla and Magalia Maria Sandoval Castro, descendants of Patriarch Jesus who is called Christ and Matriarch Mary of Magdala all descendants of humankind demand by birth right all extraterrestrial Grey Alien cease from all interactions with earthlings, set all humans free from all bondage, slavery, oppression and all interference with humankind. Also, peacefully terminate all interaction in human affairs.

Or By Force, you will be hunted and extinguished.

I also raise judgment against all human governments who have and are currently corroborating with any and all grey extraterrestrial beings here on earth and beyond. This documentation is deemed legal and binding. All action demanded on this document must be put into action forthwith. I stand in the power of my Divine Inner Self's Sovereignty. Expand the light of my Divine Inner / Higher Self. I connect to Earth's Core, Galactic Core, Infinite Source and the Forces of Divine Source Light. I ask for a Galactic Vacuum to be ready to remove everything into the Galactic Core for transmutation. I call up all agreements related to "feeling like a victim" (or anything else) on this timeline and all other timelines in the past, present and future, and within all dimensions, densities, levels, realms and realities. I call forth all reinstatement clauses, copies, back-ups, mirrors, counter-party copies, etc. of the agreements. I state, "From the Inner Authority of my Sovereign Self, I declare ALL of these agreements null and void. I revoke ALL these agreements as well as all counter party copies, reinstatement clauses, duplicates, back-ups, mirrors, etc. of everything previously named. "I proclaim, "I reclaim ALL of my energy that has gone into these agreements." I command, "I send all of these agreements and all facets previously named into the Galactic Vacuum to be transmuted in the Galactic Core." I call forward all "counter party copies" of these agreements and send them into the galactic vacuum for transmutation. I Declare to all Grey Alien beings: "I am Sovereign. All of you parasitic 'counter party' beings are hereby notified that you are FORBIDDEN from EVER affecting my energy again. "I remove ALL imprinting, implants, overlays, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, identities, frozen emotions, etc. related to these agreements." I ask my Divine Inner Self to direct a Galactic Vacuum throughout my unconscious mind, subconscious mind, and all throughout my sphere of consciousness to remove all these components, and anything else related to these agreements. I call forward and restore the original agreement that I made with Infinite Source to incarnate into this troubled realm, to carry Source Light in my incarnation. I claim my loving power contained within that original agreement dissolve any remaining constructs related to those old, artificially imposed agreements. I affirm: "I am sovereign, and no one is allowed to take my energy." "I am sovereign and no being or non-being is allowed to infringe on my sovereign space."

“The battle lines have been drawn for a coming galactic war for the domination of planet Earth.

As long as mankind seeks salvation "out there," he paves the way for beings vying to become his Overlords. But mankind has another option.

Though born of beasts and bred to serve, mankind was created by genetic scientists, Prince EA and Princess Nin-Hur-Sag using their own DNA and their own royal blood.

This royal line of Sirian Blood entitles mankind to claim Earth its own. This is the story that has been suppressed, the truth that was kept hidden.

As long as mankind accepts Overlords and Gods, we accept an existence of servitude.

When we finally remember that our own kingdom has been taken away, when we finally look to ourselves as our own Overlord or God, then and only then will we be free of Extraterrestrials”.

Robert Morning Sky.

Thank you, Robert…your work brought much clarity to my life questions, I now remember the truth, it's liberating….


My story starts here.

It’s been a long time coming; even at this very moment I’m reluctant to write this down, what is the purpose? What will it gain me? Is my gain fame? Power? Problems? The point of it all I guess is to follow my intuition, the leading of an unseen force we call the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Christ? Or is it the strength of the DNA in my blood that has cultivated a desire to research or follow up on incredible thoughts and ideas about my family and me. I will share with you things that are incredible to even imagine, things that maybe only my imagination? Things that are unexplainable, awesome and frightening as well are the possibilities. Can this all to be true? I have asked myself a thousand times. I will share exhaustively my life, my claims, my research and findings. I will touch on the reality that is my life as well as the esoteric truths that have the potential of connecting me and my family to the greatest inheritance of current human history.


My story starts as far in my past as I can remember, memories of my childhood that have never left my mind, its 1972 in Calexico, CA.

I lived with family right next to the American Canal in a neighborhood called Kennedy Gardens, a newly developed part of the town.  I was the youngest among my siblings: three brothers and a sister. 

I remember one time my mom got me and my sister into the backseat of the neighbor’s car for a ride to the grocery store. On our way there, I leaned on the door looking out the window as the car drove down the street. Suddenly, the car door opened and fell out of the car. The next thing I knew something held me from falling out. I don’t know what saved me from going plummeting onto pavement below but supernatural phenomena have always surrounded me as far as I can remember; luckily, I was held in somehow because if not then who knows what would happen?

When I was three years old, there were nights that I would be awakened by a little girl. Probably, a spirit. I would walk around the house with her.

One day, I told my mom, “GOD told me, I was never going to die”.  As I think on that now, after all these years, God had to put it in my head for me to believe the things that I would learn about myself in the years to come.

As I recall in the next few years, they were not very interesting in the regards to any Supra natural activity.

“SUPRA NATURAL” not supernatural. Supra Natural is defined as, supra-natural [soo-pruh-nach-er-uh l-nach-ruh l]

Syllables Word Origin See more synonyms on adjective1.beyond what is Supranatural; supernatural. Origin of Supranatural Expand 1855-1860 1855-60; supra- + natural

Related forms Expand supernaturalism, noun supernaturalistic, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2016. Cite This Source Examples from the Web for Supranatural Expand Historical Examples: What then is to be done in this difficulty of the heart, in this conflict between a natural and a Supranatural feeling? The Essence of Christianity Ludwig Feuerbach

We conclude that it is not physical but hyper-physical, not natural but Supranatural.

British Quarterly Review, an American Edition, Volume LIV. So, as I have experienced this form of reality the meaning is fitting.


We moved to Long Beach California in 1973, my dad had us all over the place. As far as I could remember, we stayed in two cities, Calexico and Long Beach where I currently live. I went to public schools as an elementary school student. I attended Lincoln Elementary in the early 70’s and then Franklin Junior High in the mid 80’s.

It had to be around 1975 when we lived in 7th and Orange in Long Beach. Hamburger Dan’s was where most of our friends played. We were never in the house, always into something.

One particular day in June, I remember it was summer time, I and my friends, Vincent Lecan and Gary Barr (a.k.a ½ Pint), were roofing. 

Roof hoping was when you go around the neighborhood and climb on the neighbor’s

house to get to the roof.

We did it here and there when we had nothing else to do. On this day, we went to an alley where a small garage turned into a low roof. On its left, was a house with a small ledge to get to the roof.

The alley was behind 7th street between Cerritos Ave and Orange Ave. We had been on it before, this particular roof was scary to me, it was up at least 10ft. to 15ft. high and the ledge was at a slant, hard to grab the roof. Vincent was the oldest of us three and went first then Gary finally me. I was a little timid, but I went anyway.

As I hopped off the garage roof to the ledge, my hands slipped from their grasp. Gravity took over.  My body plummeted backwards landing with an authoritative thud onto pure desert dirt below me--the clanking sound was like a coconut when it is smashed on the ground.  It felt as if I could see myself outside my body.  I saw sparkles fly out of my head, and I remember flying around it in circles, the Arizona State Sun Devil, why the sun devil?

It was only later on in life, last October 2, 2017, that I began to understand why I saw this image. It turned out to be a further proof of my identity.

You see, the sun as a halo, was an indication of my royal heritage, Enki or the devil DA (Creator)-EA (ENKI)-BAAL (Lord) as well as KING LOUIS the 15th who associated the SUN to himself, the halo is a symbol of the bearer of light/knowledge, (Lucifer Son of the Morning,Son of Antu or Sun). This was not the first attempt on my life but by who? At this point it was not clear, but the Anunnaki instantly made themselves known, why were they present? Could Enki have been there as a physician?

I provided a drawing so you can see what it looked like. I’m not sure how long I was on the ground when I came to, my friends, and the residents of the house where next to me asking if I was OK? I seemed OK other than the massive cut on my head! After what seemed like a few minutes and a few questions regarding my state of health, my friends walked me home. Once I got home, my mom took me to the hospital to get stitches, everything seemed to be okay. I don’t know what it takes to kill someone with a blow to the head? Or if falling from a long distance onto your head as a small boy could kill? Remember, I said to my mom only  four years earlier, “God told me I would never die…” This was not my last close to death encounter.

As far as I can remember, my life from seven years old to twelve was ordinary until my father died. It was February 14,1982 when we got the news that my dad had passed away; it was shocking and sad. I was a kid, and I didn’t really know what to feel. My dad was always gone, kind of like I didn’t know him. I don’t know, but I remember I cried only a little. My dad was a  good guy; happy go lucky but had a vicious side to him.

If he got mad, it was not a pretty sight. I saw him blew up at my mom once because she locked us out of a place we had just moved into when we moved from Calexico to Long Beach, 804 Orange Ave.

He had just gone to gets us some hamburgers, but when he got back, we were locked out. In his rage, he hit my mom on her head with the knuckle of his finger, in Spanish it is called a “coscoron” and then threw his hamburger at her face. Now, as a grown man, I think, What an ass!”. Early that February morning, my dad had come home from being out in the streets all night. He came home bossing everyone around as he had gotten a custom to do in his last years. He came home wanting some “Carnitas”.

Every one knew the drill so all my brothers ran to hide, no one wanted to be the one to go to the store for him. The person he told to go was my sister Lorena. The reason no one wanted to go was because if you brought back the wrong item my dad would pull our sideburns or give us “coscorones”. We all hated that. So, my sister started whining to my mom that she didn’t want to go. Dad looked at me and said, “You’re going.” Mistake!

I must have grown hair on my balls that day because sure enough I went to the store and came back with the wrong meat. As clockwork, he pulled my sideburns and uttered something he said all the time whenever he pulled our sideburn, “NIAS” I gathered that he meant it as, “Take that”. And told me to take it back. I believe up to that moment in time no one of my family members ever talked back, raised their voice in contrary to him…till it was my turn. I remember grabbing the bag of Carnitas and headed to the front door. As I got closer to the front door, I heard these words in my mind, “When you get down the stairs, turn around and throw that shit at the door!”! I was so mad, I had it, I went down the stairs, turned around, faced the door, and threw those carnitas at it. I turned to my right and took off running towards Martin Luther King Ave, it was California Ave back then. Once I got to the corner of California and 8th street, I looked back at my house and everyone was outside looking to see where I was. Once I could focus on what was going on, my two brothers, Albert and Herman, started running towards me, mydad sent them to get me. I hid from them all day, going to different friends’ houses and staying away from them. Later that day, they caught me at the Cunningham’s close family friends. By the time they got me home, my dad had left. My mom was mad at me, could not believe that I did that. I asked her about my dad, what did he say? She said he told her to handle it. I never saw my dad alive again. That week, many friends and relatives came over to the house to pay their respects. It must have been no more than 3 days from his death that the Supranatural came to life for me. I had a cold and was under the weather so I had tissue paper for my runny nose. My mom had a waist bucket that belonged to my dad by the side of my bed for me to throw the used tissues. This waste bucket belonged to my dad, it was his, no one could move it, his orders. We all knew it was his, no one wanted to move it because it stunk, it stunk from blood and saliva. At night when he managed to make it home, he would spit in it, we all called it “El Bote”.

Lol. That night as I was asleep, as well as my brothers, I remember that a ruffling of my hair woke me up. I called out to my mom, when she came in, I asked her if anyone was in the room messing with my hair? She said no and to go to sleep. My dad when he was alive would come in late at night when he would get home and ruffle my hair. I guess I didn’t think much of it in the few days to come. But my mom took me to the doctors, because she said I was acting strange; they gave me pills for my nerves I remember. It took at least 20 years for my mom to tell me a different story about this night in question. I guess she felt I was old enough and now after such a long time it would not affect me in a harmful way.

One day in 2002 my mom says out of the blue if I remember that night after my dad died? I asked her if anyone was in the room. “Ya,” she said that she did not know if anyone was in the room, but that when she came in, she seen “EL BOTE” on the ground. She believes my dad was the one messing with my hair. When I started acting strange is when she concluded that it was him who knocked it down. There were a few accounts of people that knew him that swore they seen him after he died. Maybe he came to say sorry to me? Or maybe to say he forgives me? I don’t know if I will ever know.

My moms brother, Tio Juan, came down from San Jose, California to stay with us for a few weeks and once again the Supranatural came to life. The night after the funeral, my mom, Tio Juan, and us kids were up late talking, then I remember saying, “I’m going to sleep” and went into my room. The moment I fell asleep, something happened to me. I woke up in an unconscious state, and in this first astral projection experience of mine, I could see the room and hear my mom talking with Tio Juan just as before! Suddenly, what seemed to be a tornado started spinning in the room. This tornado started to suck me up towards the ceiling; I was so scared I started screaming for my mom and uncle to help me but nothing happened. As I was getting closer to the ceiling I kept thinking, “the Devil is trying to take me!” and as soon as I thought that, I was back inside my body waking up again real quick!

I ran out to the door, and when I got to the living room I told them, “Didn’t you hear me calling you?” They said no. I guess I must have told them what I had dreamed. This experience marked the 2nd time that in my mind’s eye and in my thoughts the word DEVIL is mentioned at the time the devil had another name and had more history about him outside the bible. Enki the Son of Anu’s name was EA, but was changed when he was found tampering with human DNA by his brother ENLIL, changed Enko/EA’s name to DA-EA-BAAL or Diabolical/Devil. Now I know it was no dream, but the first attempt of abduction.

In 1983, the close to death Supranatural phenomena came to visit me again.  We still lived on 8th street, my aunt on my mom’s side lived a couple of house away from us, my cousin Omar was around ten years old. He was at home around 5:30 pm. My sister was feeling ill, and my mom was getting ready to take her to the hospital.

It was around 6:00 pm, and my Aunt Lupe noticed our dog Wags, was at their house barking. She went out and yelled at him to go home. She noticed after she went in, he came back and kept barking, she said she yelled at him to leave, but he kept coming back. Tired of yelling at him, my aunt told Omar, “Go down stairs, get the dog and take him all the way into your aunt’s house. Tell her that he keeps coming over here.” Omar then got the dog and came to the house. He said when he opened the door, a black plume of smoke came out of the house which covered him. He waited for the smoke to get clear enough to see where he was going. When he came in, he noticed I was asleep on the couch; he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out. I think that as I stayed outside confused, he went in and found the skillet the chicken was being cooked on was charred and blackened; he turned off the smoldering stove. What if that little dog never went to my aunt’s house and barked his ass off? What if my aunt never acted? What would have happened to me? Could I have choked in the smoke? I think so. As I was writing this book, I remember the words I heard as a child, “God said I was never going to die.”. This would not be the last time I would have a close to death encounter.


It was May in 1986 that the Supranatural phenomena came to life on my way home from my night class. I was riding my scooter and sitting at the light west bound on 7th street and Redondo Ave. when I heard a voice in my head say, “Get over to the right lane.” As I was moving into the right lane, a car flew passed me running the light! Back then, there was a speed dip at that light. The car was going so fast when it hit the dip, sparks flew out from under the car, and the sound of it hitting the pavement was loud! I sat there shocked. Something just told me to move and saved my life! That was an attention grabber for me, what just happened stuck in my mind for a while.

God told me I would never die, but still, more close to death experiences are about to come.


I was 18 years old in 1986, a high school student living young and wild, dating girls just for fun. After my father died, my mom started going to a Christian church. She found some peace in the church and always asked us kids to go. I never went, didn’t like it. I thought they were weird. But June in that same year during my night school at Wilson High. where I got kicked out of Poly the Year before and because I didn’t have enough credits to graduate with my class, I had to go to night school to get my GED. On this night of the week in early June, I was on my way to night school. I had a girlfriend at the time; she too went to night school so we both were on our way there on our scooter.  As we were traveling East bound on 7th Street, I heard a voice telling me as clear as an audible voice can be heard, “Go to church.” I can still see me pulling over to a bus bench and telling my friend to get off and catch the bus. I went to the church where my mom was going to. I can’t tell you that I knew what I was doing cause’ I didn’t, but this voice that has always been speaking to me, as far as I can remember, was stronger than my own thoughts. I had visited this church before when my mom had asked us go, and I use to laugh at how bad the music was there. On this particular night, however, something that had never happened to me before took place. As I sat and listened to the preacher, I heard the words that were being spoken by the pastor, but they sounded like the voice that always talked to me. This time it was talking directly to me. It was saying things about my life, how I was living, the very thoughts I had in my mind at that instant and my supposed plans for the night. This grabbed my full attention!

That night, I had a moment of enlightenment, I guess. One thing I did know is that for the first time, I believed that there is a God and that I needed to repent of the way I was living. I converted to Christianity. I said the Lord’s prayer and from that moment on, started going to church. Once again, some Supranatural activity was at work, I didn’t recognize it then nor for many years to come how it was always present in my life. It was most definitely active that night.

In 1987, I was already in the church for a year, wishy washy but trying to maintain.

I had been in a relationship at point with someone for about four years; she was in church as well. I would cheat and feel bad about it all the time. Earlier that year, a group of church members and I went on a spiritual retreat.

While I was there, the people who ran the retreat practiced prophesying. They told me that I would come back for a 30-day campaign of fasting and praying. Sure enough before the year was up, in January I went back. I remember my motivation to go.

In the month time of praying and fasting, I was not sure if  I was accomplishing anything, but strangely, I didn’t know if this sacrifice was having the desired affect? Either way, I was going to finish it out. There were two experiences that I had that have stuck with me all these years, one more than the others.

One night I had a dream, (or so I thought, at this point in time I did not know that Astral Projection/ Astral dreamscape experience was an ability I operated in. So, I figured it was a dream, so vivid, I know what was happening to me now). I was in a mansion, empty mansion, grey in color and kind of gloomy. As I looked around, I noticed a fire place, and over the mantel of the fireplace are stone heads of Gargoyles that’s what they looked like to me.

As I stared at them, they began to speak, saying, “Torment us not, Seer, torment us not!”

Gargoyle statues are used to funnel rain run-off water from castle rooftops in the mid-evil times. the most that I had seen at the time were reptilian looking, and the bible says this in Revelation 12:15:

“And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.” This same serpent was called the Devil. The Annunaki (Enki/Devil) have all ways use a reptilian being named "MACH"(Grey alien) to develop mind control technology to help control humans, so it’s fitting to have an Annunaki/grey alien (reptilian) connection.

I didn’t know or understand then what I was being shown in this vision of the night. It took 27 years to finally understand the meaning of the symbolism.

We are currently under the control of this Grey alien, cowardly hiding in secret for the sole purpose of human and earth control and for the annihilation of the human race as well as unlawful genetic experiments on humans and animals, for reproduction. This very subject they are failing at, more on that some other time. I am setting the record straight. This Grey alien must be made known to all humankind. It is the only reason humankind and earth are in danger of extinction. We all have the right to demand our freedom form their control, at all costs.

The understanding of that vision and its purpose were made clear to me last November 2017. I was to take in knowledge and understanding of this alien being because it came to a point where I needed to know more about why was I being shown this? Was  I suppose to know about the existence of the Anunnaki and the Greys? Enki…The Devil…and Enlil/Jehovah?, Would  I have the means to expose their malevolent dealings on human kind, or so  I thought! (The Anunnaki have made their place here on earth and destroyed it with violence towards humankind, the very creature who claims to have created us (Enki, Ningishzidda and Ninmah violated interplanetary law when they created the Adamite slaves and Adapite superslaves. Enlil thought he'd end Nibiran gold-mining operations on Earth and take his people back to Nibiru. However, one spaceship brought the mysterious white-haired Galzu.) Did these beings (Annunaki) bring their slaves with them to help control our minds and take over the earth by outsmarting these advanced engineers? Yes, and we all must understand the order imposed on us lawlessly without our permission.

I can now show from a different historical record where it’s been made clear that Anunnaki nor their kind have any dominion on earth. Or was I supposed to oppose another being hidden in obscurity? The Gargoyles are reptiles, as well as the drain system of mid evil castles who drain water, "drain" "put into motion", "control the flow" Later, I understood why the Grey alien was in my life, from previous later attempts of abductions, encounters in the Astral Plane (astral projection) as well as physical contact with my youngest son and his childhood friend. The Grey alien was to be looked at closely. It would be clear who's current malevolently dealings ar  affecting humans in due to time.

The moment I woke up, everything started to have some impact on me.  Some of the prophets of old were called seers, one who can see into the future. Also, one who hears from God and speaks for God. I was there on a search for God so it was fitting; I received it as maybe I’m a prophet?

This next dream (astral projection) I had while I was there had nothing to do with anything I was into at that time, other than it was happening in the world at the time. In this dream, I was in outer space. While I was floating out there, I was in front of a satellite. I believe at the time, the name of this satellite was B.E.A.S.T. In the dream, Ronald Regan was giving a speech to the United Nations about the Star Wars program. His speech was in regards to missile defense of foreign and outer space threats (aliens).

After watching this scene play itself out before my eyes, I heard this word


In March 2018 I found this, “This world is experiencing a great deal of turbulence all at the hands of the GLOBALIST (INTERNATIONALIST) all because of “MONEY” something a few people decided they should have all for themselves! Now if you listen to Alex Jones’s radio show, you will find out that these GLOBALIST are the EVILS of the world. Their “master plot” is to destroy most of humanity and replace them with clones so they can rule the entire world; this is part of the one-world government, which no one really wants anyway! Their plan is to start a holocaust that covers the whole entire world, they are using what is called “THE BEAST”, a satellite that is powered by electromagnetic, which is actually electricity that can be used in so many different ways.

This satellite called THE BEAST is also called ECHO-STAR it is a military weapon and is now being used on the American people, and people all around the world. This satellite has weapons on it such as beam weapons, laser weapons, hologram weapons, chemical weapons, or germ warfare, it’s computer operated, and if you have the right program on your computer and are hooked up to a satellite, you can actually contact this satellite yourself".


President Reagan is coming under increasing pressure from Congress and strategic experts on his defense policy, especially in his Strategic Defense Initiative, or Star Wars.

The latest salvo against SDI came yesterday, when five former top officials from Republican and Democrat administrations urged the President to agree to a comprehensive strategy that would include an agreement to put off the testing of space-based weapons for 10 years.

In a 3,500-word report sent to the Secretary of State, Mr. George Shultz, defense heavyweights such as Mr. Melvin Laird, in charge of the Pentagon under President

Nixon, and Mr. James Schlesinger, who served under Mr. Nixon and in the Ford and Carter administrations, also suggested a ‘narrow’ interpretation of the ABM treaty, limiting the development and testing of anti-missile defense technologies. The former officials recommended continued adherence to the Salt II agreement, never ratified by Congress, which the Reagan Administration has repudiated. On Star Wars, they favor research at a ‘measured’ pace - spending in the order of 10 percent a year for the next several years. This is less than the 30 percent increase authorized by the Senate for 1987 and much less than the 75 percent requested by President Reagan.

The paper said that Star space-based weapon systems might be ‘destabilizing’ to nuclear defense, while limited defense of missile silos - point defense - and other key military installations could be done with ground-based defensive rocket interceptors alone.

The paper said the Star Wars should be restricted to research and technological development rather than full-scale engineering development - the first stage in producing and deploying a weapon.

The call for restraint comes at a time when Mr. Reagan’s defense build-up is unraveling on Capitol Hill. Even Mr. George Will, the media pundit and Reagan supporter, accused Mr. Reagan of incoherence in his desire to embrace all things - budget cuts through the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings deficit reduction bill and pell-mell defense spending. “The chickens have come home to roost,” said leading senators of Mr. Reagan’s fiscal inconsistency.

In a counter-attack to the cuts called for in the House, Mr. Reagan threatened to veto the defense bill if it reached his desk in its present form in his Saturday radio broadcast.

Calling it a “reckless assault upon the national defense of the United States.”

US 'Star Wars' lasers bring down ballistic missile

The House also cut funding for Star Wars by over $2 billion to $3.1 billion. The Senate figure is $3.9 billion.

Mr. Sam Nunn, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, explained on television yesterday that this onslaught on Mr. Reagan’s defense policy, seen as the most fundamental congressional challenge to the President’s military build-up, was a consequence of the arms control ‘vacuum’ created by administration policy, although he thought the House had gone too far.

The word Wormwood (or bitterness) also means Nibiru, home to the Anunnaki, (Marah)  written in Hebrew as:




means “bitter”, is one of the locations which the Torah identifies as having been travelled through by the Israelites, during the Exodus: Marah - bitterness - a fountain at the sixth station of the Israelites (Ex. 15:23, 24; Num. 33:8) whose waters were so bitter that they could not drink them. As well as time of the crossing (Nibiru (also transliterated Neberu, Nebiru) is a term in the Akkadian language, translating to "crossing" or "point of transition", especially of rivers, i.e. river crossings or ferry-boats.) a time of change. How fitting these visions would have a message as well as exposing these beings that have been hidden from humankind by a few banking family's as well as Government and Religious orders) interesting note:"Jesus exposed these Evil Spirits/Extraterrestrials, the bible only hid their names. Jesus came from above, sent with a revolutionary message to humanity and born in the very area where the Anunnaki had had their center. These still had an invisible influence over humanity from “behind the veil”. Jesus gradually brought people a truth, which these invisible rulers didn’t want them to know. His teachings about love, peace and spiritual as well as human independence were seen as a threat. Then he also in a cautious way, taught that his “Father” isn’t the god they believed in. As it came that far, he had to die for it. The invisible ruler hoped that, with his death, his teachings would, with time, become forgotten. But it came to be differently.

Christianity spread, and through the murder of Jesus, it was rather reinforced than weakened. Seeing this, the invisible rulers conceived a new strategy. They intended to infiltrate this Christianity and modify it in their own sense so that it would no more be a threat to them but serve their purposes.

This was done and led to the formation of a Church, while the original Gnostic Christianity was lost.

Jesus’ teachings became twisted and falsified. In their place came the dogma of the Church, and the real Christ was replaced by a fake “Christ”.

In every Church, the dead Jesus hangs on a cross with nails in hands and feet, with thorns in his head and with a wound in his side. This is a real voodoo technique for blocking his power.

The subconscious message to us is:

“Jesus is dead! Now we are in power!”

Then the triumph over his death was symbolized with the torture and murder tool he was killed with: the cross. If they had hanged him, I suppose the symbol of the Dogma would have been a rope with a slipknot… Paul played an important role, maybe as an unconscious agent for the invisible rulers.

He “converted” from being Saul, an enemy of Christians, to become the “apostle” Paul, who in a clever and sneaky way, modified the teachings. That is how the alienation began, which was later continued by Constantine and others. They thereby also strove for a return to earlier patriarchal conditions, away from the positive attitude to women that Jesus had.

A new misogyny came into Christianity through the back door, the way the invisible patriarchal rulers wanted to have it. The possibility for a return of the Goddess could not be allowed. The female quality of the Holy Spirit should again be forgotten, and all tendencies for devotion to a divine femininity were tactically diverted to Mary.

She is, of course, revered in her own right, but this reverence at the same time serves a secret deviation from the Goddess, who anew became forgotten"Amika Sanford. More on how the Woman should have her place on earth as heir of the Kingdom of Christ”.

When I woke up, I thought about the dream.  I began to ask question like, what is this? What does it mean? Does it have any meaning? The only part of the dream I thought at the time had any real meaning was the word Wormwood. This word was in the bible in the book of Revelation. I’ll say that it would mean more than I could imagine then, I could have not understood then, with my limited knowledge of hidden truths, facts about God, humans, heaven and earth, and so much more. It was the start of what seemed like a crumb trail of information that one day would make sense. I wrote all these things down only to lose them or throw them away over the years. All these things traumatized me for years, trying to make sense of it all. Along with all the Supra-natural activity going on around me, I’m lucky not to be in asylum. It would only escalate over the years till the answers came, which are unbelievable, frightening and incredible but amazing, intriguing, and in its strange way made sense. The unbelievable answers arrived in due time; concrete facts began to surface.

So, after I came home from the retreat, I started to see the outcome of the praying and fasting. I was not in the same mind set as I was before; my desire to have sex with a bunch of woman was gone, . I seemed more focused on things pertaining to God, my thoughts were clean, I had a peace and an outlook on life and my own personal life seemed to be in order. The first day back to church, I was asked to come up and give a testimony about my time in the retreat. I remember my mouth became a well of words and assertiveness! I was speaking with conviction, and it was encouraging to the listeners. I had never before spoken in this fashion; the pastor took notice, and asked me to pray for a group of youth so that they could receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. A strange thing happened. One of the youths started to fall to the ground! I had seen this before by other preachers, but I truly didn’t understand where it came from. I realized that it could have been the anointing I had on me at the time; I was fully separated from people, fully in the bible and prayer, a man of God! I guess I had arrived. The pastor that week gave me a Missionary card so I could go pray for the sick in the hospitals. Could I have really been changed through this process? Was it how God approves men of God? I didn’t know it, but something was happening. A week from being home, one of the most incredible experiences in my life took place. Across the street from my house lived a Christian lady named Tere. She was a friend of my mom. Tere had a niece who was staying with her. She would baby sit Tere’s kids while she went to work.

On this particular day, I was in my mom’s room praying when I heard someone pounding on the front door and yelling, “Hermana Maggie!” My mom’s name is Magalia, Hermana Maggie is what her Christian friends called her, it means Sister Maggie in Spanish. I didn’t get up out of prayer but could hear something was going on in the living room. Before long, my mom came in and said, “Alex, Come out”. When I came out to see what was going on, the room was chaotic! My mom was running back and forth like trying to figure out what to do while the neighbors who were there were perplexed and shocked at what they were seeing. Tere’s niece from across the street had Tere’s two-month-old child in her arms, who looked like a lifeless body, blue with his eyes bulging out. He was not in a good condition; whatever was happening to him, I’m not sure what it was. What I was sure of, the one thing that gave me confidence was hearing a voice in my mind say, “Don’t worry. If he dies, we will raise him”.  It was the same voice I always heard speaking to me. They had laid the child on the couch. I knelt next to the couch and looked around and right then, I told my mom, “Ama, No se por que se preoqupa, El Senior esta aqui”! On that note, I looked down at the child, and he was there as if nothing happened to him. I thought, “Am I imagining this? Wasn’t he just blue? And what seemed lifeless? Not having a grasp at what just happened and what was happening, I laid my hands on him and began to pray. Once I was done, I gave the boy back to his cousin, and she left. We sat around, my mom, sister, cousin Omar and Jose Rodriguez if I recall correctly. We talked about what we saw. We were all truly perplexed when there was a pounding at the door again. The girl with the baby was back!! When the door was opened, the child looked worse than the first time. This time I felt that nothing bad was going to happen to this boy but was this happening for a reason? This time I heard those same words again, “If he dies, we will raise him”. This time I felt that it was for the girl who brought him, because she didn’t believe that God healed him. I shared with her just that, not to doubt but believe in God. The boy was placed on the same couch. This time, my cousin Omar and Jose were behind the couch looking at the baby. And just like the first time, knelt to pray for him, I closed my eyes and put my hands on him and he came to, he was fine. I gave him back to her but mentioned that God healed the boy, not to doubt, only believe. This was done a second time because she didn’t think anything happened, that the boy just came to on his own. Omar and Jose said, when my hands touch the boy, his body began to bounce up and down. The Supra-natural came to life once again.

This event stuck with me for the rest of my life. I would always ask God, “Who am I to you that you allow me to experience this?” What is the purpose? In time, I would know.

(Note: In 2019, I would find my questions about who I am clear. I was not the only one beginning to question, but that my memory was erased when I was born says: Camaron Day, "The false-light demiurgic parasites known as the "Lords" of Karma are perhaps the worst violators of freewill that I have encountered, second only to the corrupt demiurge itself. They are the primary gatekeepers that allow or deny beings access into and out of the demiurgic system, and as such, they must be exposed.

Their perversion of the natural law of karma is so staggering in scope. To begin with, they are responsible for forcing beings to reincarnate over, and over, and over (and over) again, in clear violation of Universal Law.

In the "Free Universe" outside of the corrupt demiurgic (demiurgic is a being responsible for the creation of the universe in Platonic philosophy) the Maker or Creator of the world who in Gnosticism and other theological systems is a heavenly being, subordinate to the Supreme Being, that is considered to be the controller of the material world and antagonistic to all that is purely spiritual.) enslavement system, a being is free to incarnate onto any planet that they choose. When a being's physical life comes to an end (after hundreds, perhaps thousands of years), they return to Infinite Source for a rest, and then decide what they want to do next in order to continue to learn and grow.

Nowhere in this process is a hierarchical group of controlling, manipulative beings like the "lords" of karma present. Day explains steps we can take to regain our memories and gain back our sovereignty, "Declare", "I remove ALL imprinting, implants, overlays, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, identities, frozen emotions, etc. related to these agreements." Ask your Divine Inner Self to direct a Galactic Vacuum throughout your unconscious mind, subconscious mind, and all throughout your sphere of consciousness to remove all of these components, and anything else related to these agreements. Next, expand the light of your True Sovereign Inner Self to fill in all the areas that you have cleared. This allows the truth of who you really are to replace the false constructs that have been removed. Call forward and restore the original agreement that you made with Infinite Source to incarnate into this troubled realm and to carry Source Light in your incarnation. Let the loving power contained within that original agreement dissolve any remaining constructs related to those old, artificially imposed agreements. The most important part of all of this is your WILL to make this happen. Get a little angry if you need to, harness any righteous indignation you have, and use the FORCE of your will".

This made many things much clearer for me. Consider this: in Revelations, it says: “And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven, and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child,” (Rev. 12:4). Here is what I paraphrased: “And (The Grey Alien) his tail (Secret agents/Lords of Karma) swept (Forced) away (and Isolated) a third (Interval of time, reflected here: Revelation 12:12 King James Version (KJV) 12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitors of the earth and of the sea! For the devil (deceiver, trickster, dragon, mind manipulator, reptilian Grey) is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.) Of the stars (angels/ messengers) of heaven, and threw (Forced) them to the earth. And the dragon Grey reptilian) stood (Established this) before the woman who was about to give birth (bring an angel into Earth), so that when she gave birth (brought in an angel/messenger in to earth) he (Grey Alien) might devour (Completely Destroy) her child,” (Rev. 12:4).


Consider what Jesus Told Nicodemus in John 3:1-21: “Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”

3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

4 “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”

5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So, it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

9 “How can this be?” Nicodemus asked. Jesus said to him, 10 “You are Israel’s teacher”.

(Mat. 16:14: “And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.” He should have known that it was known that humans who lived before can come back) said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? 11 Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still, you people do not accept our testimony. 12 I have spoken to you of earthly (things that pertain to this earthly human plane) things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly (Spiritual) things? 13 No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven (Adam died and when to heaven, he came back, his new name was Jesus. Colossians 1:18 says, “And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.)—the Son of Man.14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man (Luke says Jesus was Adam: Luke 3:38, “Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.) must be lifted up, 15 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”

Why wouldn’t he be Adam? God has to have preeminence in all things, meaning first in all things: Colossians 1:18, “And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.”

Jesus is Adam’s second incarnation, paying for his sins and the sins of the world, since he, Adam, bears this crime, its only right he comes back to make it right, it’s made right in Christ.

Here is where we see why Adam, carried back in Jesus, these contracts, Lords of Karma or sins of all who ever lived, that in Jesus, it could not be clearer on who Adam is:

45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being” the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. 46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. 47 The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven. 48 As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the heavenly man, so also are those who are of heaven. 49 And just as we have borne the image of the earthly man, so shall we bear the image of the heavenly man. They all would be extinguished, never to hinder humans in Christ, to enter heaven/Source of one. This is why it’s extremely important to understand what was said to Nicodemus and in these last days, comprehend what the Holy Spirit is bring back to our recollection, truth that we have forgotten.

John 16:4, “But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.”

The war of global delusion is under way; it’s here by many names, New Age Movement, The Woke among others for the purpose of human/Earth annihilation.

Food for thought.

During this time, many of our Christian friends and church family were always at our house after church or even during the week. We would often get together to pray and have fellowship at each other’s houses. One night in February, it could have been the weekend after church; we all were at my house on 8th street. Not the house where my father died but next door. We moved there a couple of years after his death. We were all praying around the kitchen table. My brother, Albert, did not go to church with us, but on this night, he stayed for the prayer. I remember that as we prayed, I could hear what he was thinking. After the prayer was over, I asked him about his thoughts. He didn’t like the fact that we were praying, and he was uncomfortable about us being there. He acknowledged that. That was what on his mind. I’m not trying to say I was just full of spiritual awareness that I was in a lofty place above everyone. I was experiencing something new, different, and very special. I took a step towards the esoteric, and it began to come to life.


Things seemed to have been doing fine,. I started to get invitations to preach in different churches,. I got the chance to preach in our church, and it seemed that I was growing as a Christian. I was being faithful to God, family, and friends. As things were going so well, I didn’t see that what was about to rear its ugly head was to rock me off the foundation that had been laid. The ground I had made was about to be laid waste. One of the reasons I went to the retreat was to treat people right, in this case, do right in a relationship I was in. Little did I know the person I was in a relationship was involved with a married man in the church. This took the wind out of my sails.  Being so young in this Christian walk and being young, period, my emotions were given a mortal blow.  I lost it emotionally and spiritually.  I was being attacked, and I didn’t know how to handle it. I went from a spiritual high to a deep confusion. We broke up, but we both continued in the same church. I was supposed to understand and be polite and kind knowing what is going on. I had to be the nice guy. I kept my composure as long as I could. Until one church night, I invited the neighbor from a cross the street to church.  The same girl who only a few weeks earlier brought the little baby to our house half dead.

We both came in, and the ex-girlfriend was there. She turned into a demon from hell and approached the girl, told her to get out.  I had enough, and I lost it and went after her. As I look back now, so many years later, the men in that church were there with other agendas than salvation if you know what I mean. There was a man that I remember clearly. this guy was not what a Christian person is supposed to be. I know now how much most men there felt about me.  They had a real disdain towards me. This guy on this night found his opportunity to take out his hatred on me, and he didn’t pass on his opportunity. This guy was a heavy-set man.  I was only a 19 years old maybe 150 pounds.  He, in turn, had to be 280 pounds. He grabbed me, supposedly to restrain me, but he put such a choke hold on me that I forgot why I was going after the girl! He was choking me, like with all his strength, and no one could see it, or maybe they did but allowed it to continue. They ushered her out back into the car and started to drive away. The guy set me loose, and I ran after the car. I chased it for a block or two and came to myself and dropped to the sidewalk. I had no strength, and I felt so small.  I lost my testimony.  I made a scene at church and acted in the flesh, ungodly, and carnal. Back then, your testimony was everything, but in a second, mine was trash. I don’t know how things work in other churches with a different ethnicity, but in a Hispanic church where there are mostly low-income illegals, someone like me who is well-to-do, handsome, Mexican American citizen and part of the in-crowd, would be eaten alive. The next day at church, I was disciplined in front of the congregation.  I can’t remember what it was, but I was so ashamed of what I did (which was nothing) that I lost my faith in what I was trying to be.

My faith in the church was crushed; my purpose at the time, and my spiritual life was taken from me. From this point on, I lost any real desire to stand. Stand? What for?

Slowly, I began to distance myself from the church. I started looking for comfort in loose living. I made my way back to where I thought I had distanced myself. I was in love with God, but was living like trash. I was lost and didn’t know how to make my way back to Him.

The friends I had, I had no more. This should have been the end of me trying to be a Christian; it was not the end for me, but it was a process I would endure for years to come.


It was around 1988 for the last year I had been floating around from church to church.  At this time, I believe I had not gotten in to one that I would attend regularly. I would get together with my mom and a sister from the church name Herman Fluvia. She was kind of an outcast from the church.  She was outspoken, maybe a little misguided but sincere in her search. On this night, we were at her apartment on Washington Place, down the street from where we lived on 8th Street.  We lived on the corner of 8th and Washington Place. That night, we were going to have a vigil, or in Spanish “vigilia”. The night started out like any other. We sat around the living room for a while talking about God, what was going on in our lives and small talk before we actually began to pray. Once we got into prayer, we all took up our little spot on the floor or couch and pray on our own. I, my mom, and Fluvia were there praying together. I knelt by the couch and prayed resting my head on the couch. At first, I prayed for as many of our needs, general prayers and personal ones, next I prayed for direction from God in my life. I also prayed for wisdom and knowledge. I prayed earnestly, so much that I started to weep then cry heavily. As I cried and prayed, I started to pray in tongues. At this point, the prayers turned into uttering and groaning, heavy breathing like hyperventilating. I continued like that for some time till my body was without strength. I remember slumping down to the carpet, and my body just went limp. As I laid there, I could hear my mom and Fluvia talking in Spanish. My mom said, “He’s gone; he’s having a vision. As I lay there, I felt myself like in a world wind, spinning in circles.

This astral projection made the less sense to me of them all while being the most incredible in information/knowledge I would ever experience. Later in life, about 30 years later I would finally know how huge and monumental, unbelievable of an experience this would be.

Once the spinning ended, I could still hear my mom, but this time, it was as if I was looking down on them from the ceiling. Next, I noticed I was outside looking down on the roof of the apartment where we were at, from outside above the apartments. Then what seemed like seconds, I was overlooking this planet! From this vantage point, I felt like if I went up levels, 3 levels of space and found myself in a mansion like place. I noticed red drapes and tapestry of Gold so amazing it was not human made. As I looked around, I thought to myself, “God is vain” his wealth is none like we could imagine. The scene changed, I found myself in a place where what looked like a cloudy bluish place with 12 thrones and one huge one in the middle. The one in the middle was a shape of a man and on his right hand was a small shape of a child. I thought, “What is this place?” Then the voice who always spoke with me answered and said, “These are the courts of the Lord”. From there, I was taken to a place where I was able to look into the sky at a distance, I saw a lot of horses as if those who were riding were going to war. I noticed one rider in particular, and I understood that it was Christ. In the clouds behind them, I saw a silhouette of a human who I understood it was the father watching over Christ and the armies as they made their way to battle.

(Note: On October 8, 2020 my guide Halali-EL made clear the power of "authentication". This account was authorizing, authenticating, empowering me to the throne of earth set forth and foretold 2000 years ago by me, John the divine, Rev. 21:5-7, “5And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, write: for these words are true and faithful. 6And he said unto me, it is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son."

At all these different places, I felt I have been led to see them. From the scene of battle, I was taken,. I say taken because I felt that someone was taking me to a cavern-like place. This place looked grey and gloomy, damp, and cold. There were naked body’s everywhere, grey, dusty bodies. I look around and on the far left, I see a stone dragon’s head with its mouth wide open. I gathered this was hell. Once I realized this, it felt like I started to float downwards. I felt like a feather falling to the ground, slowly moving, sirene, and peaceful. As I was floating downwards, I found myself in a meadow paradise.

Green grass and sky as far as the eye could see. Flowing through the paradise was a little river. As I pan my view from right to left, I noticed a person standing by the little river with his back to me. As I focus on the person, I noticed a white robe and long dark hair.

There was a childlike angel stroking his long black hair, kind of like combing it with its hands. As I looked closer, the person turned to me so I could see his face, it was my dad! He looked at me and said telepathically, “Everything is all right. I’m alright”. He had a smile on his face. At that moment (after all these years, I believe now, this was his way of telling me he forgave me for disrespecting him the last time I saw him alive). I started my descent like a feather, and in seconds, I was back in my body. When I came to tell my mom and Fluvia the vision, they were in shock, amazed more than anything. This to pose a big question from me to God. “Who am I to you that you would show me this?”? The answers to this question would come many years later, an answer being beyond comprehension. Only because of these experiences as a crumb trail in my past was I able to accept answers when they came to me in the future.

Once again and as always this Supra-natural phenomena was without a doubt hard at work.


It was in 1990 that I met the love of my life, Rosa Irene Gallegos. I was in the church now for a while. My mom and I had found a new church. Its name was The Life Church. I got back on track because they showed me things in the bible, doctrine I had never noticed. They said I was not truly saved if I didn’t come onboard with them. That now, by being baptized in their church, in Jesus’ name, I would be truly saved. I ran with it and started my faith in the church once again. Rosa didn’t care much for church but followed me there. Three months later, we went to Las Vegas and got married and lived on our own. I was 22 and Rosa was 16 years old. We were in church together for a year or two. In 1992, the pastors of the church went back home to Stockton California and left the church to fend for itself. A brother named Chuck Burkes and I tried to lead the followers who were left. We tried for a while, but it was not cohesive. Burkes moved on, and we were alone again without a church. For the following year, Rosa and I lived some good times marred by many dark episodes.

(Note) In June 2019, I found a video on YouTube, a woman had a close to death experience where she was dead for a few minutes (The Light bringers - Near Death Experience - Anne Horne - YouTube ), her description was similar to my out of the body experience (Astral Projection) but with some differences. I also found out about "Karma" and how the reincarnation (Heb. 9:7) process is understood by some, what happens after one die  and who is there (Lords of Karma) ready to user humans back to earth (The Resurrection; John 3:3) through deception, I’ll get into this later in the book. Enlightened Self-Governance and adherence to Universal Law is the foundation for a free society.

In 1991, my first son was born. We named him Alejandro Jashua Castro. He was a beautiful baby. We struggled to make ends meet. I’m always making the wrong decisions. They cost our young little family years of pain. Six months after Alex is born, I have a dream that has stuck in my mind for years. In the dream, Rosa and I are walking in the Washington Memorial Park. It was dusk, and the sun is going down. As we look into the sky towards the House of Representatives, we see planes over it and soldiers jumping out. We heard someone yell, “War has broken out!”

As soon I we heard it, we saw soldiers running on the ground. At that moment, I hugged Rosa tightly because it looked like we were about to die. Suddenly as I looked to my left, out of the memorial tombs, I saw spirits coming out of the ground, and they are saying, “There will be no more crying there!” As I held Rosa tight, I noticed we started to change and began to float up. The change to our bodies was so euphoric, a feeling of ecstasy unimaginable that it woke me up in tears. This dream seemed so real, there was a possibility it can come true.

I’m not sure the month, but it was around 1993 when I was in a turbulent marriage. I was married at the time with my current wife of 27 years, at the time, we were in our third year of marriage,. I was 25 years old. I had been going to church for 8 years at this point, wishy washy Christian was the term used at that time for Christians who could not get it right, but not cause’ I didn’t want to live the Christian life how I was told. I just missed the mark all the time. I was troubled by my short comings, but I stayed the course. I refused to give up, I fell in love with how Christ died for us. I felt a strong love towards the man, Christ Jesus that I kept going to church, but still sleeping with a woman and feeling like a piece of shit after cause’ I was failing at the very thing I was set on accomplishing being a faithful Christian. I can’t remember what month or day it was, but I separated from my wife. I thought if I got into church deeper, only in church, praying, and reading the bible 24/7, I could reach a level of spirituality that would give me the power over SIN. At that time,  I was so confused, but I was searching to find a way through.

Since was staying at my mom’s house at this time, a devoted Christian lady, so if I was going to leave my wife and stay at her house, I had to be doing the Lord’s work. She set up a bible study for me to preach at a home that served as a church. The night before I would give this bible study; I was preparing myself, reading the bible praying for illumination and putting together the message. The message that I prepare to preach I titled “Exposing the Work of the Devil”. I got the message ready. It was late, and I turned in for the night. I remember I lay down on a small bed my mom had in a room in the middle of the small house she lived in, a living room serving as a bedroom. Falling asleep, it seemed like just a second, and I was awake. I was dreaming, or so I thought. I found myself -awake but my body asleep, in the same bed in the same room, awakened by a knock at the door. In this state of unconsciousness, I could see in the front room, my older brother asleep, when he heard the knock, he got up and opened the door, (in my dream I thought, “Don’t open the door! Why are you opening the door?!”) Note: What I didn’t know then was the race of aliens who were here millions of years ago according to Zachary Sitchen, “The Lost Book of Enki”. Translation from the ancient Sumerian cuneiform clay tablets and Robert Morningsky state that these beings (Anunnaki/Sirian) were barred from the earth, that they were commanded to turn earth over to the earthlings for their habitation according to their records, and it was made LAW! Jesus having a foreknowledge of these records said in Rev. 3:20, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” He asked permission to enter the habitation of humans!

It’s been prohibited that these beings enter unless invited in by a human being just as what we see here in this occurrence.

As the door was opened, two dogs (2 Annunaki/Enki and Enlil symbolized here) ran in and came straight to the edge of the bed I was sleeping on, ferocious and growling. Right behind them ran in a slender, naked, grayish green man (Mach, the Grey alien). This man jumped on top of me and started to choke me. He put his thumb in my mouth. I tried to bite his thumb, but it was if I was doing nothing at all. It had a fierce, angry look on its face, ferocious. After what seemed a few seconds, the facial expression of this grey, changed. It looked perplexed. His expression changed from fierce to afraid, like if something inside me was repelling him. At that very moment, he jumped off and took off out the front door with his dogs behind him. I instantly woke up, sweating. I could still feel the guy’s hands on my throat my body was in pain, like I was beaten up. I woke my mom up and told her what just happened. We concluded that it was the devil. (In Spanish, Diablo, DA-(Creator)-EA(ENKI)-BAAL (Lord) ENKI's name changed by Enlil (Jehovah or The Lord God Gen 2:2).

Did the Devi want me quiet? It was the Grey alien choking me. Was it the Grey or so I thought? It was clear that they desired to silence me from speaking, but about what? I didn’t know at that time...their covert operations here on earth. For a long time, I didn’t know why I had acquired biblical knowledge as well as extraterrestrial information. They’re not supposed to harmonize, well, now I know...and we all need to get it together and digest the reality that our planet and humankind is under attack. The human species is the focus. It was clear, this Grey was tampering with the belief system they have imposed on humans, "DOGMA" projecting images into my mind, a lifelong struggle to see through the haze of lies and mind control. Also, very apparent was the strength my inner person retains, one they have no power over and fear, Grey alien kryptonite, "Human Self !!!!"

Jesus, though fictitious to some, focused on this but spoke in a different language, not terminology...demons...spirits...powers. And though the language has changed, the message the has stayed the same. A race of aliens called Annunaki remnants with the Grey Reptilian’s are jointly working with global governments, keeping them hidden from humanity for their covert operations of human depopulation. It’s our responsibility, us who have been awarded with this privy information, to give to the masses. Any and all historic information is for us to know who we're dealing with, proof of the tyranny placed on the human species. They are not (Annunaki, Grey, Reptilian) benevolent, but a danger to humankind. Do not make them your gods. They are here lawlessly.

Note: On the 15th of September 2018, a movie entitled, The Predator, was released and guess what was shown as material for the story? A race of Waring Aliens on quest for human DNA. One of the Aliens (ENKI) was trying to assist the humans in protecting themselves from bad (ENLIL) aliens of the same race, and they came with two dogs...Now, I cannot overlook this fact but must consider that what I have been disclosing is not my imagination but actually a reality that they exist, and they operate. The movie shows that they came to abduct humans who have evolved to a higher conscience. A young boy who could understand their technology might pose a threat to them? I believe so....


After 26 years, I still remember that experience, but I never was sure what the experience was meant for. Was it Satan trying to shut me up? Why was it so vivid? So real, and why did it happen to me? At this point in time, after all these years, I have gathered information over the years that the Christian world would never have made available to me, but because I was supposed to know the reason why this happened to me. The eternal spirit has given me access to men and information on the same celestial plain, to give me some answers. I have had other out of body experiences, early in my life, so I know what they are and after many years I’m concluding to know what abductions are. I have watched a few videos on YouTube, and here’s what looked like an old video but significant and interesting: “The Terra Papers” by Robert Morningsky (I spoke with Mr. Morningsky in 2017 in regards to what I was experiencing. His advice inspired this writing.) I viewed it few times over, starting last year. I have gone back and forth, to review the information. The first time I saw it, I could not contain my emotions. There were many points in the information given that had a deep meaning for me, and made my story become much more relevant. I never looked for the supra natural world. I didn’t have an interest. My life has taken the direction that it has, with many tears I have gone along, alone most of the time, pushed along by an inner voice that I have been unable to silence. I pray frequently, I looked inside myself and to the eternal spirit about writing this down. The proof to my claims, the beauty, and terror of the possibilities. The Supra-natural once again surrounded me.

In 1994, I was living on 4th Street in Long Beach California. My wife and I had just moved in. I started working at Multi-Quip in Carson California; my brother Albert got me the job. The company owned the apartments where we had just moved. Me and one of the of the salesmen became friends. He found out we were living with our in-laws so he put in a good word, and the company rented us an apartment there where he lived. I was in the church again, and I believe Rosa and me were doing okay until I started to hang out with friends who were on the street living wild. Not too long after that, Rosa and I got separated again, and she moved out with my two kids, Alex and Jazmyn. Before she did so, we used to go to church. One day, as I was praying in our bedroom closet, I heard the voice I always heard speak to me and say, “Go witness against them”. I had in my mind at the moment a church at 7th Street and Cedar. The name of the organization renting the building at that time was Victory Outreach. I had been to that church in the past. My brother Herman and I were living in a recovery home they ran. It was one of those times when I left my wife and tried to serve God only. My brother was on drugs at the time and in the rehabilitation home. I went in to help out at home. I saw a lot of non-Christian activity going on in this home. The pastor there was not handling the operations of this rehabilitation home in a godly manner in my opinion. I guess at the moment I heard the voice say, “Go witness against them”. I knew it was because they were running things in a fraudulent manner. At the time I heard the voice, I was at home with Rosa and we were going to church. I didn’t go and preach against that church right away. Not to long after I heard the voice again, and the problems started. I had been going to a Neighborhood Entrepreneur Program for business so I think I was losing focus on God and family for money and career. When Rosa left, it was a month or two before I, too, was out of the apartment and back at my mom’s house. I must have left Rosa ten times in the first ten years of our marriage.

When I went back to my mom’s house and I went back to hating myself as well, blaming myself for my shortcomings, a real dosh! I started to pray and look for God to help me get things right. Then I heard the voice again, “Go witness against them”. This time, with a heavy heart, I told my mom, and I went. To make the story short, I witnessed against them on how they were stealing money from people by preaching and teaching that members must pay tithes. This is not even a New Testament church teaching. It is not found being enforced by the apostles as well as that they needed to be holy. I remember I had a vision one night during a church service, while I looked over the church service the minister that was preaching looked obese! And the members looked anorexic! As if the Shepherd was draining the sheep.  They looked worn out and malnourished. Meanwhile, the preacher was engrossed with his wealth. This seemed to me to be the spiritual condition of the church. I must have been out there about an hour preaching when my mom showed up to show her support. Once I was done saying what I had to say, we left. The weight of having to do that was off my shoulders. I felt better, as if I did what God wanted from me. Not too long after that, Rosa and I got back together. It was about one year later that the Victory Outreach Church was no longer there; it closed down. I wondered if it was God’s judgment on them that caused them to close. Did God use me to raise this judgment and the finality was God moving things around for them to leave the building? This would not be the last time a church would be closed due to me raising a witness against it. I only have said what I believe God told me to say.


From 1995 to 1998, I can remember something much of nothing other than trying to make it in life. I was still married with children. I still tried to find a church; I was still trying to make it as a Christian, failing badly at everything.

Around 1998 to 1999, I began to gather a dislike for Christians (being angry with my spiritual condition). If I found them on the street, I would persecute their faith. I thought I knew the bible so I would bash them with what I knew. I was wrong in my actions, but right about the condition of the then and current religious establishment. I was at that time working for the city of Long Beach Parks and Recreation. I was living like a person with no restraints.

It was April 1999 when I got into a fight with my wife.  She always was telling me what to do. She had and has always had a good head on her shoulders. I was always the one with problems. I decided to leave to Mexico for a while. I left my wife, my kids, and took off to Navolato, Sinaloa. There my sexual depravity was out of control. I was drinking and having sex in graveyards, on dead people’s tombs. I fought with a group of men who came looking to kill me at a beach I was at. I should be dead right now, but what God told me as a little boy, “I would never die” seemed like even then God had mercy on me and kept me from it. I didn’t learn from this close to death experience. I made an attempt to bring a young girl back with me to the U.S. and was stopped at the border, got by with was a slapped on the wrist. It seemed like the worst thing I did. I got away with it though, and once I stopped,  made my decision to serve God. Hell was opened up against me. I finally listened to my cousin Ramonsito who I was staying with in Navolato. He said to me, “Cousin, I’ve been watching you now these last few months, and I think you should give this up!  Go home; make things right with your wife and family.” I heard him clear; I never went back to Mexico. But for me, it would not end yet; I had to fall hard here in the U.S.

I told myself that if I ever documented this part of my life, I would speak about two people that are and were very evil and nasty,: my wife’s sister and her corrosive daughter who’s name I will not mention. One was an adult while the other was a young woman with godless aspiration. The younger of the two, would come to the park often where I worked and threw herself at me, she was always looking for men, not boys, men. In my insanity, I crossed a line I should never have crossed; this decision would land me in prison. The real victims in this case was my wife and children, I’ll leave it at that.

It was May 2000, and my wife and I had been separated since September 1999.  It had been more than a year already. This time, I was living at a friend’s house, Trent Waters.

It had been a godless seven months and one morning, at the house where I was staying, I woke up and sat on the edge of the bed. I heard the voice that always spoke to me say, “Look at the life that you’re living.” I had a strange feeling, one that I would later equivocate to an epiphany but clearly the voice who always spoke to me was so clear.

I looked around the room and said, “What am I doing here?” It was as if I was waking up from a bad dream. As I sat there, I felt like if a curtain was pulled off from my eyes. It was like I was being given a look at how my life was going, it was not a good recollection of my life, but it was a clear and accurate one. As if I had a chance to reflect so that I could make a choice, stay living this way or change it for the better. My current satanic relationship with this young whore was brought into my thoughts, and my wife and children. I realized that my wife and kids were more important than this animal I was spending time with. I also realized that to make it back to them and to make it work, I would have to go back to church. I chose to make things right. That very moment, I got on the phone and called the girl and told her to cut off. Keep in mind, my wife went to her house and confronted her, but her parents denied any involvement of their daughter with me. Once I dropped her, they filed a police report. I was charged with 7 counts of brutal rape, which carried 30 years to life in prison, later dropped to a lesser charge, 9 months in federal prison. How was a charge of brutal rape of 7 times get dropped to a different lesser charge? This twisted judicial system, Los Angeles pushes for a 98% conviction rate. I was a victim of this corrupted system. Not that I was innocent, but I was a victim of a system that wants a conviction at all cost.

They never told the truth but lied…the accuser, her parents, the investigating officer were looking to get a conviction. I would go to prison. What I lived, learned and experienced changed my life! The supranatural came to life in a most powerful way. I have said, I would do it a million times over to get this knowledge. Not the crime, the prison time I did. The most unbelievable information I gathered would be the catalyst to this book.

NOTE: In 2017, after 17 years of searching answers to my life's questions and experiences, I still wondered, if the Annunaki remnant/Grey Alien have mentally, physically, spiritually, socially, physiologically and economically manipulating my entire existence. Did they have me set up? I declare, “Yes!” “What were the odds of me being killed in prison for this? "Very high!" I always thought it was demons and my bad decisions that put me in bad situations to destroy my reputation. Not that it has, I’ve been very resilient.

Now after all this time the biblical demons and spirits had names and faces! The very beings who have been assaulting me my whole life!!! Now I could bring some attention to their malevolent doings as a participant to these ungodly acts as well as a victim. This is the real crime. 100% of our global population are under attack.  Their covert operations and dealings are covertly devastating our human race, warring against humans while incognito!!

“Pedophilia, for example, is on the increase; it is a very lucrative, huge, international industry.

The Anunnaki push detrimental behavioral disorders upon the unsuspecting public. This has been done with alcohol, gambling, prostitution, pornography, drugs, slavery, cannibalism, human and animal sacrifices, wars, religions, etc.

The recent revival of pedophilia is also the brainchild of the ruling elite. One might wonder why religions would be clumped into the category above. The Christian Bible is said to be the most widely distributed book in the world. Only the ruling elite has the ability to push such mass circulation of any literature.

The ruling elite often play a double game by being both the punisher and the promoter of certain acts for monetary gain, control, and other purposes. That is, they sponsor and promote certain activities until there is a significant social demand for that activity.

When the activity gets out of control and causes social problems, the ruling elite steps in with legislation, enforcement, and punishment to appear to be the good guys attempting to correct a wrong that just cropped up. All the while, the ruling elite were the culprits. This is akin to corrupt police investigating corruption.

Understanding pedophilia is difficult because many think pedophiles chase after children only for sexual gratification, but that is not always the case. There are esoteric reasons that drive pedophiles, although very few perpetrators would be conscious of these.

Pedophilia is not a modern phenomenon - it has been around for thousands and thousands of years.

In fact, in some cultures, it is quietly acknowledged as an acceptable practice even though it raises some eyebrows. This sickening behavior flows through royal and common classes alike. Despite the differences in cultural and socio-economic situations, there is a common thread underlying such practices - pedophiles "rob" energy from young, vibrant children. All pedophiles are, in this sense, energy "vampires".

Nearly all of the pedophiles are Anunnaki Remnants or they have succumbed to Anunnaki programming. In rare cases, the tendency towards pedophilia could be due to possession of the physical body by an Anunnaki consciousness.

Some ancient cultures believe that the "pure" energy from young children, especially virgins, can heal their maladies such as: tuberculosis, impotence, leprosy, aging, and especially the sexually transmitted diseases of syphilis and gonorrhea.

Often, children from poor families are sold or hired out to rich people to pay off debts.

The pathetic children are then abused by wealthy pedophiles or sick and elderly ones that seek cures. Imagine what an impact this has on the victims!

The Anunnaki do not care what impact their horrific, demonic, repulsive behavior has on their victims and families.

Many people have disdained this behavior for centuries, yet they have been powerless to stop it because the Anunnaki masters are active participants in it. Also, the topic is so shameful, unpleasant, and painful that discussion of it is avoided if possible, especially by the families involved. Many children have been abducted or sold to cater to pedophiles.

Today, especially in third-world countries, child prostitution is on the increase. The internet is loaded with child pornography and sites that solicit child-adult sexual encounters.

Many spam email deal with this topic and are deliberately forced upon people who use the internet. Some people are so addicted to pornography that even their work computers are loaded with it, and it is freely circulated in some offices. In some cases, those who object to the circulation of pornography are being harassed by those who participate in it.

Pedophilia occurs in many settings where youths congregate, such as: schools

youth centers

churches and Sunday schools

scout groups



child nurseries etc.

It also occurs very close to home, with incest being rampant in some cultures. In extreme cases, old men choose pre-teenage, virgin females for wives, using the façade of legality and custom to support their energy "vampirism".

Pedophilia is an important tool used by the Anunnaki in their conquests of various races, planets, and solar systems.

The Anunnaki are "instinctively" inclined towards pedophilia; that is to say, they are genetically programmed towards that behavior. Anunnaki military forces are motivated to conquer new worlds because of the incentive of being rewarded with free access to young virgins that they conquer. Anunnaki are notorious for boasting amongst themselves about the number of young children they have molested or raped.

Most pedophiles are male due to Anunnaki male chauvinism. However, there are exceptions. Some pedophiles are females, and females are often used to solicit and cover up for male pedophiles. Generally, pedophiles prefer to prey upon victims of the same sex. That is, they prefer either young boys or young girls. However, there are also some indiscriminate predators.

Some police forces actively use young children who have previously been molested to act as bait to snare other pedophiles. After the children are abused by those they solicited, the police make arrests, and the prosecutors obtain convictions. These children are almost invariably from very poor families and are often willing participants in exchange for food, alcohol, and drugs.

Not surprisingly, pedophilia is present amongst the leaders of religions.

Eastern gurus have been known to be involved. Some of these have consciously been aware that they are stealing energy from the victims. These know they are energy "vampires".

Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and other religions have the same problem amongst their religious leaders and representatives. However, due to the nature of their religious influence, they are less likely to be consciously aware that they are energy

"vampires". To outsiders, these religious leaders and representatives are seen as people with deviant sexual behavior, which suits the ruling elite.

When religious figures are often found out as pedophiles, their superiors hush up the crimes and allow further attacks on unsuspecting victims in the same location or elsewhere. This is predictable because the Anunnaki sponsored all the major religions.

Esoterically, the life force is usually at its fullest and "purest" state in children. Young children, especially in their growing stages, carry certain aspects of energy that can strengthen sexual and mental powers. This makes young children the ideal targets of the criminals, who are "instinctively" drawn to their victims.

Pedophilia is not confined to the physical world. It also occurs in the astral world, which the Anunnaki also controls. In the astral world, pedophilia usually occurs as thought-forms. These thought-forms are also projected into the physical world to influence the unsuspecting inhabitants of the world. In the astral world, the "vampiric" pedophiles derive pleasure in watching the acts of pedophilia in the physical. In this sense, they are truly voyeurs.

Apart from the vicarious pleasure they derive from watching other pedophiles' activities in the physical, they also steal some of the energy directly from the victims in the physical.

So, energy is being stolen from the victims by physical "vampires" and astral "vampires" simultaneously.

Further, the excitement from the experience also releases abundant energy from the physical pedophile, the astral pedophile picks up.  Thus, the astral pedophile gets a larger share of the energy from the acts.

The pedophile culprits from the astral world are usually from the lower astral realms.

With the breakdown of the astral world, these lower beings now have more ready access to the physical world.

When an astral pedophile cannot use thought forms to produce an actual, physical encounter, they can use the thought forms to directly influence people in the physical world to be drawn towards the behavior in more passive ways, such as viewing pornography, which gives gratification.

People can go through most of their lives in the physical world until the tendency towards pedophilia suddenly blossoms. This is usually due to the influence from the astral or programming by unseen Anunnaki forces. It can also be due to possession or subtle programming by physical agents in the world.

Pedophiles derive a "kick" from their episodes. This is somewhat analogous to taking drugs for a high.

There are many legends about vampires who drink physical, human blood. Some people have proudly declared themselves to be vampires. Pedophiles "drink" the etheric blood of their victims. In severe cases, pedophiles can develop a thirst for physical blood. Many cultures believe in drinking blood to keep them warm in winter and to boost their strength, power, and longevity.

This is just one step away from eating human flesh, which is another demonic Anunnaki trait.

Aliens in their alien bodies have been consuming human flesh and blood for a long, long time. It is no wonder that the Eucharist ritual in holy communion symbolically requires the participants to drink the blood of Jesus and to eat his flesh. Jesus never said this is my body or that this is my blood and to consume them in remembrance of him. This is an Anunnaki invention to program the mindsets of believers and to make a mockery of Jesus.

In this world of exploitations within exploitations, young children are subjected to exploitation by pedophiles, who can often be family members or friends. Ironically, sometimes children who have NOT been abused exploit others by falsely accusing them of pedophilia. Sometimes the false accusations come from the children and other times the children are coached by their parents or others into making false accusations for monetary gain, revenge, or other reasons.

Nowadays, the public is quick to respond to accusations of pedophilia, whether the accusations are true or false.

An example of this involved the Branch Davidians who were stormed and burned to death in Waco, Texas. Police and military forces had surrounded the Branch Davidians and laid siege to their compound for many weeks. To speed matters up, the police and military were bombarded with programming to drive them into a frenzy for the blood of the Branch Davidians.

In order to draw the public into the frenzy to support the storming of the compound by the authorities, stories were broadcast about how children were being molested in the compound. This caused the public to panic and absurdly condone the murders of the children in order to "protect" them from supposed molestation.

Even with the lessened programming at Waco, the vast majority of the people condoned the murders of the men, women and children in the compound.

Programming in this world is no joke. Nobody is free from it. Even the food eaten and the air breathed are loaded with "natural" programming (The Beast satellite/echo star) that adversely affects people physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. That is why this Virtual Reality that is loaded with apparent and non-apparent programming has to be dismantled. Let us not forget to make a supreme effort to pick ourselves up when Darkness tries to pull us down”.

by Amitakh Stanford February 3, 2006 from XeeaTwelve Website


As well as Amitakh's Work I would find in 2019, Cameron Day's work which spoke about how "we", prior to birth, are conditioned unlawfully for suffering in our lifetime adverse situations, that a malevolent group of beings imposes on us prior to birth, by deceitful means, agreements to carryout penance for beings who have committed unlawful actions here on earth, some of us have to suffer for their dirty deeds, Day says, " The primary tool that the Lords of Karma use to manipulate a being into accepting nearly endless reincarnation is the (false) "Light Review." When a person's body dies, they move out into the astral realms and begin to shed most of their previously held identity.

If this process were allowed to occur without interruption, the True Light of that being would emerge from within them, and they would release layer upon layer of limiting beliefs generated in that incarnation.

However, within the realms of the demiurgic control system, what happens is that the Lords of Karma intercept that being just as their light is starting to emerge from within and surround them in a dazzling display of colorful external light. (This is why most of the people with near-death experiences report going through a tunnel of light.) The dazzling outer display distracts the being from the light emerging from within them and hypnotizes them through frequency entertainment and activation of any and all religious programming that being had been exposed to during their incarnation.

The Lords of Karma and other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy such as arch(on) "angels" and "ascended masters" will present themselves in the background during this process. As the individual is filled with a feeling of universal love and connection, they are told that this feeling is coming into them from the external "beings of light" surrounding them.

However, this feeling of universal oneness and love is actually emerging from INSIDE of the being, and it is being reflected back to them by The Lords of Karma and the Hierarchy (Annunaki Conscientiousness). The individual doesn't have any time to reflect on what is happening, because they are quickly moved into the "review" phase of the process. They are shown moments in their life that focuses on disappointments, unfulfilled desires, painful experiences, and hurtful actions he or she experienced during their life. On this biased and manipulated "life review," the being is made to feel bad about their life, which is exactly what the they want.

The Lords of Karma tell the person that though they failed at so many things in their life, they will be given a second chance to go back and "get things right" in a new incarnation. The being is grateful at the chance for redemption, accepts the agreements they are presented with to reincarnate. If that being was raised with a Christian type of indoctrination, they will encounter "Jesus and the angels" but be told that they are "not yet worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven." The fear of being sent to hell is so strong in their belief system that they agree at the chance to reincarnate and become "worthy" to enter "God's kingdom," which is actually the demiurge's kingdom.

After agreeing to reincarnate, the being is then sent to a "heavenly realm" in the middle to upper astral realms to await reincarnation, nicely decorated with simulations of nature, lovely views staffed by "guardian angels" to make sure we go back to earth when our time comes. Of course, those "guardians" are actually parasitic sheep-herders tending to their flock, and there is NO allowance for the beings held in this realm to go elsewhere. If the content of an individual's life, unhealed wounds, and unfulfilled desires isn't enough to convince them that they need to reincarnate, they are presented with an even more brazen deception. They are shown what they are told is their own past life where they committed horrible crimes, and they are told that they need to continue incarnating into adverse conditions in order to "work off" that bad karma.

In reality, the life they are shown is NOT theirs, but rather the actions of some being closely aligned with the hierarchy who made pacts with them to avoid taking energetic responsibility for their actions.

Some of that criminal being's malicious energy is then projected onto the individual who is being tricked into believing that they were once that horrible criminal.

That being then takes on agreements to "discharge" the "bad karma" that they have (supposedly) earned for themselves, never realizing that it was all a lie designed to keep them subjugated and enslaved. This is done to coerce the being's agreement to

reincarnate and take responsibility for crimes that they did not commit, ensuring that the person's next life is going to be filled with undue hardship.

This karmic transference also allows those dark sorcerers who have aligned with the hierarchy to avoid the repercussions of their own actions. This transference is also used on a large scale upon the populace of the planet through forms of mass mind-control and media manipulation. To adequately explain that will require a separate article, but the basic mechanism for how this is done is through subconscious agreements embedded throughout the media, corporate logos, financial contracts, admiralty law, and other "matrix institutions." One more very important aspect of the agreements that are put upon beings by the Lords of Karma are the original "entry agreements" that the beings coming into the corrupt demiurgic realm are forced to make in order to even gain entry into this system. Most of us came from "The Free Universe" to help dismantle the Prison system from within, and this hierarchy imposed an extensive list of coerced agreements upon these "Free Souls" in order to limit their effectiveness. These entry agreements also contain clauses that allow for unspecified hardships to be leveled against a being during their incarnation, including but not limited to: Birth bump to bad parents, physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychic attacks, etheric implantation, dream-manipulation, recruitment into the false lights " lightworker corps," relationship issues, health problems, money problems, physical abduction and implantation, lack of self-worth and much more.

Most of the Free Universe beings coming in were pretty confident they could overcome those limitations, so they signed up. There really was not much option, but some of us negotiated more fiercely than others and were saddled with fewer of these pernicious agreements, but no one came in "unscathed." Regardless of how many coerced entry agreements we have, it is important to remove all of these agreements in order to get clear and proceed with our chosen tasks of healing and waking up others, as well as pulling apart the Prison Planet construct from the inside.

As well as work by James Bartley, ASTRAL DREAMSCAPE MANIPULATION, from TheUniversalSeduction Website.

This treatise concerns the reptilian’s manipulation of the Human Astral Dreamscape for the express purpose of promoting particular behaviors within the abductee.

This subject deals with issues regarding sexuality, aggression, physical, emotional, and psychological stress. This treatise will provide the most accurate information regarding the reptilian operational methods that have ever been presented in history.

Astral Dreamscape Manipulation is a very pervasive form of behavior modification that most abductees experience at one time or another. Sadly, most abductees are oblivious to the fact that this is an aspect of behavior modification that is routinely practiced by the reptilians upon certain categories of abductees.

Most disturbing, this type of manipulation is being perpetrated upon children. Doubtless, the information contained in this treatise will generate a firestorm of controversy. I could care less.

Again, my writings are meant to be read by abductees with a Heightened Sense of Awareness. The manipulated muppets can go off and oscillate at a higher frequency for all I care. This treatise isn’t meant for them. Their reptilian “familiars” would never let them read this, and even if their familiars let them read it, the internet group list moderators and hosted abductee support group facilitators would not let them read it.

So much for free will and choice. Just some more hive consciousness cliches.

The Drac-reptilian hive consciousness will simply not allow the abductees under their control to read this caliber of information. This is unfortunate since many with reptilian DNA are going through changes at this time.

Their reptilian familiars are always on hand to ensure that the reptilian hybrids develop along the lines the reptilians want them too.

Even if a reptilian hybrid baby was adopted and raised by warm, loving human parents, their reptilian familiars would sooner or later make their presence felt and will try to turn that child into an obnoxious obscene “human being.”

One of the principal methods of conditioning and behavior modification is through astral dreamscape manipulation.

The Drac-reptilian hive consciousness will strive at all hazards to keep “their” hybrids under their control.

“A system that does not allow dissent also ignores dissenting information.”

A quote by General Markus Wolf

the former director for East German Foreign Intelligence.

He might as well be describing the Drac-reptilian control over humans in general and reptilian hybrids in particular.

The ironic thing is that many of these hybrid “star seeds” always brag about how special and spiritually evolved they are, never realizing that they never had a choice in the matter.

Their overwhelming contempt and arrogance reveal them for what they are, not to mention some of the perverted practices in their private lives.

Some have slipped through the cracks, however. Some of my closest colleagues are reptilian hybrids that didn’t allow themselves to be corrupted from within. It just shows that it is the quality of the SOUL that counts. Not the genetics.

I will describe how reptilians and reptilian hosts can invade the dreamscape and sexually assault humans.


The Reptilians Hold the Tactical High Ground

The reptilians hold the tactical “High Ground” in the astral dreamscape by dint of the fact that most humans are not lucid dreamers and the reptilians are “at home” in the astral dreamscape.

Besides being paraphysical entities and mesmerizers par excellence, reptilians can shape and influence a dreamscape experience to suit their devious and sordid ends.

Moreover, the reptilians can further diminish what little lucidity and awareness humans may have in the dreamscape. The reptilians are intimately familiar with the way the human mind works, and in particular, how to create certain imagery or set the mood of a “dream.”

With their psychic third eye vision, they quickly do an “experience scan” in your memory banks prior to the abduction or dreamscape manipulation. Acting upon this pre-abduction intelligence, the reptilian may appear to the abductee as someone he or she had a crush on back in high school. At the same time, her libido is revved up artificially by the reptilians.

Not only are they able to manipulate a human’s erogenous zones, but they are adept at manipulating the human endocrine system. Remember: Brain Wave function is regulated and controlled by certain hormones and alkaloids released into the brain and other parts of the body by certain glands.

Human Security Services are already using sonic waves to stimulate particular brain wave patterns which trigger the release of hormones and alkaloids by particular glands nothing simpler.

Humans can be made to have greater psi abilities merely by manipulating their brain waves and endocrine system. And all these New Age La Dee Dahs and Muppets think they have “developed” psychic abilities because of their contacts with their alien benefactors.

As Barbara Bartholic points out, the reptilians know EVERYTHING about us.

They can manifest a credible simulation of a home from your childhood in order to set a certain tone, mood or feeling of familiarity. For example, there can be two or more “human extras” standing around in your dreamscape childhood home. These “humans” are really reptilians assuming human disguises. They wished they looked human. They will use familiar people in your dreamscape to lull you into a sense of security.

Images of friends and relatives can be projected onto our dreamscape the same way electronic countermeasure pods on certain aircraft can project non-existent “bogies” onto the radar screens of the enemy in order to confuse or distract them from what is really going on. There are certain cues to watch for in the astral dreamscape.

Sometimes you can tell the “humans” are reptilians because there may be two that are about the same size and wearing the same or similar clothes as compared to a “leader” who may be slightly taller and always seems to be standing by your side or in front of you.

Oftentimes, they use the classic “interrogation” technique where they will sit directly across a table from the abductee and question them about their beliefs and propagandize them with the Reptilian Credo of Enlightenment through Physical and Spiritual Degradation. They can appear as humans, as military personnel, cloaked in robes, or as full-on reptilians. The lesser ranking reptilians usually stand behind the seated reptilian.

I, along with a close friend who lives in the high desert, was interrogated by three reptilians posing as high-ranking human military personnel. The “officers” were “seated” alongside each other in a high dais.

They were flanked on one side by the federal flag with the yellow “admiralty maritime” braid and on the other side by some other flag. They kept “yelling” at us telepathically and directed most of their anger at me.

I remember at one point turning to my friend and “thinking” to her: “Remember this. This is real, it’s not a dream.”

Later we compared notes on the telephone.

Based on similar accounts I have heard from other abductees and from what I remember from this particular experience, the entities were giving the impression of being “seated” behind a high dais as a means to conceal their tremendous height, which is always a giveaway.

The leaders are usually conducting most of the psychic monologue to the abductee whereas the others just grunt or growl every now and then usually with a severe grimace or scowl on their faces. It’s so difficult for them to conceal their utter contempt for humans.

We must learn to recognize when a dream is our own and when it is a “Stage-managed dream.” The reptilians strive to immerse us in various dramas or scenarios which are meant to hold the attention of the percipient while at the same time weave in imagery and symbolism which is meant to promote certain behaviors and beliefs of which I will discuss in more detail later.

There is also a “filthiness factor” associated with the reptilians even though you may not see them in the dreamscape. The atmosphere seems to be saturated with their foul energy. What appears to be feces may be scattered on the floors. Bathroom or locker room scenes are typified by their filthiness. Large cockroaches and other bugs may be seen scurrying around in the astral dreamscape.

Large Rats are often seen in a dreamscape polluted by the reptilians. These are just a few of the things that are described again and again in the astral dreamscape which create an atmosphere of foul malevolence whenever the reptilians are attempting to manipulate the human’s perceptions and emotions.

It is altogether apt if you ask me. Vermin, such as huge cockroaches and rodents are symbolic of the putrid essence of the reptilians, sewer scum that they are. Indeed, they intentionally use these types of illusions precisely because of the natural revulsion and fear it engenders within decent human beings. Tip there.

Human Awareness in the dreamscape suffers from what military fighter pilots refer to as “Cognitive Saturation.” Cognitive Saturation occurs when a pilot of a high-speed jet aircraft perceives too much visual stimuli at one time and in such a fashion as to not be able to properly control his speeding aircraft for a few critical seconds.

There may have been too many physical features that he perceived through his cockpit and Heads Up Display (HUD) at one time. Mountains, clouds, shimmering bodies of water, other aircraft, jet exhaust, flocks of birds, any or all of the above can contribute to momentarily flooding the visual senses of a human pilot.

Add to this the stress of flying a high-performance aircraft in realistic Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) training or in actual air to air combat, and the margin for error is very slim indeed. Many pilots wind up dying in air crashes as a result of experiencing Cognitive Saturation for only a few seconds.

(The American public, for various reasons, is generally ignorant of the frequent air crashes suffered by the military. Some of the military’s aircraft should have been retired DECADES ago.)

The reader must remember the importance of retaining conscious awareness during our dream life. We spend fully one-third of our life asleep.

No self-disgusting reptilian or mind controller would allow such an opportunity to slip by without at least attempting to manipulate The Mind, Body and Soul of a sleeping human that the reptilians and mind controllers want to control. Each abductee has a certain degree of usefulness to the reptilians, some more than others.

As is the case with professional athletes in such high-speed sporting competitions as Downhill Skiing or Race Car Driving. WE MUST BE ABLE TO SLOW DOWN “TIME” WITH OUR EYES I.E. REGULATE THE INFLUX OF VISUAL STIMULI AND FOCUS OUR DEPTH PERCEPTION WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE ASTRAL DREAMSCAPE.

We’ve all heard accounts of great athletes describing the sensation of everything and everyone around them being in “slow motion” while they were performing some acrobatic feat in a football game or other athletic competition.

They are accurately describing their ability to screen out extraneous or unnecessary visual stimuli and FOCUS THEIR WILL AND CONSCIOUS AWARENESS UPON THE IMMEDIATE TASK AT HAND.

Military Jet fighter planes have a very crowded “Heads Up Display” full of various computer graphics running simultaneously on their windshield. They can unconsciously block out all the unwanted data appearing on their screen and just focus their WILL and their Conscious Awareness on the data they want and the “bogey” they are after.

Keep all this in mind because the reptilians and their minions are masters of creating illusions, assuming disguises, and dimming the awareness of human beings in or out of the astral dreamscape.

In the dreamscape, the reptilians can heighten the anxiety level of the abductee or promote mental sluggishness just as easily as if they were spinning the dial on an FM radio.

Reptilian Illusions in the Astral Dreamscape

The reptilians utilize illusion and disguises very frequently during physical abductions and in the astral dreamscape.

Reptilians will often disguise themselves as old boyfriends, famous movie stars, musical artists, etc. for the express purpose of raping human females. To provide an illustration of the ease with which the reptilians utilize illusions, let us examine in close detail one of their favorite operational schemes.

Reptilians often bring human females to a place with warm pools of water or what appear to be hot tubs or Jacuzzis. Mortal women are mass raped in these wading pool/hot tub environments. Artificial beach settings have been described by female abductees.

The critical reasoning faculty of the women has been switched off. It doesn’t occur to them to question the possibility or likelihood that they are having a sexual encounter with a famous singer or actor. It’s just an operational illusion that the reptilian is utilizing at the moment.

Unless the woman wakes up with vaginal or anal soreness, involuntary discharges, bleeding, or a urinary tract infection, the woman may just brush off the memory as a strange erotic dream.

Even then, she may not associate the symptoms with the strange dream, if indeed she can even remember the dream!

Again, we can borrow a term from military fighter pilots. In our example above, the abductee has lost “Situational Awareness” in the astral dreamscape because of the various and sundry methods of deception and manipulation and have become fair game for the reptilians.

It must be understood by the reader that there is PHYSICALITY in the astral dreamscape. Notice how a reptilian can seduce a woman or sodomize a man through layers of bed sheets, comforters and nightclothes. They densify only those parts of their anatomy where and when they need to.

They can be invisible in the visible spectrum and yet conduct forcible rape or sodomy, a very real physical traumatic event to the human. The woman may see only an illusion of a famous entertainer or musical artist.

There have been numerous cases of raping reptilians disguising themselves as Bruce Springsteen, Sting from the police, Tom Cruise and Tommy Lee Jones. Even Michael Jackson has been reported by credible female observers! On the other hand, some women may only see a close-up of a hideous reptilian face and not be able to move or utter a sound.

And all this can go on with Tarzan lying sound asleep or otherwise immobilized and completely incapable of helping his significant other that is being sexually assaulted right next to him in the bed. If he’s been properly programmed, he will be of no help or support to his Lady and indeed can be quite abusive if that is what the reptilians want.

In short, Tarzan is a complete NO LOAD. Emotionally unavailable and even irritable when the subject of these “nightmares” and “experiences” are brought up, Tarzan becomes part of the problem instead of being a part of the solution.


Various Purposes for Dreamscape Manipulation

Promoting fear is one of the most common and pervasive forms of reptilian dreamscape manipulation. This is ironic when you consider how often the Hive Consciousness tries to compel humans to “get over their fear.”

From the standpoint of what I call “Psychic Security” it is dangerous and reckless to send photographs by mail or internet to people who may be reptilian hosts. The reptilian host can detect the residual energy signature in the photograph and subsequently develop a psychic link with the person in the photo. In occultic circles, this is known as an “Object Link.”

If the abductee is in e-mail or telephonic communications with this host, they are actually making it easier for the reptilian host to enter their dreamscape and perpetrate all manner of vile and perverted actions.

I once had the energy drained out of me after listening to a ten-minute message on my phone machine left by an angry and frustrated female reptilian host that I had identified years ago. For some reason I make reptilian host very agitated. The telephone and the internet are merely electromagnetic conduits, and the reptilians make full use of this when trying to manipulate and control humans.

A common ploy is to have manipulated muppet abductees call up the hard-core spiritual warrior abductees on the phone several times a day to waste their time and drain them of energy.

Astral Sex is physical sex. Although it may sound like a paradox, it isn’t if you understand how frequency and resonance works. Many women wake up in the morning after being raped by a reptilian feeling soreness in their vaginas and sometimes in their rectums as well. The entire sordid experience may seem to the female abductee as merely an unusually erotic “dream” despite the physical discomfort. If that isn’t mind control, I don’t know what is.

I call a drac or reptilian human-hybrid that frequently indulges in astral rape a 'Serial Rapetoid.' There are a number of serial rapetoids active in the UFO community.

These kinds of unwanted nocturnal rapes can create much fear and trepidation and be seriously disruptive of normal sleep patterns. Other women develop effective countermeasures and have even been known to exact some measure of revenge against these reptilian hosts.

Fear is also promoted through a seemingly endless stream of “mind games” perpetrated to confuse or intimidate the female abductee going through these astral rapes. The reptilian may create dreamscape scenarios where he lurks in the background and observes as the human goes through one manipulated drama after another.

The reptilians like to stand off to the side and laugh amongst themselves at the psychodramas they are putting the abductee through. The reptilians literally feed off our fear and anxiety which is reason enough for them to create these types of dreamscape scenarios.

Promiscuity is also programmed into abductees, including pre-teens. The reptilians can turn up the sexual arousal mechanism in humans with little or no effort. The sexual arousal mechanism is activated within humans while at the same time, the humans find themselves in an “erotic” dream.

Through telepathic suggestion and perceptual manipulation, the abductee is led into a scenario where they are encouraged whilst in this highly aroused state, to engage in sexual activity. The sexual activity the abductee is led into may involve reptilians, grays, alien-human hybrids and in some cases with other abductees. There are numerous variations of this type of scenario.

These erotic dreamscape manipulations can occur for several nights running. Or they can occur intermittently over a protracted period of time lasting weeks, months, and years.

Not only will the abductee have these kinds of erotic dreams and act upon them in the dreamscape, but also, he or she will receive erotic mental imagery even during their waking hours. Telepathic suggestions will be utilized to encourage the abductee to engage in sexual intercourse. This particular form of conditioning is particularly effective on women.

A human female that has been conditioned in this fashion can become extremely promiscuous for an extended period of time. Needless to say, this creates a situation where the woman can be set up in a series of self-destructive, negative relationships full of high drama and conflict.

Not only will the reptilians feed off the anxiety and stress engendered within the woman but they will also feed off the sexual energy generated during the woman’s many sexual experiences with different partners.

I know of cases where young pre-adolescent girls have undergone this kind of astral dreamscape manipulation. Night after night, they are having “dreams” involving sexual activity to the point where they become preoccupied with thoughts of sex at all times of the day. They may begin to masturbate to such an extent that their parents notice this change in their behavior. They may even ask their parents questions involving sexuality.

There have been instances when young girls undergoing this kind of manipulation have been known to hide beneath the bed of their parents, hoping that the latter will engage in sexual intercourse. The young girl may become an exhibitionist, walking around the house nude in front of her siblings.

We are talking simple cause and effect here.

Since the reptilians have the ability to stimulate the erogenous zones of even pre-adolescent girls and bombard the mind with erotic imagery, the young girl in our example is incapable of doing anything except act out all the feelings and implanted suggestions her reptilian handlers give her.

In a situation such as I have just described, it is incumbent upon the mother to be a source of guidance and support to the child who is undergoing these evil manipulations by the reptilians.

And more on how these Grey's are controlling and abusing the human race. Our DNA makes some more victim as others.

Work by: Eve Frances Lorgen, MA


Alien abductions extend beyond the physical medical exams and presupposed "alien/human" genetic hybridization breeding programs as premised in current UFO abduction literature.

Alien orchestrated human bonding dramas in numerous abduction cases suggest an alternative factor in understanding the motives of the extraterrestrials’ interaction with humanity.

These bonding dramas consist of alien instigated, "staged" relationship manipulations, emotional and sexual bonding arrangements between two targeted abductee partners, often resulting in dramatic love obsessions in one or both partners.

Several case studies will be presented demonstrating the characteristic signs, symptoms, and patterns of alien directed relationship bondings and manipulations. An alternative explanation and motivating factor for these alien orchestrated dramas will be presented.


Alien abduction research has struggled to maintain credibility in the UFO community and academic world. Its paradoxical nature and lack of concrete physical proof of extraterrestrials thrusts UFO abduction researchers into taking greater efforts in empirical methodologies. In essence–a hard line, nuts and bolts approach.

As an abduction researcher of 15 years and from the perspective of female intuition, I contend that most Ufologists and abduction researchers are so adamant about the nuts and bolts--that they overlook the whole drama of what is taking place in abductees' lives.

Even other well-known abduction investigators, such as Bud Hopkins have commented that many events within the abduction scenario appear to be pre-arranged or staged events in the abductees’ lives. Some of these staged events take place in and out of the classic abduction scene and into the interpersonal lives of the abductee.

Specifically, I am referring to a variety of alien orchestrated human bonding dramas, relationship manipulations, and love obsessions that are carried out in the abductee population mediated through the alien presence.


Observe the Drama

This angle of approach is better understood if you place yourself in the position of a drama director: Imagine for a moment, watching a children's puppet show.

Raggedy Andy meets Raggedy Ann. They flip and flop to the tune of an enigmatic love affair. Raggedy Andy courts his beloved Ann, wooing her to that anticipated kiss.

Raggedy Ann swooned into a spell of romantic love. The curtain closes.

Next scene Raggedy Ann is yearning for her newfound knight in shining armor.

Raggedy Andy sees her, but instead of running to embrace her, he turns around and walks off stage, leaving Ann grieved with unrequited love.

Raggedy Andy and Ann are not really puppets; they're real people who have had lifelong alien encounters. The puppet masters are the aliens playing the role of the proverbial Cupid and his arrow. Perhaps a puppet show is a harsh analogy for the lives of some abductees caught in the dramas of the alien matchmakers. But I adjure you to take a look from a different perspective, one that asks different questions regarding the modus operandi of the alien or extraterrestrial intelligence.

Throughout my experience studying and counseling abductees and "experiencers", I can confidently say that the alien presence - or whoever is acting behind its image - exerts a heavy influence on their lives, sometimes down to the lovers they meet and even the very partners they choose to marry.

Alien Orchestrated Love Relationships in Abductees

Bud Hopkins famous Brooklyn Bridge UFO abduction investigation brought to light this rarely discussed aspect of alien directed human bonding arrangements in some abductees' lives.

Mr. Hopkins recent book, Witnessed, recounts the dramatic story of Linda Cortile's UFO abduction in 1989 from an apartment window in Manhattan, USA.

Three men witnessed the extraordinary event, one of whom (Richard) Linda Cortile had previously met in her abductions as a child and young adult. These mutually shared encounters and dream-like scenarios between Linda and Richard can be described as alien orchestrated bonding exercises.

According to Hopkins, the bonding that Linda and Richard experienced are not isolated incidents in the abductee population, but are rare. Mr. Hopkins has observed the bonding dramas in 14 out of 650 cases, which accounts for roughly 2% of all his cases.

Barbara Bartholic, a hypnotherapist and abductions researcher of 25 years, has observed that many of these aliens manipulated bonding dramas result in dramatic love obsessions. Ms. Bartholic maintains that the bonding phenomenon carried out by aliens occurs much more frequently than one would think. In my own work, I’d say a rough one-third have had either a bonding experience or some kind of relationship manipulation with another person (i.e., shared abductions or mutually shared dreams with the targeted partner) within their abduction experiences.

These may include a classic physical type of abduction, a vivid, alien controlled or "stage managed" dream or virtual reality scenario. The oversight of these dramas result in a serious lack of understanding concerning the alien intelligence and their motives for interacting with humanity.

The bonding experiences exhibit a characteristic pattern and sequence of events that goes something like this:

An abductee meets another abductee during one or more alien abductions or in very vivid dreams. The couple may interact on a verbal or physical level to initiate the bonding process. This can occur several times until a strong emotional connection occurs. The nature of the bonding exercises seems to be tailor-made to the individual.

The bonding interactions may or may not be consciously recalled by either partner.

Often, only one partner will remember the experience, while the other has no memory or only a vague recall. When both partners meet in real life, there is an instant sense of recognition and the couple may fall in love. There are variations to the pattern and sequence of events, but in most cases, one partner falls in love more than the other and is left feeling unrequited.

In a few cases, a bonding with an alien being or spirit guide progressed into a love obsession where it was discovered later that the spirit guide turned out to be an alien masquerading as the "lover".

Supernatural Events and Synchronicities

The relationship between the two bonded individuals is such that both persons are magnetically attracted to one another, often in unlikely situations.

The love relationship set-up may include a number of bizarre synchronicities, vivid dreams, supernatural events, and bonding exercises during alien encounters.

The orchestrated experiences are often intimate and sexual such that one or the other develops an intense chemistry and love obsession with the targeted partner.

Oftentimes, either person is married to or has an existing relationship with another mate. It makes no difference.

The emotional, passionate, and even telepathic connection between the bonded pair is unlike normal relationships (whatever normal is, anyway). Some have described it as the most exhilarating love imaginable, to the point of total spiritual immersion or indwelling with their "beloved." Then the inevitable happens. It's absolutely devastating.

The targeted love partner becomes "switched off" and the love-struck other half becomes painfully unrequited.

The switching off is described as an emotional and sexual disinterest in their once

"attractive" partner. The chosen partner may have an initial attraction or even a strong love for the other, but then loses interest, often right after an abduction or vivid dream. If one or the other abductee correctly recalls of their dreams and abduction memories, they may remember being previously bonded together in one or more experiences.

Some abductees report spontaneous remote viewing images and visions of the intended partner in such a way as to elicit emotions, such as jealousy, obsessive love, yearning, and grievous unrequited love pangs. The alien manipulated love obsession process is akin to a carrot being dangled just enough to get the obsessed lover into a constant cycle of love and unrequited love.

This can extend from relationship to relationship and is emotionally exhausting.

Characteristics, Signs, and Symptoms of a Bonding Set Up Multiple abduction histories.

In most cases, the person had numerous alien encounters and/or UFO sightings. In a few cases, the targeted love bite partner did not realize himself/herself to be an abductee.

For example, one partner was said by the "alien handlers" to have been abducted only for the love bite relationship with a particular female abductee. Memories of bonding scenarios in abductions, vivid dreams or virtual reality scenarios Some have described it as a "stage managed" dream where both partners are present in a bedroom scene set up, where both partners are being given telepathic messages to initiate contact, either on a verbal level or more physical sexual level. Oftentimes either partner appears to be in a tranced-out or drugged state.

Other stage-managed dreams and/or abductions may have the partners in various situations as if they are being tested for their emotional compatibility or coerced into thinking that this person would make an ideal romantic mate.

Supernatural Events and Synchronicities

The uncoincidental coincidences and psychic flashes concerning the targeted partner.

Meeting the person seems to be set up in a supernatural way such that the couple may believe their eventual union to be divinely arranged–match made in heaven.

A first meeting of the pre-bonded partner may set off a series of de ja vu memories, flashback memories of previous abductions or dream-related bondings. Some have even described it as a "body memory" of having made love to that person before. One or both partners have a strong sense of having known the person before, as if they knew them all their lives or a strong soul connection.

Paranormal and supernatural phenomena increase during the love bite set-up. This may include empathic and even telepathic communication between the love bite pair. Spontaneous remote viewing images and mutually shared dreams. Other oddities may include the physical sensation of the partners "touch" or energy field when the other partner is thinking or fantasizing about them.

Strong emotional, mental, and even psychic connections with the bonded partner–such that it sets up the conditions and desire for them to meet one another. The connection can be so strong that they have described it as a soul immersion in their beloved or

literally having their souls joined to one another.

A need for one partner or the other to be with them to the point of becoming obsessed.

This includes the need to meet the person, even if it is in secret, and having to hear the person’s voice on the phone, sometimes calling the person daily or several times a day.

Just hearing the targeted partner’s voice may have a calming effect on the obsessed lover. Extreme anxiety may be felt if the obsessed person cannot hear that person’s voice or see them somehow.

The obsessed partner usually feels "love at first sight" and may lose all critical reasoning ability. Some have described it as having the compulsion to make sudden life decisions like moving away, changing jobs, getting divorced, or going out of their way to do things for the targeted person.


It has been compared to being under a "love spell" whenever the obsessed person hears their partner’s voice. They may go to great lengths to please the person–doing anything for them, even giving up their life for them. Switching off is one, or the other partners becomes unplugged emotionally, leaving the other in a state of unrequited love. Usually, the obsessed lover becomes painfully unrequited after the other partner loses interest, often right after an abduction. It has been described as the psychic and emotional unplugging of the targeted partner.

Unfortunately, the obsessed lover still feels the strong psychic/emotional connection, but the other "switched off" partner feels nothing, leaving the obsessed lover grieving. Or the conditions for the bonded lovers are such that it is impossible for them to consummate their intense love, such as both partners being married to others or living a great distance away.

Emotional turmoil in the unrequited partners life-

These powerful emotions of love and grief may cause the person to be inspired with creative energy, so that they write poetry, music, or any other art form of creative inspiration. Conversely, the degree of emotional pain may throw the unrequited lover into suicidal tendencies, mental and physical exhaustion, or illness.

Profound mystical experiences may also be perceived during the time of increased emotional processing or periods of prayer.

Increase in alien encounters during periods of high drama and emotional conflict These alien encounters may also increase if the person gets involved in alternative sexual lifestyles or increased sexual activity–especially with the targeted love bite partner. Some have reported increases in reptilian activity with methamphetamine or "crack cocaine" abuse.

Some abductees have reported the bonding experience to take place more than once,

whereby they have been on both sides of the love bite; the obsessed unrequited end, or the non-unrequited end. When they are on the non-unrequited end, a platonic friendship may be engendered. Some heterosexuals have suddenly become obsessed with a homosexual, where a drastic change in lifestyle occurs.


Case Studies of the Love Bite. These cases have been condensed for the sake of this paper and can be read in more depth in "The Love Bite" book.


The Case of Sophia and Dave

Sophia, a 33-year-old married woman was on a truth quest concerning her lifelong alien encounters. Her husband George did not share her spiritual interests or fascination with the UFO phenomena.

George was not an abductee and spent most of his time working long hours in his career. His emotional coolness left Sophia lonely and wanting for a companion who could understand. During Sophia’s alien encounters, George seemed to be "out cold" or deathly unconscious. In any event, he was conveniently out of town or unavailable.

Two months before Sophia became pregnant with her daughter, she had an alien encounter where a telepathic message was given which stated:

"We need more offspring."

When the couple’s daughter turned two, she would awake screaming in terror during the night and hide in her bedroom closet, "away from the monsters." This sometimes happened on the same nights Sophia had alien intruding "dreams." During these periods, the daughter acted out with a lot of anger especially towards her father. She also displayed an extreme phobia to bugs.

In the midst of Sophia’s quest for an abduction therapist, Sophia met an older man named Dave. Dave was also an abductee and happily married. When the two met, Dave couldn’t stop staring at Sophia as if he knew who she was. Both exchanged business cards after briefly meeting at a UFO conference and continued to correspond by telephone.

Sophia then recalled "déjà vu" type dream memories of having been with Dave before in very intimate detail, years before met. She became empathetically connected to Dave and had several dreams of him in which she was able to pick up real information on Dave’s personal life that she had no way of knowing.

Dave started having spontaneous remote-viewing images of Sophia, which she was able to confirm as true to detail. Sophia also had remote viewing images of Dave, and intuitively knew things about him and his family, which he confirmed also.

Sophia was in love with Dave and couldn’t understand why she loved him so much, as Dave was many years older than she and not really her type. The two experienced a strong, spiritual, and emotional connection with one another as if they had known each other for years.

Sophia planned to visit an abduction researcher and hypnotist but was detracted from visiting the therapist following an encounter akin to a virtual reality abduction involving military men. She became ill after the threatening scenario and could not visit the therapist. One of Sophia’s main reasons for seeing the therapist was due to her overwhelming love obsession with Dave.

Sophia called Dave often, initiating most of the communication. Soon, she started to get the feeling he was trying to get rid of her, as he became indifferent and uncaring. Even though Dave rarely called Sophia or reciprocated her affections, she made excuses that he was just too busy and really would be with her if he could. Wrong.

Dave was friendly and enjoyed Sophia’s affections. But he was not in love with her. It didn’t seem to matter to Sophia, as she thought that perhaps in the future, they would end up together. After all, the synchronicities, profound love, and bonding they experienced must have been divinely ordained.

Two years later, and with the help of an understanding abductions therapist, Sophia’s love obsession with Dave finally tapered off. It had taken an enormous emotional and physical toll on Sophia and at one point she became very ill. Part of the therapeutic process was for Sophia and her husband George to undergo marital counseling, bringing to light the awareness and effects of alien abductions, and avoiding emotional isolation of one another.

Even though Sophia and George’s marriage is still intact and improved, the love obsession left Sophia very hurt. She loves her husband, yet admits she is not as attracted to him anymore. Sophia’s consolation is her faith in God and helping others.

The Case of Andrew

Andrew, a 32-year-old single male abductee, has had difficulty maintaining long-term relationships with women.

He fell in love with a beautiful, affectionate woman named Sharon. Two months into the romantic relationship a tall, tan, "Grey" alien and a shorter, dark alien in a hooded cloak visited the sleeping couple. Andrew recalled the first part of the abduction with the tan figure, but feelings of fear and foreboding overcame him and the memory faded.

Sharon was seriously distraught and emotionally distant the next morning. Later, Andrew discovered that the cloaked, alien jabbed Sharon in the side with a pointy, spear-like object as the entity warned her to stay away from Andrew, leaving her petrified. Even though Sharon found a red triangular mark on her body the next morning, she assumed it was just a horrible dream.

Less than two weeks later, Sharon no longer had amorous feelings for Andrew and seemed to be "switched off". She soon broke off the relationship, leaving Andrew grief-stricken, pining away for his lost love.

In the next couple of months, the aliens revisited Andrew. In this encounter, he remembered graphic imagery of his girlfriend Sharon being a "slut", having sexual relations with his best friend, making it appear that his best friend cheated on him behind his back. This invoked feelings of intense jealousy, rage, and unrequited love for his ex-girlfriend Sharon.

In another relationship of Andrew’s, the aliens again interfered. This particular girlfriend, Ingrid, did not recall the alien visitation they both shared one night. Andrew remembered the tall, tan aliens in the room and saw Ingrid sitting up in bed, her face contorted in horror, frozen into a silent scream. During this encounter, Andrew attempted to ask the alien, "Why are you always interfering?"

Within seconds of his request, Andrew experienced intense pain and blacked out.

After the abduction, Ingrid abruptly changed her amicable attitude from indifference to outright nastiness, and the love affair suddenly ended.

Andrew’s persistence at pressing the aliens for an answer was met with a barrage of platitudes such as,

"She wasn’t one of us. You are one of us. She wasn’t necessary, not part of it. She doesn’t understand us." And the notorious, "You are not ready yet to know."

After both of these broken-off relationships, the aliens projected seductive images into Andrew’s mind of a beautiful, exotic Tahitian woman with children, implying that this was Andrew’s future wife and kids. The understood message, according to Andrew, was,

"If you stick with us and so as we say, this is what we will give you."

It never happened. The aliens lied.

Today, Andrew is dating a nice woman who is understanding of the alien abduction phenomena. They share a mutually beneficial relationship. Andrew still distrusts the aliens, but maintains a positive and hopeful attitude of overcoming his difficulties and has even had some success in resisting abductions.

The Case of Angelina and Steve

Angelina, a 30-year-old wife and mother of three children has experienced multiple abductions since childhood. Her mother and sisters have also reported encounters with alien Grey's at various times throughout their lives.

In addition to Angelina’s encounters with Grey’s, a tall, 7- foot lizard man replete with tail, claw-like hands and feet, and yellow snake-slit eyes, repeatedly visits Angelina and rapes her. Very often, the reptilian being will physically enter her bedroom at night through an interdimensional portal or doorway and proceed to have intercourse with her.

Angelina’s husband, Dick, does not believe his wife that is getting abducted. He emotionally isolates her and is sometimes abusive, even blaming Angelina for the abductions.

Angelina’s children have seen small reptilian creatures in the house at night and even in the daytime on rare occasions. One neighbor has also witnessed poltergeistic activity and ghoulish-looking beings in their home as well.

When Angelina tries to tell her husband Dick about her encounters with the aliens, he becomes angry and jealous and blames his wife that she enjoys the reptilian "sex"

better than him. Angelina has been turned off to her husband sexually and is repulsed by his human "pheromones" as if she has developed a heightened sense of smell that others cannot discern. She has conflicting feelings of guilt and shame because her body responds to the sexual liaisons with the reptilian male to an unnatural degree–so much so that she is completely turned off to her husband.

Paradoxically, Angelina also reports frightening, violent and unpleasant sexual assaults in her abductions including the reptile being and human military men.

She has recalled other abduction related procedures such as medical gynecological exams, implant surgery, pregnancies and disappearing fetuses, non-pregnancy related lactation and miscellaneous body marks such as puncture marks, triangles, bruises, etc.

In one abduction memory, Angelina recalled being in bed with a man who she was strongly attracted to. She found herself in bed with a good-looking man in a nondescript white hotel room, white bed covers and sheets. They are both nude and she receives messages to make love to this man. They have sex and Angelina recalls being told that she will meet this man named Steve in two months. Angelina noticed that in the bonding "dream" Steve appeared to be tranced out and not as fully aware as she was.

Two months later Angelina meets Steve in her hometown, which is over 100 miles away from his residence. It is unlikely that they would even meet considering the distance between them. The couple has an instant attraction and sense of recognition with one another. They fall in love at first sight and are compelled to continue to communicate with one another.

The love bite pair call one another often and make secret plans to meet one another.

Steve is married to another woman, but going through a separation. One weekend the couple sneaks off for a weekend fling in another city so that no one would recognize them.

While Steve and Angelina are away, Dick is at home experiencing spontaneous remote viewing images of his wife making love to another man. These vivid mental images pop into Dick’s head as if they have been ‘inserted" in his mind. (These mental pictures Angelina has associated with some ball of light phenomena).

He sees his wife in a sexy, teddy nightgown with a man he later described perfectly as Steve,  although the two had never met, nor had Dick ever seen his wife’s new teddy that she had just bought for her weekend rendezvous - purposely hiding it out of the house so her husband wouldn’t find it.

Dick is incited to jealousy and rage, accusing Angelina of having an affair when she returns from the trip. She denies his accusations, fearing abuse, but is shocked he could perfectly describe everything Angelina and Steve did, as if he was right there in the room with them.

Dick is so enraged that he starts having homicidal ideations and obsesses over taking revenge on his wife, her lover,  and then killing himself. During this time of chaos and conflict, the paranormal activity and balls of light phenomena increase in the household.

Meanwhile, Angelina and Steve make plans to get married, but are continuously prevented from being with one another for one reason or another. They both are in anguish because they seem to be prevented from consummating their love and passion for one another.

Dick’s homicidal tendencies subside as the couple goes to counseling together with a friend who understands the aspect of mind control and alien abductions. They try to make it work between them, but Angelina is doubtful things will ever work out.

Six months later, Angelina has another abduction where she recalls beings told, "Steve will not be needed anymore." She also was told that Steve was an abductee just for the purpose of their bonded relationship, but he was "not in training" for any other purpose as opposed to Angelina. Thereafter, Angelina no longer feels the obsessive yearning for Steve and can easily let go of the relationship. She breaks up with Steve, leaving him bewildered. Steve was never aware of the abductions, but only felt a strong sense of recognition when meeting Angelina.

Meanwhile, Angelina continues to have abductions involving Grey's, Reptilians, and human military. She is put through a number of testing and training scenarios in very vivid dreams. In the support group, she and several other abductees experience mutually shared dreams and abduction-related testing and training elements together.

A male abductee in the support group named Scott was set up in a bonding encounter with Angelina in which both recalled the sexual nature of the "dream". This creates a strong sexual tension between the two when they meet. They also experience a psychic link and even telepathic connection with one another. Although they feel a powerful chemistry between them, they refrain from any sexual behavior. Both have become aware of the love bite bondings and purposely avoid any intimate contact.

Instead, they are good platonic friends and enjoy a close psychic bond with one another.

To this day, Angelina is still married to Dick. He has become aware of the abductions and even has had some of his own. They have numerous marital difficulties but have managed to stay together despite the odds against them.


Marital and Family Issues of Abductees


On the surface, these relationship problems appear to be easily explained marriage and family issues.

But as I got a closer look at a number of abductees’ lives and interpersonal relationships, it made me wonder. The psychological swamp gas theory was no longer palatable.

There was something real, possibly sinister, going on beneath the veil of alien contact in these people’s lives. It made me ask the classic question: What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Are some dysfunctional relationship problems due to faulty coping mechanisms of the individual’s response to alien abductions, or have the aliens deliberately contrived these family problems all along?

In my experience counseling abductees, one of the hallmarks of these peoples’ lives is the pattern of emotional isolation.

This behavior can be explained as a result of conditioning, learned adaptations from the abductee’s family members, or reinforced by the alien handlers. In fact, some persons have discovered that the aliens instructed them not to talk about their encounters, making if apparent that the alien presence will go to great lengths to maintain secrecy.

They have often instilled false or screen memories into their victims to cover their true activities and motives.

Some researchers, myself included, believe that the human bonding relationships which result in high drama and love obsessions may be instigated for purposes other than the alien breeding and hybridization program, as one may suspect at first glance. (Although that is a factor that can’t be ignored).

Barbara Bartholic, a hypnotherapist and abductions researcher of over 25 years has studied and defined the love obsession phenomena down to a T.

"First,”Barbara states, "the individuals are set up during encounters from childhood for maximum emotional and sexual bonding. The bonding process sets the stage for the drama of the love obsession. The aliens are somehow able to harvest the energies emitted by the emotionally charged persons. These emotions range from intense love, longing, passion, rage, jealousy, and anticipation of one’s beloved."

Ms. Bartholic believes we are all affected by this phenomenon, not just abductees and contactees. We only find out about this love obsession phenomenon and all its associated life dramas through the ones who do remember.

"The love obsession drama can be played out on a large scale as well." Barbara adds.

"This is incorporated through glamorous public figures or superstars."

The drama-directing aliens can use the superstar images for massive unrequited love obsessions in the general population.

"In short," Barbara concludes, "It is like one big human Nintendo game".

Bud Hopkins takes a more conservative approach and stated,

"The bonding phenomena is not an across-the-board aspect of abductions. It is relatively rare and must be differentiated from group abductions where two or more persons get taken simultaneously, like husband and wife, or friends for various reasons".

When asked the general trend of how the abductees handle the bonding dramas, Bud commented,

"It depends on the circumstances. If they are already married, it is extremely difficult".

According to Barbara Bartholic and Bud Hopkins, the bonding is not always directed towards romantic, opposite sex situations, and can include same-sex friendships and even homosexual relationships.

A noteworthy point here is the emotional energy derived through a series of intense dramas and crises. As ludicrous as it may sound, the aliens may feed off these emotional energies.

I’ve had several persons admit to me in private that they had a higher frequency of alien encounters during the more stressful and chaotic periods of their lives.

As one of my support group members has sarcastically described it,

"The aliens have a way of jerking my emotional chain, putting me through intense highs and lows."


Emotional Isolation and Maintenance of Secrecy - Dysfunctional Families, our social structure, and especially in the Western world, reinforces the precept that "aliens and extraterrestrials do not exist,", and is only science fiction or psychological delusion.

These negating and isolating conditions force the abductee to turn inward or even act out in rebellion against parents, school, religion, or society. The abductee who has been denied validation of their experience will have a tendency to distrust their own feelings, stay in denial or even act out in anger.

When core issues of alien abductions (especially traumatic ones) are not addressed or resolved, a variety of unhealthy coping skills result and extend into their relationships and family systems.

When alien abductions occur, multigenerational, dysfunctional family issues are compounded. As such, abductees may find themselves in unhealthy, unfulfilling relationships that perpetuate the vicious cycle of emotional isolation or even abuse.

These dysfunctional patterns of relating serve to maintain the secrecy of alien abductions.

Resolution and healing of alien abduction-related issues - and the dysfunctional family systems that maintain the secrecy - can only be complete when false and misleading "swamp gas" theories are put to rest. It makes one ask what the real culprit is.

There are scores of courageous abductees who have come forward to share their stories, only to be ridiculed and blamed later by the mainstream or even their peers in the UFO community. For these reasons, many abductees simply remain silent. Volumes of valuable witness testimonies and alien abduction-related information remain under lock and key - by the twin pillars of fear and imposed ignorance.

Whatever the true reasons for the aliens’ interference in our relationships, we may never know, but from what some abductees have reported, the effects are both devastating and exhilarating.

After surviving the grievous effects of an alien contrived love obsession, Sophia poetically stated,

"Even though my experiences have been incomprehensibly painful, I wouldn’t trade them for any other. I realized it was better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all".

I marveled at her statement and could only imagine what the aliens are missing. Life itself.

The Question of Spiritual Warfare

It doesn’t take long for any abductions researcher to realize the alien presence - or whatever is acting behind its image - is deceptive, manipulative, and intelligent. The aliens act both in a physical and non-physical reality, a true paradox.

Their ability to orchestrate elaborate dramas, bondings, and love obsessions in abductee’s lives bespeaks an adeptness with unseen spiritual realities.

Researchers and abductees have reported that as they delved into UFO-related matters and especially abduction-related memories, they were besieged with a number of detracting efforts that served to steer them away from retrieving hard-core information on alien abductions.

One woman in my group named Sophia described it eloquently,

"Once I decided to pursue in-depth research into my abductions, a series of tests and trials assailed me, like going through a gauntlet of spiritual warfare."

If we take a closer look at how spiritual warfare operates within the abduction phenomenon, we can see it manifest itself in the bonding dramas that resulted in love obsessions.

Two targeted abductees are chosen by their alien handlers for their ability to create and express a high degree of emotion within the context of a romantic attraction.

This romantic attraction more often than not results in an unrequited love obsession for one or the other partner– or they are unable to consummate their feelings due to other impossible circumstances. These conditions release a variety of powerful emotions such as intense love, longing, passion, rage, jealousy, and anticipation of one’s beloved.

In the more severe cases, the abductee became exhausted, depressed, and ill, even to the point of suicidal ideations, or brought close to death from severe illness. The dramas that were set into motion in these people’s lives caused a lot of chaos and conflict, some even losing their marriages due to alien interference and manipulation.

The flip side is that some abductees who experienced deep emotional conflict and intense love also reported a release of creative energy at the height of the obsession. In one case, the abductee moved into new levels of ecstatic mystical experience as a result of reaching the deepest degree of her emotional capacity.

Paradoxically, we see excruciating grief and pain of unrequited love on one hand, and ecstatic mystical visionary unions and creative inspiration on the other.

"If the frequency of alien encounters is directly proportional to high drama, chaos, and conflict, then we can surmise that the alien presence is somehow benefiting from our emotional energies. In the cases of bonded love obsessions, a high degree of emotional and sexual passion was present. Aliens have a keen interest in our capacity to feel and express love and other highly charged feelings".

We need to ask some serious questions. What is the true essence of human abductees as a resource for these alien beings? Rather than researching indefinitely with frustration and confusion, ask the question: What are the intentions and capabilities of the aliens based on their ability to insidiously orchestrate such elaborate dramas such as love obsessions?

Within the annals of contemporary alien abduction research, we can say that the aliens are carrying out some kind of genetic human/alien hybridization program spanning several generations. This is what we see on the surface, and it may very well be true.

When we look deeper, we may suspect the worst conspiracy theory imaginable. And somewhere in between, you may get a glimpse of the magic trick taking place right before your eyes.

But where is the evidence of UFO’s and extraterrestrials?

Everyone asks, "Where’s the beef?"

And to this I’d say, "There is no beef. Only chunks of horse meat in a tossed salad of confusion."


Alien-directed human bonding dramas that resulted in love obsessions were a serendipitous observation of abductee’s interpersonal relationships.

Although these bonding dramas did not occur to a majority of abductees, its profound effects and ramifications are of noteworthy importance.

If the alien presence can orchestrate people’s lives to the extent demonstrated via their love lives–then we need to reassess the intentions and capabilities of the alien abductors. Perhaps it is not a far-fetched idea to hypothesize that the aliens play the role of the mythical Cupid and his arrow. And much, much more.

Observing the dramas of abductees lives opened up a doorway of perception hitherto unacknowledged in the more scientific nuts and bolts methodologies of UFO abduction research. I liken this concept to a "blocked memory" only retrievable to conscious awareness by re-routing the neural pathways.

Summarized case studies of alien orchestrated human bonding dramas were presented with characteristic signs and symptoms. These patterns are unique to the abductee population and can be clearly distinguished from other non-abduction-related psychological and relationship issues.

It is of great importance to address the culprits of emotional isolation and the maintenance of secrecy regarding alien abductions within marriage and family systems.

The key to unlocking the mysteries and motives of the alien intelligence lies in the tenacity of abductees to search for the truth of their experiences. Creating an environment of safety free from ridicule and politically correct peer pressure is the first step in uncovering the truth of alien abductions.

Discovering the reality of a lifetime of alien encounters is a Pandora’s box few are willing or ready to open.

A few brave souls have explored the depths of their interactions with the alien presence.

For some, this means the realization that their whole lives have been staged, manipulated and orchestrated at the hands of the alien puppet masters - the architects of human drama.

This realization throws a whole new understanding on the quest and value of human free.

This was so clear to me…I could not have been that deviant of my own accord, it was clear I have been targeted, as well as for death…the very thing that would elude me my whole life,. Thank you, Lord!

After I dropped this demon from my life, I contacted my brother Albert. I asked him if I could have a bible study with him. He had been studying with a group of guys who knew their stuff.  I insisted and asked him if I could study with them. He said he would inform me when he can bring me along. In my dark mind I thought, I’ll teach them a thing or two! Oh, how I was so far from the truth! I was dead in Sin, fooled by the darkness of my soul.

They really did understand the teaching in the bible which helped opened my mind and soul. I heard something about Christ that I didn’t see in the scriptures before. At one point in my life, I felt like no one could love Christ like I did. However, they showed me how, even though I was not physically at the crucifixion of Christ, I had my hand in. I was crushed! How could this be? I realized I had never asked for forgiveness to this heinous crime! Everything I loved about Christ, mainly his sacrifice, I had a hand in? Without a doubt, I emphatically asked, “Baptize me!!” I had to go through a few classes and a process before I could be baptized. When the day came, it was the best thing that happen in my life. I had been baptized a few times before, but this time I truly felt the forgiveness I had never felt.

I reached out to my wife, but she was so broken that she wanted nothing to do with me. But this has its purpose as we will see later. The group of guys who discipled me were from a church named, “LA Church of Christ”. Later, too, will have a significance in this book.


I had been going to church for about a month already in June 2000. The charges against me were filed; I was somewhat on the run. I had been in so much stress that this morning in question I was praying at my mom’s house. As I prayed, I had a vision.

With my eyes closed, in the darkness I could see a mountain. I could see myself -kneeling where I was praying from behind me. As I looked closer and closer on the mountain, I began to notice demons, arms, faces, and bodies of demons. I heard the voice that always spoke to me say, “There is a mountain of darkness set against you!”

“But I will move it!” When I came out of the trance, I thought on the vision. I gathered that God would set me free from the jail time I was facing. I thought this was God’s message to me that I would not go to jail. It was said that the mountain of darkness would be moved. That would not be the case at that time.

On June 26, 2000 as I was leaving my mom’s house on 3rd Street and Appleton in Long Beach Ca. Long Beach Police was outside that morning waiting for me. I went to Jail as a Christian I was under heavy stress. My fear was inexplicable. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. In my jail and prison terms, I would see Jesus face to face. What I mean is that in all the inexplicable Supra-natural phenomena that would take place were reflections of his presence. I did a couple days in the city jail and was moved to LA County Jail Twin Towers. This is where I began to see Christ spirit at work. I entered jail as a Christian, a disciple; I would carry myself as one and perform the works of God. I began to share my faith. I established a bible study group, and five men joined; four of them were to be baptized, but where? Could I ask the guards to set up a baptismal tank somewhere to fully immerse the men? We were in the hospital ward; it was not likely to happen. One morning at breakfast, I was contemplating the baptism of these men, when I heard the voice that speaks with me say “Baptize them in that trash can!” To the left of where I was sitting, I see a large grey trashcan. I thought, “really?” I guess at that moment I the can; I used it as a baptismal tank. God blessed me with four souls realized I would give it a shot. I met with the men, and we all  agreed we would take it into the shower. We filled up a trash bag inside; they were baptized in the LA County Jail in a trashcan. The only ones I can remember were Brother Andre Moody and Brother Dave.


I was already two months in jail and was waiting to go to court for the final hearing.

Stressed out and afraid, I started looking at 30 years to life. As far as I know, my life was over. I  prayed every day for my wife and kids. I prayed that God would repay them all the years I stole from them. I prayed that my wife would find a man who would be for her all I never was, that she would find peace and fulfillment. Never did I think God would give me back to her; the man I prayed for her to someday have.

In jail, God was so obvious; he would protect and comfort me in ways only I could see as His doing. It’s all-invisible with a real effect, difficult to explain, very personal. I started getting messages when I read the bible: I found out that the world was coming to end, and  that the new president, George Bush was going to bring this country to its knees.

These all happened during the 2000 elections. In October, I was finally sentenced to 9 months in state prison. Before I caught the chain to prison, I saw the other four brothers leave, some went to prison, one went home. It was sad.

The cruelty of jail drew out our relationship. Most people are there only for themselves and you never know what they're going to do until it’s too late, but sometimes a person will come along with whom we've shared something special: A love or deep friendship that could last through the testiest times- even if those moments happen behind bars.

November 2000 came around, and I was transferred to Delano State Prison. I was there for reception, waiting to see what prison I was being sent to. I arrived at Delano was processed, and sent to the housing unit where I would be for two weeks. I ended up in a cell with a guy younger than me. He was a very nice guy, not into the prison politics. It was a relief.  I was grateful to God I didn’t get some institutionalized inmate. While I was there, I had a lot of time to think about my wife and family and what I was doing in prison. For the first time in three months, there seemed to be a type of quietness. I began to ask God, “Why did I experience so much supra-natural phenomena in my life’? Who am I to you, Lord? Why when I was ready to sit at these men’s feet and learn to be a Christian, I ended up in prison? The Lord did not hesitate to answer my questions. However, when God begins to send us the answers, sometimes, we are not ready or capable to understand them. That was the case with me so, he started by planting possibilities.

The first answer I got was to my question “Who am I to you, Lord?” I can’t remember how I got a hold of a book titled “The Inmate Below” ,but this book had somehow helped me. This was a book with its own narrative of the life and arrest and subsequently death of John the Baptist. As I read the book, I had a window view of the yard. In this book, John had a window view to the outside. I was struck with the similarities. Coincidence? Not in the eyes of God. He was giving me hints of the possibilities. By the time I finished reading the book, I didn’t believe I was John the Baptist who came back to life; but that thought, that possibility found a place in my heart like never before. I thought, “Lord, are you saying I’m John the Baptist?” I never got an answer. I thought, “Maybe”, or someone else at a biblical capacity. The mind can play tricks on you in a heightened state of stress, fear, loneliness, and every other negative emotions you can think of. After nine months in prison, it would become clear to me who I was. I stayed in that housing unit for a week and was shipped to Solano State Prison where I would finish out the nine-month sentence.

I arrived at Solano State Prison in November 2000. I was a scared chicken! I was in prison on the worst charge anyone can carry in prison. My life like no other was in jeopardy of death at any moment. If you know about prison politics and inmate retribution, you know I was about to embark on the longest near-death experience of my life! But remember that God said I would never die! This would be put to the test. I want to talk a little bit about the conditions I had to live in before I get to the meat and potatoes of this book. I was a first timer in that prison. I didn’t know how things run, only a little that my older brother Greg advised on. He told me I was an artist, so I should sit down on the table in the dorm area and start drawing. It turned out I was the best artist in the dorm.  This gave me a higher social standing than others. This caused me neither suspicion nor questioning by the inmates. Inmates only cared about what I can offer. In this case, greeting cards for their loved ones. See, when you can’t provide, help or protect your wife of children, you feel helpless. Sending home something that shows how much you miss and care for them is the world to an inmate. I provide the very best an inmate could buy. I was off limits to 99.9 percent of the inmate population. I told myself I would be Christian through this ordeal; I would tell the truth if I was asked. Well, that .0001 percent did ask, not that it was their business, but because the devil (or some other entity) wanted me assaulted or dead. I was asked by a hispanic, white, and pisa, the three operating ethnic groups in prison. If my life was going to be in danger, this was it.

Note: I was questioned at different times in those nine months. And every time I told them why I was there, their reply was the same; “Quiet, don’t tell no one”. All three times, I was relieved and amazed. I realized this does not happen in prison; but than what I heard as a little boy must be true; God told me, “I would never die”. I was never asked again.


By now, I’ve been in prison for a month or so, and I started reading my bible from Genesis to Revelation, again. But this time, I would fast for 3 to 4 days straight while I was reading. We were locked down a lot so I could fast and not have to go anywhere.  

There was a strange thing that started to happen when I read the bible. I started to comprehend it like I had never before. I will try to put it in chronological order as best I can. As I explain this unorthodox view of the bible, know that what I discovered were new to me. I had read the bible before, but not like this. I’ll use examples of the most compelling ones that have stuck with me till this day. First, the book of Genesis, the stories everyone knows: Creation, Adam, Eve, their sin. As I read the first two chapters, I began to see two kingdoms, one in the heavens (outer space) and one on earth (Gen 1: 16); God made two great lights, one to rule the day and one to rule the night. Two Kings (Rulers) they would be at war with each other. I understood that there was a king in heaven and queen (for it says that a man will leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife) (Gen 2:24). But if Adam was the first, who was his mother and father? Also, that there is water above and water below (Gen 1:6-7), and it also says that man was created in the likeness of God, Him and Her, a man like God and a woman like God (Gen 1:27 and Gen 5:2) Finally “in the beginning GOD” (Gen 1: 1-31) is the creator of all earth. And in Gen 2: 5 says the Lord God started to bring things into the earth, things that were created before they were being brought into the earth. This view is hieratical! Or is it?

Fourteen years from this time, I found proof on this assumption I was making for it was recorded in another place of antiquity (Sumerian Cuneiforms). Also, I gathered that the Sin of the Serpent, Adam, and Eve was not eating an apple but sexual intercourse. I noticed that for this heinous crime, the woman was cursed in child bearing (Gen. 3:16) it was punishment for her sexual nature. Gen. 3:7 says they were naked, while Gen. 3:15 mentioned about seed or children. Children are the results of sex. On the typology or spiritual description, it reads like this. (Gen. 2: 5-8): “The Lord God makes a garden and puts the man in it.” Trees are symbolic of man (Mark 8:24 - “I see men as trees”). The Lord God put Adam in the garden. Adam has seed of life in himself (tree of life) Eve could see Evil (Serpent) Adam knew the animals, would have known serpents don’t talk. (Gen 3:3 and Gen 3:6) Eve looked upon Adam and saw him as a good provider. He was a pleasant looking man and Eve gave herself to Adam. She gave herself for sexual intercourse, it’s clear. God then punished their knowing how to procreate.

Note: I found information  17 years later to establish what the bible was leading me to know about Genesis, . The Sumerian tablets state the God Enlil or Jehovah was angry that his brother, Enki (EA-BA-EL or the devil), for giving humans the knowledge of sex. I’m not going to argue or establish this point, only that this is what discovered. As I continued reading, there would be more unorthodox interpretations of the bible.

Before I was arrested, I had been seeking God for about 3 weeks. I was praying constantly and daily reading the bible. As I read the epistles, I began to gather that God wanted us to be holy. I say, us as a church. The brothers to be holy, at this point I felt we could all be holy together. It would honor God. But most people in the church didn’t feel the same way. In time, I realized that it was for me only. I say only because I got so much opposition from Christians. I really never understood why so many Christians rather live a mediocre life in Christ when they, too, could live a powerful and fulfilled life in obedience to God. Easier said than done. I felt the backlash. One sister said to me, “That’s just semantics”. What a sad and defeated perspective from a leader in the church. I often asked myself, is the bride truly on earth? Does his holy church exist? These first questions regarding the true earthly church would one day be answered.


One night when I was in prison, maybe in June 2001, I had a dream. In my dream, I was at my friend Victors house.  I would be at his house a lot as a youngster, doing things I should not have been doing. In my dream, someone was leading me from the front of his house on Pasadena Ave. and Willow, to the back of the house to what was a separate bedroom. When I got to the door of the room, the person leading me there said, “It’s happened in there!” I thought to myself, what happened in there? As I walked into the bedroom, I looked at the bed that was in there, and it was twisting like a cauldron of filth and muck. I could feel a sickening evil feeling I never felt before, the nastiest, nauseating feeling I ever felt. As I looked at it, it tried to pull me in as if it was a world pool! As I pulled away, I heard these words, “SEX IS DEATH!” Over and over again! “SEX IS DEATH!” Louder and louder till I woke up still feeling gross and filthy. There are no words to explain how that felt. I thought on that vivid dream for a very long time. It took years for me to finally know what the message from that dream would ultimately entail. I found where eternal life ended and death for humans began, detailed in the account of ORDO AB CAOS. The understanding of this message is the true key to life and death, as we will see.

Later in 2016, I learned the true meaning of “SEX IS DEATH” in my research studies.

As an initiate, I was shown the hidden knowledge of “ONENESS” this hidden knowledge only accessible to the truly enlightened. I was not given this knowledge by human assistance but rather by a spiritual guild who led me to the Akashic records.

Later, I would have the honor of knowing his name, HALALI-EL the voice who always spoke to me had a name.


 It was February 2001, and we are on lock down. The chronology of the next events I can only try to put in place, the exact order could be different, but it all was in the span of February through  June 2001. First, the world was going to end in my lifetime and that the church needs to be holy, sinless during this time and date. I gathered Christ would return and that the church had all the tools to be holy and ready. The Church had to be holy. Its holiness and faithful relationship with Christ is the reason why Christ would return, for a ready bride. That holiness was the power of Christendom. I realized all this time prior to prison I was looking for the perfect church. Everyone said it didn’t exist, and they were right, but I still did not embrace that. I figured it has to exist. Not then and for a long time was I not able to recognize what was happening in my lifetime in regards to an apostate church, that would change, as we will see. Secondly, as I read the gospels these few months, I began to see and understand things in them that I didn’t before such as the resurrection. How the resurrection came back in to the world to abide with Christ. (John 3:1-3) I noticed Jesus told Nicodemus about how the resurrection had to come back from death; people have to be born from a woman, water and spirit a second time.

Jesus said unless you come back from death (physical death) you couldn’t enter the kingdom of heaven. I know today that this passage is truth, and it points to the kingdom that Jesus and Mary Magdalene established. Could I be linked directly by bloodline to the ancestors of Jesus? Let’s see what God began to show me. Here’s a linguistic lesson. My last name is Castro, its root word is Castle or in Spanish Castillo. In ancient times, castles were forts or military strong holds. By meaning, a secure place, fastened/fasten/fast, unmovable, strong and secure. Now, some words are pronounced different but have the same meaning. In this case, Castro is pronounced different in different languages keeping the same meaning in this case the word I found in the Hebrew for fast, strength/strong, secure and unmovable is BOAZ (2 Chronicles 3:17 And he reared up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand, and the other on the left; and called the name of that on the right hand Jachin, and the name of that on the left BOAZ.) and (1 Chronicles 2:12-  “And Boaz begat Obed, and Obed begat Jesse; from whom Jesus was born”; Acts 13:22-  “And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfill all my will, Matthew 1:6 And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias;) So you see, the proof is falling in place effortlessly! A holy kingdom, a physical one that because of it, all other kingdoms would fall, according to (Daniel 2:44) now you might say, but this supposed kingdom (the Merovingian dynasty) no longer exists? If every heir of this kingdom was dead, then yes I would say it no longer exists. I do know it will rise again; I might be the last blood heir and the first to resurrect and take knowledge of it.

Note Castro is a surname connected to farming since the fertile plains in Mesopotamia.

BOAZ was a farmer.  

First, according to (Matthew 16:18 the gates of hell shall not prevail against it). But the book of (Revelation 13:7 and it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.) So, we know that they would be overcome or conquered. Now according to (Rev 19:7 - “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready”). After a long fight, she came down from heaven, the true church the Sinless Resurrected church! This I found here to further support my findings, that not only in my head was this being received, but in the world, others have documented the same:

(Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Jesus’ bloodline) The Jesus bloodline is a hypothetical sequence of lineal descendants of the historical Jesus and some woman, usually portrayed as his wife or a hierodule. Differing and contradictory versions of a Jesus bloodline hypothesis have been proposed in numerous books by authors such as Louis Martin (1886), Donovan Joyce (1973), Andreas Faber-Kaiser (1977), Barbara Thiering (1992), Margaret Starbird (1993), and various websites. Dan Brown's novel The Da Vinci Code used the premise for its plot line. The 2007, documentary The Lost Tomb of Jesus proposed that evidence existed to show that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and that their son was named Judah, based upon inscriptions found on ossuaries discovered in Jerusalem in 1980. Biblical scholar and author, James Tabor, has recently affirmed his belief in a married Jesus, while Karen King announced the discovery of text in a Coptic papyrus fragment, alleged to be a translation of a lost 2nd century gospel, in which Jesus is made to refer to "my wife". That fragment is now considered, by most experts, to be a fake.

Hypothetical Jesus bloodlines should not be confused with the biblical genealogy of Jesus or the historical relatives of Jesus and their descendants, who are known as the Desposyni, the history of the hypothesis.

The 13th century Cistercian monk and chronicler, Peter of Vaux de Cernay, claimed it was part of Catharist belief that the earthly Jesus Christ had a relationship with Mary Magdalene, described as his concubine.

Early Mormon leaders Jedediah M. Grant, Orson Hyde, Joseph F. Smith and Orson Pratt stated it was part of their religious belief that Jesus Christ was polygamous, quoting this in their respective sermons. The Mormons also used an apocryphal passage attributed to the 2nd century Greek philosopher, Celsus: "The grand reason why the gentiles and philosophers of his school persecuted Jesus Christ was because he had so many wives. There were Elizabeth and Mary and a host of others that followed him". This appears to have been a summary of a garbled or second-hand reference to a quote from Celsus the Platonist preserved in the apologetic work Contra Celsum ("Against Celsus") by the Church Father Origen: "such was the charm of Jesus' words, that not only were men willing to follow Him to the wilderness, but women also, forgetting the weakness of their sex and a regard for outward propriety in thus following their Teacher into desert places."

The French 19th-century socialist politician, Louis Martin (pseudonym of Léon Aubry, died 1900), in his 1886 book, Les Evangiles sans Dieu described the historical Jesus as a turned atheist, who had married Mary Magdalene, and that both had travelled to the South of France, where they had a son.

The Jesus bloodline hypothesis which held that the historical Jesus had married Mary Magdalene and fathered a child with her was brought to the attention of the general public again in the 20th century by Donovan Joyce in his 1973 book, The Jesus Scroll. In his 1977 book, Jesus died in Kashmir: Jesus, Moses, and the ten lost tribes of Israel, Andreas Faber-Kaiser explored the legend that Jesus met, married and had several children with a Kashmiri woman. The author also interviewed the late Basharat Saleem who claimed to be a Kashmiri descendant of Jesus. Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln developed and popularized the hypothesis that a bloodline from Jesus and Mary Magdalene eventually became the Merovingian dynasty in their 1982 book, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, in which they asserted: The symbolic significance of Jesus is that he is God exposed to the spectrum of human experience –exposed to the first-hand knowledge of what being a man entails. But could God, incarnate as Jesus, truly claim to be a man, to encompass the spectrum of human experience, without coming to know two of the most basic, most elemental facets of the human condition? Could God claim to know the totality of human existence without confronting two such essential aspects of humanity as sexuality and paternity? We do not think so. In fact, we do not think the Incarnation truly symbolizes what it is intended to symbolize unless Jesus were married and sired children. The Jesus of the Gospels, and of established Christianity, is ultimately incomplete – a God whose incarnation as man is only partial. The Jesus who emerged from our research enjoys, in our opinion, a much more valid claim to what Christianity would have him be. In her 1992 book, Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Unlocking the Secrets of His Life Story, Barbara Thiering also developed a Jesus and Mary Magdalene bloodline hypothesis, basing her historical conclusions on her application of the so-called Pesher technique to the New Testament. In her 1993 book, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar: Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail, Margaret Starbird developed the hypothesis that Saint Sarah was the daughter of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and that this was the source of the legend associated with the cult at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. She also noted that the name "Sarah" meant "Princess" in Hebrew, thus making her the forgotten child of the "sang réal", the blood royal of the King of the Jews. In his 1996 book Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed, Laurence Gardner presented pedigree charts of Jesus and Mary Magdalene as the ancestors of all the European royal families of the Common Era. His 2000 sequel Genesis of the Grail Kings: The Explosive Story of Genetic Cloning and the Ancient Bloodline of Jesus is unique in claiming that not only can the Jesus bloodline truly be traced back to Adam and Eve but that the first man and woman were primate-alien hybrids created by the Anunnaki of ancient astronaut theory.

The 2000 book Rex Deus: The True Mystery of Rennes-Le-Chateau and the Dynasty of Jesus, Marylin Hopkins, Graham Simmans and Tim Wallace-Murphy developed a hypothesis based on a 1994 testimony by "Michael Monkton" (who claimed to be descended from Hugues de Payens), that a Jesus and Mary Magdalene bloodline was part of a shadow dynasty descended from twenty-four high priests of the temple in Jerusalem known as "Rex Deus" – the "Kings of God". The Da Vinci Code Main article: The Da Vinci Code, the 2003 conspiracy fiction novel, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, accepted some of the above hypotheses as being valid. Elements of some Jesus bloodline hypotheses were propounded by the 2007 documentary film, The Lost Tomb of Jesus by Simcha Jacobovici, focusing on the Talpiot Tomb discovery, which was also published as a book entitled, The Jesus Family Tomb. In 2007, psychic medium Sylvia Browne released the book, "The Two Marys: The Hidden History of the Mother and Wife of Jesus", in which she tries to further validate the possibility of Jesus and Mary Magdalene producing a family. Bloodline documentary Main article: Bloodline (documentary) The 2008 documentary Bloodline by Bruce Burgess, a filmmaker with an interest in paranormal claims, expands on the Jesus bloodline hypothesis and other elements of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. Accepting as valid the testimony of an amateur archaeologist codenamed "Ben Hammott" relating to his discoveries made in the vicinity of Rennes-le-Château since 1999; Burgess claims Ben has found the treasure of Bérenger Saunière: a mummified corpse, which they believe is Mary Magdalene, in an underground tomb they claim is connected to both the Knights Templar and the Priory of Sion. In the film, Burgess interviews several people with alleged connections to the Priory of Sion, including a Gino Sandri and Nicolas Haywood. A book by one of the documentary's researchers, Rob Howells, entitled Inside the Priory of Sion: Revelations from the World's Most Secret Society - Guardians of the Bloodline of Jesus presented the version of the Priory of Sion as given in the 2008 documentary, which contained several erroneous assertions, such as the claim that Plantard believed in the Jesus bloodline hypothesis. By 21 March 2012 Ben Hammott confessed and apologised on Podcast interview (using his real name Bill Wilkinson) that everything to do with the tomb and related artifacts was a hoax; revealing that the actual tomb was now destroyed, being part of a full-sized set located in a warehouse in England. In September 2012, at the International Congress of Coptic Studies in Rome, professor Karen L. King announced the discovery of a fourth-century papyrus fragment she and a colleague referred to as the Gospel of Jesus' wife. The small piece of papyrus includes text in Egyptian Coptic with the words, "Jesus said to them, 'my wife...'". The fragment has led to a revival of theories and discussion about a possible bloodline. The name of Jesus' wife is not given in the papyrus fragment. Following extensive study and analysis, experts concluded that the fragment was likely written in the same ink and by the same hand as a known forgery. As a result, the fragment is now considered to be a fake.

In November 2014, Professor Barrie Wilson and Simcha Jacobovici suggested that a 6th-century manuscript written by Zacharias Rhetor held in the archives of the British Library told the tale of Jesus and Mary Magdalene under the pseudonyms of "Joseph" and "Aseneth". According to the text, the two were married and had two children. The encrypted tale is suggested to have been based on a lost gospel which was destroyed around the time of the first Christian Roman Emperor, Constantine Claimants: The following is a list of persons who have publicly claimed to be from a Jesus bloodline, or have had such a claim made about them: Basharat Saleem, the late Kashmiri caretaker of the Martyr's Tomb of Yuz Asaf in Srinagar. Michel Roger Lafosse, a Belgian false pretender to the throne of the former Kingdom of Scotland.

Kathleen McGowan, an American author, lyricist and screenwriter; Sajiro Sawaguchi, a Japanese man living in Shingō, Aomori; Suzanne Olsson, linked to the Roza Bal shrine of Sufi saint Yuz Asaf in Srinagar (she has subsequently renounced this claim);Adherence; In reaction to The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, The Da Vinci Code, and other controversial books, websites, and films on the same theme, a significant number of individuals in the late 20th and early 21st centuries have adhered to a Jesus bloodline hypothesis despite its lack of substantiation. While some simply entertain it as a novel intellectual proposition, others hold it as an established belief thought to be authoritative and not to be disputed. Prominent among the latter are those who expect a direct descendant of Jesus will eventually emerge as a great man and become a messiah, a Great Monarch who rules a Holy European Empire, during an event which they will interpret as a mystical second coming of Christ. The eclectic spiritual views of these adherents are influenced by the writings of iconoclastic authors from a wide range of perspectives. Authors like Margaret Starbird and Jeffrey Bütz often seek to challenge modern beliefs and institutions through a re-interpretation of Christian history and mythology. Some try to advance and understand the equality of men and women spiritually by portraying Mary Magdalene as the apostle of Christian feminism. Even the personification of the mother goddess or sacred feminine, usually associating her with the Black Madonna. Some wish the ceremony that celebrated the beginning of the alleged marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene to be viewed as a "holy wedding"; and Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and their alleged daughter, Sarah, to be viewed as a "holy family", in order to question traditional gender roles and family values.

Almost all these claims are at odds with scholarly Christian apologetics, and have been dismissed as being New Age Gnostic heresies. No mainstream Christian denomination has adhered to a Jesus bloodline hypothesis as a dogma or an object of religious devotion since they maintain that Jesus, believed to be God the Son, was perpetually celibate, continent and chaste, and metaphysically married to the Church; he died, was resurrected, ascended to heaven, and will eventually return to earth, thereby making all Jesus bloodline hypotheses and related messianic expectations impossible. Many fundamentalist Christians believe the Antichrist, prophesied in the Book of Revelation, plans to present himself as descended from the Davidic line to bolster his false claim that he is the Jewish Messiah.[46] Such propaganda would intend to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of Jews and Philo-Semites to achieve his Satanic objectives. An increasing number of fringe Christian eschatologists believe the Antichrist may also present himself as descended from the Jesus bloodline to capitalize on growing adherence to the hypothesis in the general public. Criticism; Jesus’ bloodline hypotheses parallel other legends about the flight of disciples to distant lands, such as the one depicting Joseph of Arimathea traveling to England after the death of Jesus, taking with him a piece of thorn from the Crown of Thorns, which he later planted in Glastonbury. Historians generally regard these legends as "pious fraud" produced during the Middle Ages. The Jesus bloodline hypothesis from the book, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, is not contained in any of the "Priory of Sion documents" and was dismissed as fiction by Pierre Plantard in 1982 in a French radio interview, as well as by Philippe de Cherisey in a magazine article. However, Plantard's "Priory of Sion" documents prior to 1956 were found to be forgeries that were planted in French institutions to be later "rediscovered". Plantard only claimed that the Merovingians were descended from the Tribe of Benjamin, which contradicts the hypothesis of a Jesus bloodline as the missing link between the Merovingian line and the Davidic line from the Tribe of Judah. The notion of a direct bloodline from Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and its supposed relationship to the Merovingians (as well as their alleged modern descendants: House of Habsburg, Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg, Clan Sinclair, House of Stuart, House of Cavendish, House of Bourbon, House of Orléans and other noble families), is strongly dismissed as pseudohistorical by a qualified majority of Christian and secular historians such as Darrell Bock and Bart D. Ehrman, along with journalists and investigators such as Jean-Luc Chaumeil, who has an extensive archive on this subject matter.

In 2005, UK TV presenter and amateur archaeologist Tony Robinson edited and narrated a detailed rebuttal of the main arguments of Dan Brown and those of Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, "The Real Da Vinci Code", shown on Channel 4.The program featured lengthy interviews with many of the main protagonists, and cast severe doubt on the alleged landing of Mary Magdalene in France, among other related myths, by interviewing on film the inhabitants of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, the centre of the cult of Saint Sarah.

The Jesus bloodline hypothesis from the book Rex Deus: The True Mystery of Rennes-Le-Chateau and the Dynasty of Jesus hinges on the testimony of the authors' anonymous informant, "Michael", who claimed to be a Rex Deus scion. Evidence supporting the hypothesis was supposedly lost, and therefore cannot be independently verified, because Michael claimed that it was contained in his late father's bureau, which was sold by his brother unaware of its contents. Some critics point out the informant's account of his family history seems to be based on the controversial work of Barbara Thiering.

Robert Lockwood, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh’s director for communications, sees the notion of the Church conspiring to cover up the truth about a Jesus bloodline as a deliberate piece of anti-Catholic propaganda. He sees it as part of a long tradition of anti-Catholic sentiment with deep roots in the American Protestant imagination but going back to the very start of the Reformation of 1517.

Although Jesus bloodline hypotheses were not submitted to the judgment of the Jesus Seminar, a group of scholars involved in the quest for the historical Jesus from a liberal Christian perspective, they were unable to determine whether Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a matrimonial relationship due to the dearth of historical evidence. They concluded that the historical Mary Magdalene was not a repentant prostitute but a prominent disciple of Jesus and a leader in the early Christian movement. Bart D.

Ehrman, who chairs the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina, commented that, although some historical scholars who claim that it is likely that Jesus was married, the vast majority of New Testament and early Christianity scholars find such a claim to be historically unreliable.

Ultimately, the notion that a person living millennia ago has a small number of descendants living today is statistically improbable. Steve Olson, author of Mapping Human History: Genes, Race, and Our Common Origins, published an article in Nature demonstrating that, as a matter of statistical probability: If anyone living today is descended from Jesus, so are most of us on the planet.

Historian Ken Mondschein ridiculed the notion that the bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene could have been preserved: Infant mortality in pre-modern times was ridiculously high, and you'd only need one childhood accident or disease in 2,000 years to wipe out the bloodline … keep the children of Christ marrying each other, on the other hand, and eventually they'd be so inbred that the sons of God would have flippers for feet.

Chris Love grove, who reviewed The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail when first published in 1982, dismissed the significance of a Jesus bloodline, even if it were proven to exist despite all evidence to the contrary:

If there really is a Jesus dynasty – so what? This, I fear, will be the reaction of many of those prepared to accept the authors' thesis as possible, and the book does not really satisfy one's curiosity in this crucial area.)

The Merovingian Dynasty! Christ Blood born decedents. The history, Property, wealth, and place of stewardship of humankind were stolen from us, but only till we could be perfected in death! As Christ died, never to die again, likewise us. We have the right and power to live forever. (Hebrews 9:27And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment), and once judged, God appointed a time for the resurrection, (1 Corinthians 15:54Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be fulfilled: "Death is swallowed up in victory.)

……………. It’s Called Sinless.


So by now, I had an understanding on how the resurrection worked,. God started to ask me, in that voice that always spoke with me, “Could you be someone who lived in the past”? Remember in Delano I started to gather that the Holy Spirit was beginning to reveal to me the answer to my question. I asked God, “Who am I to you that you have allowed to experience all these things”? By this time, I’m in the book of John. I noticed that John always spoke in the second person, because he spoke about himself without putting himself out there. Example (1John 1:4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. He spoke like this to hide it for the time of the apocalypse, to the true child of God would understand his writings (Revelations 2:7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches; To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.) Someone would be born someday who was meant to understand the books John wrote. This was done so that the resurrected John would regain knowledge of who he was.  Reading, hearing and understanding would embolden him to follow up on his passions and intuitive directions.  The proof would emerge. In the gospel of John was the revelation of the resurrection, and also the offer. Jesus knew who it was who loved him, more than the rest (John 14:15-25, 15If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. 16I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; 17that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you. 18I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also. 20In that day, you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. 21He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him. 22Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, what then has happened that You are going to disclose Yourself to us and not to the world?” 23Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him. 24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father who sent Me. 25These things I have spoken to you while abiding with you.) Even though Christ knew who loved him, he was fair and made this offer to them all, “If” anyone loves me! Now I kept reading and found that at Jesus crucifixion there was very little dialogue with Christ and those at the foot of the cross, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jesus and the disciple who Jesus loved, (John 19:25-27 25 Therefore the soldiers did these things. But standing by the cross of Jesus were His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus then saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, “Woman, behold, your son!” 27 Then He said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” From that hour the disciple took her into his own household.) Once again, John spoke in the second person, but why did Jesus utter these words and turn his mother over to the care of John? Because he was putting John in his place.  He was making the Christ to come! Jesus had other brothers to take care of his mother. It was Jew custom that the eldest male would take care of the mother after the father dies, likewise, if the elder dies, the next eldest would assume the responsibility. So, it was not for that purpose but to establish his continual purpose on earth and establish his earthly eternal kingdom. The one who loved him got the greatest place; the least became the greatest! (Matthew 18:1-5, At that time, the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.) John would have to be born again, become a child. Once this process was accomplished, the world would be welcoming Christ! We know John was chosen to because he was never supposed to die. Let us look at (John 21:20-24 20 Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them; the one who also had leaned back on His bosom at the supper and said, “Lord, who is the one who betrays You?” 21 Peter seeing him said to Jesus, “Lord, and what about this man?” 22Jesus said to him, “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!” 23Therefore, this saying went out among the brethren that that disciple would not die; yet Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but only, “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you?”

24This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and wrote these things, and we know that his testimony is true:) (John 11:26 “and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die”.) John would never die. Took me a lifetime of hearing this in my head so that I would believe when I got this revelation. Jesus said, “Anything is possible for him who believes”. What happened is that Jesus always said, “I do what I see my father do”.

(John 5:16; Then Jesus answered and said unto them, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise). So likewise, he would do the same, have a son that would keep his commandments as he kept the commandments of his father.

Likewise, he would leave his words, his blood his testaments to become living flesh.

One day, his words would become a living soul the living word! A is the first letter in the alphabet, The Alpha! First class, beginning, or the very best; grade A. Lex is a dictionary or meaning.

Note: (On Dec 20, 2017,  I learned a few things about the word Akashic; it's defined as "Meaning"; It is one of the Panchamahabhuta, or "five gross elements"; its main characteristic is Shabda (sound). The direct translation of Akasha is the word meaning "upper sky" or 'space' in Hinduism. ... They exclude the fifth, Akasha, because its existence cannot be perceived; Meaning of name Akash.

Etymology: Means "open space, sky" in Sanskrit. Saint: Origin : Indian....It’s as well known as the biblical "BOOK OF LIFE"!! I have been given the right to read the book of life, I was taken long ago to the Akashic Records where I was given the knowledge of who I my name itself is associated with it.) A dictionary is a book with words compiled together. They give meaning, to “REVEAL” or explain what things mean. John was called “THE REVELATOR”. A-LEX, “A” first, “Lex” word, Alpha the first word, the word of God. Wow! John was called the beloved. (Rev. 3:12, “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar (Boaz/Castro) in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name). Its May 2000 as I was gathering this understanding, my sister Lorena sent me a greeting card, when I opened it on the front of the card it read, “Alejandro” and underneath it read “beloved of God”! WOW! Now, does the bible teach us that Jesus would have a Son? Let’s see what the bible says in Revelation 19:11-16- 11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. 12His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on him, which no one knows except Himself. Rev. 2:17, “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.”13He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. 14And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. 15From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. 16And on His robe and on His thigh, He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS”.) And it can’t be clearer that Jesus in the scripture says he would have a Son. (Revelation 21:5-7 5 And He who sits on the throne said,

“Behold, I am making all things new.” And He said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.” 6 Then He said to me, “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost. 7He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My Son.) The overcomer of Revelation: 2-4 is John.

Alejandro means, “Defender of Men”. In the 2009 movie “Hancock” was a story of a couple, eternal couple, they’re names were John and Mary. Mary told him, he was a “Defender of Men!” He gained it through faith, sacrifice and most of all love! John was chosen to come back because he truly loved and believed Jesus’s every word. They all were promised a resurrection (reincarnation) on the last day. John fulfilled his Corse and one day would come back as Christ, the Son of God. He would have a new name; only he knew it because he would regain consciousness of his pass life and past name (John 11:26; 26

And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die”). What I have been saying God told me since I was a child. I said to myself while still in prison, if I am the resurrected John, then I must be a Jew? I know that we are Mexican, so how can I be a Jew? I said to myself, once you get out take a blood test and find out what type of blood I have, if it was a match to Jews, then this all could be true.

Once I gathered that this could be me, God asked me, “Could your mother’s name be Mary”? You know I heard those words and asked myself, could her name be Mary?

Like Mary the mother of Jesus, the resurrected Mary? I thought, “I don’t know?” As I thought about it, I heard the voice who always spoke with me say, “Look at your birth certificate”! I got nervous!!! I remembered I had a copy of my birth certificate in my locker. I felt like I was going back in time, walking to a coffin in the past. I dug through my papers and found my BC. As I pulled it out, I was so nervous and anxious, could God really be telling me something so incredible such as this? This to me if, it did say her name was Mary would be like an atomic bomb exploding! This would be the greatest find of modern-day human his story! I pulled the certificate out and unfolded it, as I scanned the document from bottom up, I read her name. Magalia “MARIA” Castro!!!!! I crumbled to the ground! All energy out of my body was gone.  I didn’t want the inmates to see me cry so I went on to my bunk and broke down. I was in disbelief! It was clear to me, if I was John in this lifetime, then it’s fitting the woman he was giving the responsibility to look over would be my mom Magalia or Mary the mother of Jesus. My mom did not receive it when I came home and shared this with her, I don’t blame her, how could she. My mom is a lovely soul. We will see if this is all true. I’ll do my due diligence and if this is all the final chapter of Gods will for his children, we will soon see.


By this point in such revelation, the spirit would show me who else was included in this move of God. On this day in March of 2000, I was reading the book of John once again, and I was at the place where Jesus would raise Lazarus from the dead. (John 11:17-44; 17 “On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. 18Now Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem, 19 and many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother. 20 When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him, but Mary stayed at home. 21 “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” 23Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” 24 Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”27“Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.” 28After she had said this, she went back and called her sister Mary aside. “The Teacher is here,” she said, “and is asking for you.” 29 When Mary heard this, she got up quickly and went to him. 30 Now Jesus had not yet entered the village, but was still at the place where Martha had met him. 31When the Jews who had been with Mary in the house, comforting her, noticed how quickly she got up and went out, they followed her, supposing she was going to the tomb to mourn there. 32When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” 33 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.

34“Where have you laid him?” he asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied. 35Jesus wept. 36 Then the Jews said, “See how he loved him!” 37But some of them said,

“Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?”

38Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. 39“Take away the stone,” he said. “But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.)” Now I had read this passage before, many times. I’ve heard preaching on this passage of scripture but not what I was about to learn about the true relationship between the three people and Jesus, namely Mary. Prior to getting this far into this new revelation I read: (John 8:2-11 “2And early in the morning, he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them. 3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, 4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? 6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him.

But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. 7So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. 8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. 9And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee 11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, neither do I condemn thee: go, and (sin no more.) Here is where the spirit began to reveal who Mary Magdalene is. She was a woman who sold herself for sex. But Jesus did not condemn her but forgave her Sin. Remember what happened in Genesis? The woman went into temptation and had sex with her husband, when asked by God, Adam accused Eve. Here we see Jesus metaphorically correcting that wrong that these two committed long a go, the wrong Adam and eve committed in the begging. Not to make the story long, that’s a whole other Revelation (is Jesus Adam?) Once he forgave her, he told her to be “Sinless”, “Sin no more”. This is no coincidence, sinless? Everything God had been showing me he required from his children: but foremost for me, he has made it my moniker. Now, this same woman would be the sister of Lazarus and Martha. There was a woman in the town of Capernaum, the woman who came and cleaned and anoint his feet was Mary Magdalene, sister of Lazarus and Martha. The only woman to be recorded in the gospels anointing him, her name was Mary. (Matthew 26:13; 13 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her.) Jesus said this woman should never be forgotten, her name was Mary. This woman has a very pronounce presence in the book of John, and for good reason. (John 12:1-6; 1Then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. 2There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him. 3Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment. 4Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him, 5Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? 6This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein. 7Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this. 8For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always.) This same woman, Mary, was connected to him deeply, it’s plain to see. When I read the account of her interaction with Christ other than anointing him, I see someone who had a relationship with Jesus different than just an ordinary friend. These few verses I will explain are what led me to my suspicions.

 John 11:20 says that when Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him, but Mary stayed at home.) Why would Mary stay at home? She stayed at home because she was mad at Jesus, . She believed she had that right. She felt she could be upset with him. As I read it back and forth, it became clear to me that she was his wife! Jesus came late, and her brother died.  She was showing with her actions, pouting like a wife would because of his delay. Martha may have been mad, but she went to meet him she did not take a position of entitlement. Would the scriptures give reference to the action of someone who is just a trivial person in Jesus’ life? I doubt it; she was his wife! This passage goes as far as to proclaim Jesus’ displeasure with himself in the moment he realized his lateness upset Mary .  She didn’t even come to meet him. (KJV John 11:28 says, “…and when she had so said, she went her way, and called Mary her sister secretly, saying, The Master is come, and calleth for thee. 29As soon as she heard that, she arose quickly, and came unto him. 30Now Jesus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him. 31The Jews then which were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they saw Mary, that she rose up hastily and went out, followed her, saying, She goeth unto the grave to weep there. 32Then when Mary was come where Jesus was, and saw him, she fell down at his feet, saying unto him, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. 33When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled, 34And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come and see. 35 Jesus wept.) I for the first time noticed that Jesus wept because Mary was sad! To hold on the belief that Jesus wept for Lazarus is contrary to his own belief system. He Knew Lazarus was dead, he said, He sleeps. If I knew my mother was a sleep asleep and others were saying she was dead, and by me going to here house to wake her up was going to bring attention and praise of God from others, I wouldn’t be crying, I know she is not dead. I would be glad because God was being praised! This is where I realized Mary Magdalene was his wife. Finally. The events at the cross and in the Garden of Gethsemane made all this that much clearer and more proven. I began to see a clear love story, an eternal love story that would have its final climax in the last day with the book of Revelation as its floor plan. From Genesis, Adam and Eve, to Jesus and Mary to the final advent of the Christ, The Lamb and his wife, a man and a woman: A-LEX/john and Rosa/Mary. God was showing me who my wife is. Here’s  an interesting note: Rosemary the herb, is an ever green plant, never dies in all seasons. Also, when I got to Salano Prison, my wife was having a very tough time. One day, she said she was so distraught on her way to work that she contemplated letting the car drive itself on the freeway. She was going to let her hands go from the steering wheel. When she got to work, she said she sat in her car and asked God to help her, to please give her a word! That if he could speak to her wherever she opens the bible, she would receive his word. When she opened the bible, it opened to (Isaiah: 54; 1 Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD. 2Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; 3For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the

Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited. 4 Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more. 5 For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called. 6 For the LORD hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when thou wast refused, saith thy God. 7 For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee. 8 In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the LORD thy Redeemer. 9 For this is as the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee. 10 For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee. 11 O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colors, and lay thy foundations with sapphires. (Revelation 21:12 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.) (And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; (the Bride of the lamb) 12 And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones.

13 And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children. 14 In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee. 15 Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake. 16 Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy. 1617 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.

This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.)

To the date this is the verse Rosa holds close to her heart, this is Gods first personal outreach to Rosa. The Lord showed Rosa our true identity, even before I had any inkling of it. She is truly special, more than she currently knows. The bible says that God created man in his likeness and image, him and her. You see what’s clear is that God created two creatures that made up one man, male and female. In the heavenly realm or spiritual realm, we are created in pairs, it always was supposed to be that way, (AZAG and Babilani, to those who have this knowledge) its biblically clear and sound that a union of a male and female is Gods perfect, sinless plan for human kind, outside of that there is pain. This is a family tree I found where our last name was associated to BOAZ (He was a Farmer)/CASTRO (name also is associated to farming). Also, my Haplogroup is G2a

My dad was said to be of an Indian tribe in Sonora Mexico and Arizona called "YAQUI" (Anu-Yaki) they also are known to be Farmers! What are the chances? Slim and none! I know who we are.

Geographic distribution/Prehistoric presence

Haplogroup G2a (G-P15) has been identified in Neolithic human remains in Europe dating between 5000-3000 BC. Furthermore, the majority of all the male skeletons from the European Neolithic period have so far yielded Y-DNA belonging to this haplogroup.

The oldest skeletons confirmed by ancient DNA testing as carrying haplogroup G2a were five found in the Avellaner cave burial site, near Les Planes d'Hostoles, in

Catalonia, Spain and were dated by radiocarbon dating to about 5000 BCE. A skeleton found at the Neolithic cemetery known as Derenburg Meerenstieg II, in Saxony-Anhalt Germany, apparently belonged to G2a3 (G-S126) or a subclade. It was found with burial artifacts belonging to the Linearbandkeramische Kultur ("Linear Band Ceramic Culture"; LBK). This skeleton could not be dated by radiocarbon dating, but other skeletons there were dated to between 5,100 and 6,100 years old. The most detailed SNP mutation identified was S126 (L30), which defines G2a3.

G2a was also found in 20 out of 22 samples of ancient Y-DNA from Treilles, the type-site of a Late Neolithic group of farmers in the South of France, dated to about 5000

years ago. The fourth site also from the same period is the Ötztal of the Italian Alps where the mummified remains of Ötzi the Iceman were discovered. The Iceman belongs to haplogroup G2a2b (earlier called G2a4).

Haplogroup G2a2b is a rare group today in Europe. The authors of the Spanish study indicated that the Avellaner men had rare marker values in testing of their short tandem repeat (STR) markers.

Historic presence two men found in a high-status 7th Century burial at Ergolding in Bavaria, Germany, were found to belong to haplogroup G2a (P15+). The burials have been linked to the Merovingian dynasty.

The only known example of the basal paragroup G(xG1,G2) (G-M210*) was blood found on a handkerchief, sealed in a gourd in France during the 18th Century. The handkerchief reputed to have come from a man who underwent public execution by guillotine during the French Revolution. The blood is said to have belonged to King Louis XVI of France (1754 – 1793), although its provenance is far from certain. Public executions were notoriously chaotic at the time, and some of those executed were neither member of the royal family, nor even the aristocracy.

Haplogroup G2a and subclades.

The Origins of the Haplogroup G2a are in IRAN expanding to Ur of the Chaldees birthplace of the biblical Abraham, Interesting note. This Haplogroup mutated after the migration from Iran through the Middle East, spreading G2a throughout the Middle East.

Haplogroup G Men are already present among Jews when Judaism began. One of the basic questions is whether Haplogroup G persons were already living in lands occupied by the Jews of the Hebrew Bible—corresponding mostly to the modern state of Israel—when distinctly Jewish states first came into existence about 1350 BCE By this point in time, the major G Haplogroup divisions were in existence, but only ancient DNA can today confirm the geographical spread of G then. The presence of Haplogroup G to some extent in all populations throughout the Middle East does not rule out the possibility that G persons were living in Jewish lands during the formative years of the religion. Logically, the presence of haplogroup G as genetic contributor to the ancient Israelite ethnic nucleus seems more than probable.

In the pre-Jewish period, the Hurrians once controlled Jerusalem through rulers such as Abdi-Heba. The Hurrian kingdom at times stretched from today's Syria to the eastern Persian Gulf Farther back in time in the prehistorical period, movements into the Middle East that may have resulted in population admixture are completely unknown due to the absence of written materials. One may wonder here whether even positing a distinction

between "Hurrian" and proto-Judaic is rationally intelligible.

The whole question of the meaning of G-bearing Jews is obscured by modern ethnic identitarian concerns and modern ways of thinking the archaic world had and has nothing to do with - the fact that modern researchers are puzzled or treat G within Jewry as "problematic" itself in all rational consideration, absurd. The earliest Israelite formations developed from the middle Caucasus, northern Mesopotamia broadly - the very same place the most prominent exhibitors of HG G, the Caucasian-Kartvelian stocks of today, co-existed and still co-exist.

Haplogroup division G developed out of the northerly Mesopotamian, Irano-Syrian and Fertile Crescent areas (Abram of Harran, e.g., modern-day North-eastern "Syria"), in fact is a good candidate for providing evidence of the modernly forgotten confraternal link between "Iranian-Aryan" and "Semitic" (cf. Aryo-Semitic) and in different trajectories of Northern Mesopotamia or the modern Caucasus - for haplogroup G to NOT exist within the most ancient ethnological elements of Israelite-Hebrew, Judahite society is simply scientifically unthinkable and the suggestion conquest-state serfs explain HG G

within Jews indefensible, truly. Wikipedea chart of G2a migration from ancient IRAN/Sumeria.

So, my DNA links my family and me to a group that seems has been pushed aside, we may just speculate (but I strongly believe) powers that are to disenfranchise us from our birth rights…. wealth…land…place on the global political map.


I used to see monuments from Egypt with the nose broken off, I would see racist blacks say, "They were broken off because of the white man,"didn't want those that would see them to recognize the big ball-bus nose as blacks have was their way to associate themselves to the Egyptian Royalty, who knows? When I noticed there were also some Mesopotamian Monuments disfigured  I  paid more attention to the nose. I read an article somewhere on a DNA site where the writer stated, "They may steal your land and ancestry.They may alter the records, but they can never change the DNA and the physical features that are undeniable. We have a nose that we all call "THE CASTRO NOSE". We also have the green and blue eyes. We are nobility hidden in plain sight. If you look closely at King Louis the 16th, the DNA marker on this chart and my DNA marker in 1000 years look similarly close.  I will look more into how close they really are. In May 2019, I was looking around on Youtube, I was drawn to a video "Something you didn't know about King Louis the 14th" of France, grandfather of King Louis 16th, the last king of France.

It explained how he took the symbol of the SUN as his own, and said that all royalty is God ordained.  The SUN was a symbol of his brilliance and royalty . He said like the brightness of the sun that illuminates and draws people to it so was his monarchy. Interestingly, my ancestor had the SUN as his mark.

As the video finished, another video caught my attention, one about psychic readings in the 1930's by psychic Edgar Casey where he was conducting readings on a few woman women and men who he gathered were once lived members of the Royal family of King Louis 16th (Youtube: Louis XVI - Edgar Cayce's Reincarnational History of France) One man was said to be King Louis the 16th himself and his wife at the time of the reading claimed she was Marie Antoinette, who later confessed that she was also Mary Magdalene in an earlier incarnation; they call it Souljourning. Casey said that sometimes you start back where you left off, reincarnating with the same family you had in a past life. Funny thing caught my attention when my mom and I suffer from some abdominal discomfort just as Louis the 16th and other of his family members also did. Could it be the AB+ blood type and poultry are a bad mix? AB+'s have low acid content which cause us to have a hard time digesting poultry, they may have not known this then.

This would be the first proof of someone other than myself who had made claims of people coming back from the dead to live again, . I started to wonder if I was getting a lesson on how the resurrection works? I had an unorthodox understanding, I acquired from studying the bible. The resurrection is constant, and it occurs like the wind blows, always present. Was this what Jesus spoke of? Jesus told Nicodemus a man needed to be born again to enter the kingdom. The kingdom Jesus and Mary Magdalene established. Was this the French Monarchy/Merovingian? I say, YES! I count this to be a modern-day lesson of the resurrection through Edgar Casey of all people! How fitting, the voice (HALALI-EL) who speaks to me until today in 2019 is an archangel known as "the lord of karma." but the one who connected me to Casey years ago was “the lord of the resurrection”.

Karma? (KARMA is: a Sanskrit WORD meaning 'act', 'action', or 'WORD'. The law of karma teaches us that all of our thoughts, words and actions begin a chain of cause and effect, and that we will personally experience the effects of everything we cause. We may not experience the effect (the returning karma) right away, and it may not even be in this lifetime, but you can count on it just the same. It is a cosmic law, which means that it applies to everyone, everywhere, all the time.) My personal guide through this life so that I reach my destiny? In any case the synchronicity with this royal family, Edgar Casey and Christ continue!!

Note: In Jan 3, 2016, I  had a vision, I woke up and  saw with my eyes closed the word that come from the center of my chest through my mind’s eye, and it read: “MAMPUTU”. I looked it up and found a Town in Mozambique Africa settled by Portuguese/French explorer Lorenzo Marquez in the mid 1890’s.  Two years later, I found out that it’s roughly 100 miles from where Michael Tellinger found the goldmines of the Giant Anunnaki in Mapumalanga 295 miles from “MAPUTU” spelled Maputo now… What were the chances of this “MAMPUTU” would have Anunnaki written all over it? Was I being led to the land and gold that belongs to my family? Remember, Lorenzo Marquez is a Mariner/Sailor from Port of Gaul, watever it is, I'm looking into it to find the reason I gather I need to look into it so, I add this to this book as evidence of my search, led only by a voice, the intuition inside me. By now, this voice has a name, Halali-EL. We will see.


It was November 14, 2017 at 7:41PM when I got a message from a guy named Claudio DeLuca on Facebook. I had put up an internet blog with my book on it to do some market research and see the responses to my book. Most of my promotions were being done in the Facebook forums. I was getting a good response, traffic, I mean with tones of opposition. Anyways, what was most interesting was I got a message from this person that struck me. I didn’t think I would add it to the book, but decided to do so once I discovered one year later that the place “MAMPUTU” was close to the mines only 295 miles from them. This to me was no coincidence. Though I’m currently researching to make the connection, I decided to add the conversation I had with Claudio:

Chat Conversation Start

You and Claudio De Luca aren't connected on Facebook 11/14/2017 7:41PM

You are now connected on Messenger.

11/14/2017 9:59PM

You waved at Claudio!

11/14/2017 11:12PM

Claudio: Hey Al! I was so pleased when i found your profile. I have not yet had time to read your works and posts but I see that you have a good understanding of the history of, us.

What I'd like to know and share with you.. do you know about the Annunaki footprint in South Africa? I have been exploring locations in and around a province called Mapumalanga Having been introduced to this by a man called Michael Tellinger, we are convinced that we have found a "home base" for the gold mining you speak of. How much do you know or have you seen in South Africa?

Best regards, Claudio

Me: Thank you for contacting me. Though my knowledge of the Annunaki is brief its clear. I have come to know them in an esoteric way, what i mean is they have made contact with me as a young boy and young adult, to long to explain but my understanding of them is from 3 sources from which i have drawn a point of view.

Also, the footprints are from one of two sources 100% sure. Giants here on this planet at its present orbit or its first orbit where the current asteroid belt is. It than was call TIAMAT or in Spanish TIERRA MADRE...mother earth.








11/17/2017 5:35AM


Hi Al, i feel like you did not read my message at all. Do you know of South African settlements and structures?

We know of an area where they may have been active in mining. I have contacted them too through a portal of DMT.. and they feed me knowledge as frequently as i access their dimension. I have not experienced hostility.

Only a desire to share their knowledge.

11/17/2017 7:59AM


I read it, I'm very pleased to be able to speak with you about this, yes i am aware of the mines, I'm more intrigued that your this closely connected to this subject (Anunnaki ) i have questions...I'm not sure what to make of this conversation...i mean its been nothing but as you put it, hostile...i want to speak to you in detail...1st thought, can you pls tell me a little about yourself? My mind is racing...ill explain in due time.

Thank you for contacting me☺

You mentioned, "history of Us"? That can mean a few things to me...does this statement mean you and me and our connection to the Anunnaki....? ill clarify with your reply.

I would love to see the mines.....

Also...knowledge...I'm a sponge...i think I'm ready your messages correctly now?



Ill be waiting to hear back from you Claudio☺

If you never read anything about do you know me?...i think i know but i want you to clarity pls.

Wow!!!! a few things crossed my mind when i read the message the first time but it didn't register as clearly as it is now....both messages....i can only imagine how my life is about to change..."

" " " ☺☺☺☺

11/17/2017 9:35AM


As far as DMT...I don't need it...i astral project ....naturally at anytime...

Are you there?


Hi I'm busy cooking dinner.. can we chat tomorrow?

Its 20h00 here.. what time by you?


Yes...what time..i was sleeping when you messaged me.

Here its 9:30am


 About 10 hours behind..

Will keep in mind


Ok, what ever time is fine....seems like early morning for me, ill be up.

11/17/2017 11:45AM


And as far as the Gold mines...ive only spoke of them with my wife...extensively with my intuition...maybe one post,

but since you said you have not read anything about me, how do you know? And how do you know of my book?

Did some one tell you? Pls clarify. How do you know about my knowledge of the Annunaki you referred to as us?

I have some thing to add based on your reply.

11/18/2017 5:46AM


Good morning Claudio.

11/18/2017 8:12AM


Hi Al. I am South African born but my father is Italian. I travel around this country a lot on business and always take with me climbing gear or mountain bikes or dogs to go walk in the mountains. I found a guy in

Waterval Boven who is obsessed with Stone Circles, sound waves and the Annunaki.

His name is Michael Tellinger.

Through his studies i was i introduced to the Annunaki story and some of the ancient ruins in our country.

Some ruins of such complicated logistics that they defy human explanation. Our country is very rich in gold and i have explored many cliff sides and mountains in search of any evidence of extra terrestrial life.

I saw a post of yours on one of the alien blogs. You mentioned first hand experience with the annunaki.

My friends and i have done some reading and are convinced of alien intervention in the creation of man.

Sometimes when i feel brave enough, i smoke DMT and am sent straight to another dimension where other beings exist.

I'm not sure if they are Annunaki or a different breed bud they are always there ushering, teaching, showing and guiding through the experience. I have always felt love in their presence.




Oh......what info have they shared ?

11/18/2017 7:18PM


I would like to read your works before continuing. I want to know why you say they

 are hostile.



The Book of life of the Lamb, Halali-EL and John Penny Al.

Its been a long time coming, even at this very moment I’m reluctant to write this down, what is the purpose? What will it gain me...


Why read up on me to continue?


Because i would like to be sensitive to any negative experiences you may or may not have had.


May not have had....if i would have had any of these experiences i would be better of, ignorant☺

Would not have had...

Im not trying to prove anything...I'm only stating the obvious.


To answer your question. I have never fully understood what they have shown me. It is always be extremely complicated mechanisms

and engineering. Cogs, moving parts and intricate machinery.


Sometimes symbols


Its taking me 41 yrs to understand reason and the experience.

Its not easy...but i also have gone to them...that experience was not hostile.

My DNA is their interest.

12/03/2017 8:22PM


Hey Claudio, didn't hear back from you, thought i would send you my latest post: The Pantheon of these so called Gods is clear, Christ made them visible...but the bible covered their faces...only showing the puppets

(Priesthood/Roman Government) So hear i present what he (Jesus) so obviously made know to common man (the Fathers creation)

So we would know them who were and currently are humanities oppressors. Human kind must educated themselves like in no other

time in our history...its not a fight against flesh and blood (races against races) but against "Powers, Principalities, thrones,

dominions of wickedness darkness in high they are...they can no longer hide.



12/26/2017 3:39PM

By the way, Marduk will fail at his quest to rule...funny how dumb these so called


intelligent beings are$ $ %

Chat Conversation End

Type a message...

There is Annunaki finger prints it seems in all aspects of my life.

My Y-DNA Markers leading from Mexico to the Port of Gaul France. (Current day Portugal)

It’s been almost six months since I arrived in prison at Solano State Prison. In a few occasions, while we were on lock down, weeks at a time, I would fast for a few weeks looking for God. There were a few times that as I laid in bed in deep prayer and meditation that I would have a sensation in my body that I equate to being out of the body. I assume it was out of the body travel because I would see myself travel in some cases through space. It would start with me lying flat on my back, in deep concentration into the dark in my mind, or the darkness of my closed eyes. It’s not the same every time what I would see with my eyes closed, but what was the same every time is that I would focus on the images that would pop out of nowhere. One example is I was up late one night reading the bible and writing. When I finished, I would lie back, put my hands on my chest and began to pray, praising God and seeking his presence. I remember as I looked into the dark, I focused in on what looked like white specs or dots in the darkness. They soon turned into what I can equivocate to stars. As I focused in, it felt as if my body began to spin, as if in circles, faster and faster. Once the spinning stopped, it was if I was moving at a high rate of speed through what I can only describe as tunnel shape pathways, tunnel shape because there were stars all around where I was moving though, superfast. Once I had been traveling for what seemed seconds and found myself in a massive underground Cavern.

describe as a light coming in from above shining on a white marble slab., it was at least 6 feet by 3 feet as thick as it was wide. As my sight moved in to look closer, it was me laying on top of the stone in the same posture I was laying in my bunk.

 (Note: In 2020, I found the meaning of the stone under me as I sleep. In the right of passage of English Royals, they sit in a throne with the stone Jacob put under his head when he had the dream of the "ladder to the sky". Many don't know this. The power of the coronation is only made because the royal who is being crowned has communicated with God or in truth, the Gray. It’s symbolic in most coronations. In my case, I have communicated and seen God (the gray alien) face to face "Peniel!"

Note: The Theory of Absolutism

Absolute monarchy or absolutism meant that the state’s sovereign power or ultimate authority rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right. But what did sovereignty mean? Late sixteenth century political theorists believed that sovereign power consisted of of making laws, tax, administering justice, controlling the state's administrative system, and determining foreign policy. These powers made a ruler sovereign.

One of the chief theorists of divine-right monarchy in the seventeenth century was the French theologian and court preacher Bishop Jacques Bossuet (1627-1704), who expressed his ideas in a book entitled Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture. Bossuet argued first that government was divinely ordained so that humans could live in an organized society. Of all forms of government, monarchy, he averred, was the most general, most ancient, most natural, and the best, since God established kings and through them reigned over all the peoples of the world. Since kings received their power from God, their authority was absolute. They were responsible to no one (including parliaments) except God. Nevertheless, Bossuet cautioned, although a king's authority was absolute, his power was not since he was limited by the law of God.

Bossuet believed there was a difference between absolute monarchy and arbitrary monarchy. The latter contradicted the rule of law and the sanctity of property and was simply lawless tyranny. Bossuet's distinction between absolute and arbitrary government was not always easy to maintain. There was also a large gulf between the theory of absolutism as ex pressed by Bossuet and the practice of absolutism. As we shall see in our survey of seventeenth-century states, a monarch's absolute power was often very limited by practical realities.

The day after Cardinal Mazarin's death, Louis XIV, at the age of twenty-three, expressed his determination to be a real king and the sole ruler of France. Up to this moment, I have been pleased to entrust the government of my affairs to the late Cardinal. It is now time that I govern them myself. You [secretaries and ministers of state] will assist me with your counsels when I ask for them. I request and order you to seal no orders except by my com mand, . . . I order you not to sign anything, not even a passport . . . without my command; to render account to me personally each day and to favor no one.

His mother, who was well aware of Louis's proclivity for fun and games and getting into the beds of the maids in the royal palace, laughed aloud at these words. But Louis was quite serious.

Louis proved willing to pay the price of being a strong ruler. He established a conscientious routine from which he seldom deviated, but he did not look upon his duties as drudgery since he judged his royal profession to be "grand, noble, and delightful." Eager for glory, Louis created a grand and majestic spectacle at the court of Versailles (see Daily Life at the Court of Versailles later in the chapter). Consequently, Louis and his court came to set the standard for monarchies and aristocracies all over Europe. Less than fifty years after his death, the great French writer Voltaire used the title "Age of Louis XIV" to describe his history of Europe from 1661 to 1715. Historians have tended to use it ever since....

Although Louis may have believed in the theory of absolute monarchy and consciously fostered the myth of himself as the Sun King, the source of light for all of his people, historians are quick to point out that the realities fell far short of the aspirations. Despite the centralizing efforts of Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin, France still possessed a bewildering system of overlapping authorities in the seventeenth century. Provinces had their own regional parliaments, own local Estates, and own sets of laws.

Members of the high nobility with their huge estates and clients among the lesser nobility still exercised much authority. Both towns and provinces possessed privileges and powers seemingly from time immemorial that they would not easily relinquish.

Much of Louis's success rested less on the modernization of ad ministrative machinery, as is frequently claimed, than on his clever and adroit manipulation of the traditional priorities and values of French society....

Instead of the high nobility and royal princes, Louis relied for his ministers on nobles who came from relatively new aristocratic families. Such were Michel Le Tellier, secretary of state for war; Hugues de Lionne, secretary for foreign affairs; and Nicholas Fouquet, superintendent of finances. His ministers were expected to be subservient; said Louis, "I had no intention of sharing my authority with them." When Fouquet began to flaunt the enormous wealth and power, he had amassed in the King's service, Louis ordered his arrest and imprisonment.

The maintenance of religious harmony had long been considered an area of monarchical power. The desire to keep it led Louis into conflict with the French Hugue nots and the papacy. Louis XIV did not want to allow Protestants to practice their faith in largely Catholic France. Perhaps he was motivated by religion, but it is more likely that Louis, who believed in the motto, "one king, one law, one faith," felt that the existence of this minority undermined his own political authority. His anti-Protestant policy, aimed at converting the Hugue nots to Catholicism, began mildly by offering rewards, but escalated by 1681 to a policy of forced conversions. The most favored method was to quarter French soldiers in Huguenot communities and homes with the freedom to misbehave so that their hosts would "see the light quickly." This approach did produce thousands of immediate conversions. In October 1685, Louis issued the Edict of Fontainebleau.

In addition to revoking the Edict of Nantes, the new edict provided for the destruction of Huguenot churches and the closing of their schools. Al though they were forbidden to leave France, it is estimated that 200,000 Huguenots left for shelter in England, the United Provinces, and the German states. Through their exodus, France lost people who had commercial and industrial skills, although some modern scholars have argued this had only a minor impact on the French economy. Perhaps a more important effect of the Huguenot dispersal was the increased hatred of France that the Huguenot emigres stirred up in their adopted Protestant countries. Whatever his motives, Louis's anti-Protestant policy was not aimed at currying papal favor. Louis was a de fender of Gallicanism, the belief that the monarchy possessed certain rights over the Catholic church in France, irrespective of papal powers. In the 1670s, Louis claimed the regale or the right of the French king to appoint the lower clergy and collect the revenues of a diocese when it was vacant. Pope Innocent Xl condemned Louis's actions, threatening him with reprisals. Louis responded by calling a special assembly of French clergy and directing them to draw up a Declaration of Gallican Liberties. This document claimed that the pope's authority in France was limited to spiritual matters and that even in spiritual matters, the pope was subject to the decisions of a general council. The pope protested this challenge to papal authority and the possibility of a schism loomed large.

But neither side wanted to go that far. After Innocent’s death, a compromise was arranged, and by 1693 the Gallican articles had been retracted.

(Taken from Jackson J. Spielvogel. Western Civilization (St. Paul, 1991) pp. 523-528)

1 Peter 2:9 King James Version (KJV)

9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

those live by the flesh will fulfill the lust of the flesh: Gal 5: 16- 26 16This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 19Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

25If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

The Biblical account of the man who would be king in the future: Rev2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

Rev2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death Rev2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

Rev2 :26-29 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: 27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

28 And I will give him the morning star.

29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Rev3:5-6 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.

6 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Rev3:12-13 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.

13 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Rev3: 21-22 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Rev21: -6-7 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

The man who would be Chist Son will be the king of the earth.

Matt 5:1-11

Matt 20: 20-27 Then came to him the mother of Zebedees children with her sons, worshipping him, and desiring a certain thing of him.

21 And he said unto her, What wilt thou? She saith unto him, Grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right hand, and the other on the left, in thy kingdom.

22 But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?

They say unto him, We are able.

23 And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father.

24 And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren.

25 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.

26 But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;

27 And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:

Today, July the 14, 2019,  I believe God taught me or gave me understanding to the biblical understanding of right to rule and how to recognize the attitudes, thoughts and ideas that enter our minds to misguide us for familiar or guides to success. This knowledge was held by the priests and counselors of kings while children were taught to

know how to think for the purpose of rule., how to distinguish what thoughts are the proper ones to act on and thought that accurse to mislead, and how our flesh can war against spiritual guidance. Since kings were ordained by God, they were required to have their senses mature for a successful monarchy. To solidify this, in church today, they preach on Matthew 5, the beatitudes, and it was no coincidence. Our humanity will fight our spirit to conflict of self. By controlling our emotions and ideas, we can make mistakes by this in life, by praying daily, and seeking Christ’s counsel, we are better suited to make the right choices and decisions that can keep us from squandering blessings that are for us, as well as being in the right state of mind and spirit to minister to God’s people. We in a war with outside influences, this world. and the spiritual world, the scripture teaches on this, the Lord gives the understanding, he is the teacher of his Royal Priest. We must embrace this lesson to move into place for Gods use, to Rule in The Kingdom of God as King and Priest.)

Back to the out body experience. After I seen my self on the slab of white marble, at once I noticed a face of a retile looking humanoid stareing at me as my view panned out The face I saw looking at me was lizard-like. The only thing I have ever seen that I could explain what it looked like was a sleestak.

The sleestak were creatures in a TV series “Land of the lost” where the premise was a family got sucked down into the core of the earth and these lizard-like humanoids where always trying to get them. After looking into each other’s faces for what seemed a good while, we both were studying each other, I came out of that trans state. I opened my eyes and sat up, thought long and hard on what I had just experienced. Got my notebook out and began to write it down. I have since than lost that notebook. I wrote three not books full of information, front and back. As I write, I have to depend on the lucidness of the experience and my memory. I could at any time inter this state; I had before this time, and more since then.

During this prison time I began to understand in myself as I read the book of Revelation that the time had come for those things written to come to pass. I gathered that the word of God was pointing at me to bear witness of the unjust practice of our government and its judicial system. How those who have been given the power to govern humans have corrupted them self and by it condemned themselves. I gathered that this was no longer to be tolerated by God and that they themselves would set in motion their own decline and ultimate demise as the global power. A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. That a war had be going on for a very long time in an unseen spiritual world as well as in this physical one, a war against human kind. That in our nation now the combatants are already here, that it would collapse from within.

For this purpose, God has men and women ready to step into a place of stewardship of the earth, Holy people, fair and with the spirit of truth. That in my lifetime a very few would outlast (overcome) most to receive their inheritance, this inheritance is to judge and govern in equity and fairness. I have endured tremendous amounts of pain and loneliness; separation from loved ones. I’ve endured major emotional trauma, along with all these incredible revelations. The heaviness of this world ending in my lifetime, you can only guess what type of person I have become. A person who for one was changed and a person who would follow this direction he received from God. This direction, did not come by men nor through men but from God. To follow through could only mean I believe. Sure enough I must, I’m still here and looking into the validity of these claims.

At the end of my prison term, prior to leaving, I knew I would share with the church, God’s message of holiness or in better terms a “Sinless” message. I never knew they would hate it so much, but I realized it’s the power of the church, a life that we that are his are called to, to be as he is, “Sinless”. I knew that the understanding of the resurrection would be hard for many to receive and that it would ultimately sit in my understanding till this book is made public. My claims of resurrected saints living here and now would ultimately make their presence known. My outlook would be to find those men, woman and children who are readying themselves in holiness for the return of the Lamb. But the most incredible revelation would be the answer to man’s greatest question, one that man since his Christ first advent into this world would want to know, how to obtain eternal life or immortality? Where is the fountain of youth? (Ezekiel 18:20 the soul that sinneth, it shall die). Here is the revelation of Eternal life or the preaching of the Everlasting Gospel. So, we know that people die because they sin, now we know if you don’t sin, then you will not die! Those who are resurrected, if they wake up to their true purpose in life, a sinless existence, they will not die again, they have died once and been judged (John 5:29 and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.) (Hebrews 9:27 and as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.) it says in(Revelation 2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.) the person who would overcome (John) would have the knowledge (Revelation 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.) of how to obtain eternal life. Jesus is the resurrection, he gave John the key or knowledge how to accomplish it, (Revelation :1-6; 1 and I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him a hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads. 2and I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. 4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb. 5 and in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God. 6 and I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having The Everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people), at the appointed time, now in our lifetime, humans would be able to obtain the promise of eternal life. Life is not in the after life or death. It is here on earth, (Leviticus 17:14 For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore, I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off for the life is in the blood.) Jesus promised to give us eternal life here. The power of Christ is the resurrection!

Note: It was December 20, 2017. I felt to look on Youtube not knowing for what, once on there I typed Akashic records , the first video I decided to watch, I didn’t want to watch any thing or read anything on the subject, my experience with the Akashic Records was innocent and natural, I assumed it was better that way to approach the experience, I realized after this 2nd experience it was better to have a narrator to walk me through, though the first time I had a guide (my spirit guide who later in life I would find has a name, Halali-EL, my higher self) I didn’t ask questions than, neither did I know I could. I realized I could ask what I wanted and what I wanted to know this second time around, the videos narrator advise the listener (this time I would listen to the person who walked the listener through the process) and if I was there with the correct spirit or mindset, I would be accepted and my questions answered as well as given access to the information. I remembered that the 1st time I was lead here (Akashic Records/heaven/

Book of life) while praying earnestly for “wisdom and knowledge to guide God’s people”!

At this very moment as I document this, 29 years later, I realize that it was the same

reason, as I think on it more I’m amazed of the obvious. I also learned that answers would come to me within days. I was told to ask anything, I asked “What do I do now?”

I’ve been at a standstill after writing the book, I had no direction, but only an intuition I would get some direction so, the narrator said answers could come in thoughts or visions and other ways, manifestations I would gather answers from. As I studied the darkness with my eyes closed, I began to see a male presence. He wore a golden crown, red and gold vestures, his hair light brown and beard flowing. In his right hand, he had a scepter, then I heard these words, “A Scepter of Righteousness to rule your Children”. I understood I would be crowned soon, that I had to be Holy…that I had come to the cross road of imagination and reality…that now, all I have been shown would come to fruition. I could see the distinct Scepter and crown, I Google the phrase, and I found that this phrase on Google is connected to a description of the male child son of God, Christ.

The picture I found along with this discretion was what I seen in the vision.

These colors are the same colors I seen in the Mansion I entered While in the Akashic Records the 1st time. As I watched the video end, I researched the Term: Akashic Records, I learned that they are also the biblical “The Book of Life”. What where the odds of me, having access to the book of life, where everyone who has ever lived, is alive and will live in the future life is recorded? Also that the word Akashic means “Meaning” and “Sky”... as a young graffiti artist, first name I gave myself was “SKY” and I am called A- LEX, LEX is a dictionary/MEANING…the first answer to my request (what do I do now?) came only 1 day later, I received an email from a person I found had posted a blog saying he was HALALI-EL. This person would not speak with me when I first contacted his blog. It’s been six months since he brushed me off, so to hear from him the next day seemed in order. He states in his blog that he is the keeper of the Akashic Records, it was there first on his blog, two years ago, I noticed the term Akashic Records. I’ll write about a dream I had three years ago in 2014, I will add it here because I feel intuitively that its pertinent to this Akashic Records read.

In this dream, I was being led to a place in England, I was in a large building sitting, looking around, another person there was waiting as well, I was there because I was to receive a sort of recognition or initiation, these people knew everything about me, my past and present, but I was there because they could see my illumination, my shine or brightness. As I sat there, I looked around and noticed all the Mason/Illuminati symbols. I felt to see if there was evil there and felt there was not, also my intuition led me to understand that the Queen of England was there. As I sat a woman came out to talk to me, she was naked, we began to dance, she began to give me instructions on what I need to do but I could not here what she said. The other person was led out of the room and as she began to leave, I said, “I’ll see you again” her reply was “Only if you do everything right?” This group cleaned all my past, my record and I remembered going to colleges all over the world and speaking, I became a very prestigious person, I loved that feeling. This dream I have kept close to my heart, it was so lucid, I awoke in tears of how moving of a message it conveyed to me.

We are here, now, never to die. By no longer sinning! We don’t have to sin, we have been set free! We have all the tools, His blood, his spirit! These are those who would be ready to receive their reward for faithfulness. I prayed, Lord, please have these things, these incredible claims become reality outside of my mind. That everything that I have heard and wrote down is pronounced out here in the world. I prayed that the world around me proclaim these truths; that I could hear someone else say these things. Then would I know that all this is true, and I would move forward in my search to find his kingdom and assume my place, my family’s place. We will see all these revelations proven with concrete facts in 16 years later. After my release from prison starting on September 11, 2001, the weight of these predictions would amount and the weight of my anxieties lessened.

Its August 2001 and I’m out of prison. I’m in a halfway home in Pasadena California.

I can’t go home yet, for 3 years that I’m on parole, I have a residence in Pasadena. My wife and children live in Long Beach, so I can’t live with them, so I thought. I start to go to church here in Pasadena, Los Angeles Church of Christ. They have church at Parks, Hotels; Schools were ever they could get permission to attend. It’s the first week of September now and Rosa and me are on our way to church service in down town L.A.  as we are walking down the street toward the ARCO building I noticed the ARCO building and say to my wife, “see that building?” “God hates buildings, they are a symbol rebellion. The Bible tells us in Genesis, that in rebellion to God, a group of men that made a name for themselves, build a tower out of brick in defiance of god’s command for humans to fill the earth: (Genisis 11:1-4: 1 and the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.2And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.

4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.) These Builders of City’s would be known from this date in bible history as

“MASONS”. So I’ll go as far as to say, nothing in life is coincidence, and that what happen a week later had a direct connection to what I told Rosa. But even more amazing everything I had gathered in prison about what was coming upon the U.S.A was actually happening? A week after we had this conversation on the street of Los Angeles on September 11, 2001, the World trade Center was no more! Masons are a small group of power elites who control the monetary system of the world, as time went on, I would gather enough information on who these people are, their true origins, their current place in human kinds lives and the end of their power over human affairs. I had studied them years ago, prior to going to prison. I understood that they are truly controlling the lives of many people, not knowing than how far their origins go, farther back than biblical records. As we read on, we will see how they have been unconsciously been actively with unearthly entities making a strong effort to control and direct my life.

I’ve been out now a month or two. One morning after church Rosa, me, Alex, and Jazmyn went for lunch at Norm’s in Lakewood. The Supranatural came to life to declare some truth. As we ate, a black guy with two other black ladies came to our table and asked if I was a minister, and I said yes, they said, “we thought so” and walked away.

Later, as we were walking out, they came out and began to say while they praised God, “you are a holy man of God and that I would gather the remnant”! No one knew anything about my claims, none other than God, and I was hearing and seeing it with my own ears and eyes, exactly what I prayed to happen. Now the world is in an uproar because of 911, and I’m going to church with Rosa now in Long Beach. I started going to long beach for church because Pasadena sent me back where I started; their reasons were I was unruly and had a strange doctrine. They didn’t want me spreading heresy.

The Long Beach church was support to straighten me out. All I was doing was sharing what I learned in prison on how the church was to get empowered and that the church was going to be lifted up to a place of power and dominance in government. But its leaders had to live Sinless. This was not what they wanted to hear. As I had gathered it in prison, I thought they were going to embrace it! Far from the truth, they frowned on it and swept it and me under the carpet. It wasn’t strange that I was being attacked, what was more bizarre is that they had no biblical position to oppose what I was sharing. One day, my brother Albert who was also a member there gave his tithes to my wife who was in need; they question him why he didn’t pay his tithes that week? He told them, that his brother Alex told him, that there is no proof the apostles taught on neither tithes nor evidence of any tithes being collected from the church in the New Testament. That’s when the shit hit the fan! Their pocketbook was being tampered with; this was the end of dealing with me under their breath, now they would deal with me directly. In their fake democratic way. So, there was a man at this church who was the leader of the Spanish Ministry named Hugo Casillas. He seemed to be a good person, but in due time, we would all find that he was misguided and unstable as we will see. L.A. church of Christ was run by a man named Kip McKeene. He was the person-in- charge of the who organization. They claimed to be the church of Jesus Christ on earth, if you were not part of this organization, you were lost in your sins and going to hell, he was their whole world, he was their God as I would soon find out.

One day at a Church function at the Long Beach Arena, it was maybe in October of 2001, we were up in the nose bleed seats, I was listening to the preaching, Kip was doing his thing. As I looked around at the crowd, I saw what seemed to me as a giant on the stage, Kip looked like a 30ft giant! And as I scanned my view back and forth from the crowd to the stage, I noticed as if these people were worshiping him and not Christ.

Like if this man was their god. I sat backed and considered what I was gathering? Was the spirit revealing to me what was really going on here? Did I just see it in the spirit? I pondered what I was noticing. Later on that month or so, I was at a church service with my wife. The services were in different locations every week. This night in question it was at the Renaissance Hotel on Ocean Blvd. We were standing in one of the isle where everyone was sitting, as I looked around, I noticed the faces of the members were strangely sad or unhappy? Like if they were there only going through the motions, like some were demonized and others empty, eyes were soulless if I can explain it that way. I thought to myself, “what’s going on here?” I was perplexed! What was I seeing? I pondered this as well, I wondered about this for a long time. By now, Hugo Casillas had gotten the order from his higher up to handle this situation with Albert my brother, he arranged a meeting with Albert at Hugo's house. Note that this house is rented by the LA Church of Christ. Hugo tells Albert to bring me along so that I could be in the meeting as well. Before this meeting, I prayed about this meeting and I asked the Lord, what would you have me do at this meeting? Tell me what to say. While I was praying, I heard God say “If he says this house is his, tell him he is going to lose it!” On the day of the meeting me, Rosa and Albert went to Hugo’s there was also a brother there who was Albert’s leader. When we came in, he and his wife took us into the house’s office, sat us down and began to ask Albert “why did he not pay his tithes”?

Albert told him, and he directed his conversation to me; he did not ask me about why I shared those things with Albert about the tithes, his first words to me were, “so this is the guy who thinks he’s holy?” and then asked me about why I told Albert about my tithe findings? He didn’t let me answer his question; he began to brag on his schooling and how I was an uneducated person, On how he was accomplished in the church, a leader of many and I was only a member, who was I to think I was holy! At that point I thought, “what an arrogant man” he finished by saying he had possessions and money when I have nothing. He paused and I replied, “Just because you’re not holy doesn’t mean I’m not”! He went ballistic! He pulled out his bible and began to tongue lash me!

As he continued, I put my finger to my mouth, didn’t say anything, only suggested he shut up! He lost his mind and said, “you don't tell me to shut up? Get out of “MY HOUSE!” At that moment, I braced myself because he said the exact words God told me he would say. I remembered I was told when I was first discipled that disciple owns nothing and that they are not about material possessions. So, I knew he did not remember this, which this organization tells their recruits when they start to doctrines new prospects. I replied, “This house does not belong to you”, “It belong to disciples!

And because you said that it belongs to you, you will lose it!” Everyone one in that room looked at me puzzled? Looked around at each other, then Hugo ushered me and my brother and wife out and told my wife that they would be in contact with her. My wife was so mad at me. She, for nine months of me being in prison believed I was going to come home, become a leader, and lead a group and be good examples, mirrors of this organization. I did too, but I guess God had other ideas.

Now, Hugo and I would have run in’s with each other here and there when he could confront me after church here and there and would share his disgust with me, but he would tell me secretly when no one could see him or hear him. My wife was so saddened and confused, constantly telling me to stop being a problem, leave all this stuff alone, but even when I tried, Hugo had already built up a hate towards me it was going to be me out of the church. One day after service, I went up to say hi, to show humility. I was making the effort my wife needed that we could put this behind us. She for the first time saw him in action! She broke out in tears to see this man in his true form. He was as rude and as disgusting as any uneducated, unlearned, ignorant of the love of God man that there could be, and a leader of this organization. From that point on, he looked to get me out at any cost. Now my wife at this point finally seen that it was not me all along, I only stood on what was right. I guess she finally came to grips with it, as unpleasant and different than what she had for seen, it was what it was. It must have been on the next church service that our relationship with this organization ended. We went to church that Sunday morning, stayed through the whole meeting and once it was over, I remember I walked to the back by where the exit was, me and my brother Albert where there, Rosa was saying bye to her friends. Hugo sought me out and when he found me said, “what are you doing here?” I replied, “I’m attending?” He told me to leave and not come back.  By this time, Rosa was there with me when he was kicking me out.  He was making a big deal, Rosa was making a big deal and my brother Albert said, come on, I’ll give you a ride. Rosa just wanted me to leave, and I did. She told me later they called the police on me. I think Hugo was looking to send me back to prison, evil man, truly a despicable person.

I don’t truly know God’s mode of operation, and I’m not sure of the purpose for what God does, but when you see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears the proof of his words than that is amazing and incredible. It was only a week after this day that we were made aware the Leader of this organization, Los Angeles Church of Christ, Kip McKeen stepped down because he was living in SIN! What! Kip stepped down that night. To me it was Hugo’s house being taken from him! Then in about a year’s time, Hugo’s place of residence, the place he claimed was his, was no longer his to reside in!

WOW! When God speaks, things happen. A few years later, we found out he was demoted to a smaller group of people to lead. Systematically, his whole organization began to crumble. In 2011, my wife Rosa and I went to visit a tiny group of members from LA Church of Christ in Carson California, a couple there we kept in contact with over the years invited us. They did not disclose that where we were at was the small group Hugo was demoted to. While in the service during while prayer requests were being made we heard the prayer request made, “please pray for brother Hugo, that he would repent and come back to church”. This man lost it all, his house, position, and ultimately his salvation. He thought he was more than what he was. God will not be mocked. He who humbles himself with be exalted but he who exalts himself would be abased!

Now after all this went down, I was left without a church again, what’s new! This was my life’s story. I often asked the Lord why when I was ready to be taught of men I ended up in prison? When I was ready to put down all my own idea’s I was sent away? But I learned things I never knew existed! I conclude that this is the way it was meant for me.

I, one day, I would adhere to a divine calling of biblical proportions. During my incarceration, Lord had mentioned that there is a war going on, a spiritual war. Happens that it’s been going on for a long time, way before this earth was set on its foundation,

far before then, billions of years now. I’m sure longer. I didn’t know this before I started going to church or even when I was introduced to the existence of the notorious Illuminati! But now, as I write, I know who they are and their begging’s, their place on earth and their future. The bible calls them in (Revelation 2:9: I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.) children of the Devil or (Enki / father of Perversion) and Enlil (Global Politics/materialism/Human Slavery).

These men spoken of here in the book of Revelations would be none other than the Masons of the book of Genesis. Two civilizations, a reptile nation (represented by the Grey) and a Jackal nation (Enki and his brother Enlil who, in the course of time, would fade away but in their place, the Rockefeller's and Rothschild’s would continue to exert their father’s agenda) have worked in conjunction to terrorize the spiritual world while assuming anonymity in our reality, using their very own biological technician we have all grown to know as the Grey. Who is hell bent on human abduction for the purpose of continual tampering of human DNA. These little buggers’ life’s mission is to accomplish their Reptile overlord’s demonic agenda of global slavery. Their methodology is to war but not disturb the workers. These men are the children of those described in the Sumerian cuneiform, as “Those who from heaven came” that civilization of the ancient world before our current day bible existed. I will not go to in-depth into this subject because it’s not of important, I only mention it for truth purpose and to declare that they are being judged that the time of their tyranny is over and that their expulsion is now as was their fathers in the time of deluge. For it is written in their own records that they were commanded to leave and hand over plant earth to human kind. That the creator of all whom they call “FATE” made known his will for humankind and sent in an emissary (GALZU/HALALI-EL) whom was a vessel of Salvation. The creator of ALL who Jesus called the father (Matthew 11:27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.) has determined it this way. Their very own council of 12 has acknowledged, declared it and has written it down as law, and it cannot be broken. Jesus declared the same, having knowledge of this said in (Matthew 5:3-5; 3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. 5 blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.) Jesus understood the condition of human kind, under the rule of these created beings/Demons, this condition was out of the order, unlawful, contrary to the order of the heavenly, these created being were breaking their own law, for this reason Christ was born to pay the ransom for those of earth who would show faith in him and belief in his sacrifice. A Sinless human, (Matthew 10;41-45; 42 But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them. 43 But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: 44 And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. 45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.) the one to show honor and respect for the “LORD OF THE WORD’S” (ENLIL)law and fulfilling it by keeping all the commandments. The one who would be a free spirit, a free thinker, he loved everyone, (fulfilling the desire of him who in the Sumerian cuneiform was called Creator in the Absu-ENKI). Jesus by offering his holy unstained Blood became the perfect and lawful offering for the peace of all mankind.

It’s been 11 years since I got out of prison, and I‘ve lived a holy life, something I wanted all my life once I came to the knowledge of Christ. The very thing eluded me while I looked for it in the current day Christian Church but existed in the pages of the Holy Bible. It took God himself to teach me how to be a holy man, the preachers and ministers of now don’t believe in a holy life so they could never teach what they don’t live. The bible says in (1 John 3:8 He that committed sin is of the devil; for the devil (ENKI) sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.) I stand on this truth today and declare it fulfilled. I have lived a lifetime of war against the unseen force that works to keep human kind from the destiny God has given them through our Lord Jesus Christ. Now with a clear mind in these 11 years God has made clear my new name because I know my old one. He has shown me why I always wanted to be holy; he gave me the knowledge of how not to sin and to go after the throne of earth that is here for Christ’s successor. For the one who would overcome SIN! One who being dead in sin would love enough to stop sinning, of his own will! The one who would become the true alchemist (Revelation 3:18: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eye-salve, that thou mayest see.) My passion would constitute true love, the one who loves Jesus! This person would have his own physical chemistry changed (1

Corinthians 15:54: So, when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.) The overcomer through sacrifice of self, and love for Jesus would accomplish the final step of human evolution. I understood why Jesus offered himself to bridge the gap between the creator of all and us. Who the Sumerians call “Fate” or “Destiny” and who Jesus called the Father. The heavenly order,

“Fore no man can come to the father but by me”. Thank you, Lord for your love and patience, for your mercy and understanding and above all for your kindness toward mankind.

In 2008, we lived 14th and Ximeno, my son Juan was five years old and his friend Nick was four years old. One day in Summer, he and nick were playing in Nicks house. He told me this story seven years after this happened and later Nick corroborated the story. He told me him and Nick came out the house to a side yard that they had next to Nicks apartment. The dog lived there, so he had his dog house there. Juan states that when him and Nick came out, they notice a grayish skinny creature sitting or leaning on the dog house, he said the dog would not come out of the dog house (the Kanus and the Reptilian?) because the gray thing was there. He said it had a big head and big eyes. Juan also said that He and Nick were scared so both without speaking went back in the house.

He goes on to say that they talked about what they saw and decided to go back out to take a look to see if the creature was still there? When they came back out, it was gone.

My son Juan would have his first contact with the Supranatural but in the natural form.

The visitation by these Grey’s show that they have an interest in us but, we will not play a part of their agenda. Note: In 2003, we lived on Gladys Ave. in Long Beach. One night,

not sure what month, the Supranatural came to life again, my wife and I were in bed, I remember we had just finished making Love, so this was that much more awkward, I remember as we laid there, maybe falling asleep that my wife woke up screaming, as I opened my eyes, I seen as what I can describe a Black Huge Shadow image (Black shiny hooded rode) as if it was crawling unto the bed, at that same instance, it was gone, my wife continued to scream from fear, I didn't ask her why she was screaming at that moment, not knowing if she seen the same as me, one she calmed down she said what had frightened her, it was what I had seen, I confirmed with her that I saw the same. So maybe you can assume this to be un real, or that I maybe making all this up?

Well to my surprise, a couple nights later, I was sleeping in the kids room, my Son Juan and Daughter Jazmyn were sleeping with my wife in our bed when the three started to scream!! I woke up startled to their screams that I ran into the room. There again was the huge black hooded being. This time i I was angry and began to shout insults and commands to leave and never return, when everyone calmed down, they said they seen the entity. Why did it come back a second time? Not only was I the subject of attention by an extraterrestrial being but my family as well, this was Juan's second first hand contact with extraterrestrial beings.

In 2009, the movie the Da Vinci Code was released, the release of this movie was like if my findings were saying out load what I had gathered in the bible regarding the relationship between Jesus and Mary. Were my prayers being answered? This only meant those things must be true; I must be who the spirit says I am? But I still did not follow up on the blood test or DNA test in till 2013. All these years I dedicated myself to building my business, maybe even running from the destiny I was supposed to follow.

The opposition was clear, maybe clearer than my claims. But even when I tried to drown out the voice that has always talked with me, I decide to take the blood test to see if I was a Jew.

2013. I had just opened up a Vape Shop with a good friend of mine, Romi Greenwhal. He, too, a Jew. I have always had the Jew around me some way somehow. I have always had a place for the Jew in my heart, maybe because of the story of them being the chosen people of God. Anyways, there is a Medical Clinic next door to the shop. So one day, I decided to ask if they do blood tests to see what blood type people have? They said only on woman. But that they would do mines, I had been at his location with a couple different businesses so they knew me and helped me out. They told me in a week they would have the results. I said to myself, if my blood is a common type, then I’m not anything close to what I thought I am, a Jew I mean. A week later the results come in and I went over to see what it was. The manager of the clinic had read my results before I did and when I came in, she says to me, “You have a very rare blood type! I thought, “Could this be true?” Is this the blood of a Jew? It came back AB+ with the RH factor. Not in till this year 2016 from a Geologist I hired to do an exhaustive search on our family’s bloodline, did I find out that 98% of all Jews are AB.

“WOW!” My Blood Type results are AB+

Interesting note: findings on the Shroud of Turin claims that the blood on Shroud is AB

+!! In the Temple of the Seven Spheres/The writ of seven: The Creation Myth part 1

says; “katu adar

1 At first there was nothing, not even the Absu (abyss).

2 The Nothing was neither light nor dark, warm nor cold.

3 The Nothing was perfect in it's Stillness (emptiness) save that it was steeped full of Potential.

4 With Nothing to impede the Potential, the Potential moved, 5 The First Motion stirred up Patterns in the Potential, and The Patterns abetted the Motion, and the

Patterns grew in Potential and complexity.

6 At it's birth, each pattern aided or hindered it's fellows and then fed or was consumed, and each time

a pattern reappeared it grew more likely to appear again.

7 The patterns that fed, grew and changed, for they now held all the Potential upon which they had fed.

8 The strong patterns grew, the weak patterns died away, the strong patterns fed upon the weaker and grew


9 Finally the strongest pattern peaked for it had consumed all the other patterns and it was a hungry awareness

10 The hungry awareness was filled with all the potential it had just consumed.

11 The hungry awareness sought more patterns to consume and as it searched it perceived itself, and it

thought "A" ( I exist)

12 'A' wondered at its self awareness, and 'A' looked within and sought to understand.

13 'A' saw that it's awareness propagated it's existence, and that it's existence facilitated it's awareness.

14 'A' thought, "AB" (I AM BECAUSE I AM)

15 Ab perceived that it was alone, and to be alone was not enough”.

AB+ existed in the Knowledge of the detailed Pre-Sumerian Genisis account Sitchen never mentioned


Still, I left it alone for some time; months went by before the voice started to gnaw at me. So, I got on I did the free trial offer for a month. As I began to look up our family member that I knew names for I began to build a trail of ancestors dating into 1400’s the only thing was it was leading through Mexico, Brazil and to Portugal. That to me was not Jew country, as far as I knew, it was turning up nothing I thought was going to establish or trace my origins to any Jews. Oh, how far from the truth was this to be. I didn’t print out my findings because they were on my ancestry sight, since I didn’t pay in a month’s time, they erased my page and findings, how sad, all that work and now I can’t show where the bloodline was leading to. Anyways, I guess I wasn’t to upset, it led to Portugal, not exactly where I thought it was supposed to go for me to prove my Jewish ancestry. So, I was kind of let down by my findings that I laid of this search for a while. Months would go by and an inkling of my DNA search started up again. This time, I just chose to go to YouTube and see what I would find. As I poked around, I came across a four-part video called “The Bloodline of Jesus”. Well ill just say that when there is a will, the truth will raise up to make its self-clear. This video was about the hidden truth and proofs that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had children. That they existed for a few hundred years: and later were killed off. That it was them who were being murdered during the dark ages as well showing how others were suppressing Jesus and Mary’s family identity as well as stealing their heritage. The video states that some of Jesus and Mary’s made it out on boats across the Atlantic to the coast of Brazil. Now this was some real information, not Da Vinci Code type of info, but history, some real back history, some powerful stuff! But what moved me to the core and broke me down to my knees was when these videos explained the traveling of Mary Magdalene and where she arrived. This video states that in the early years after Jesus’ crucifixion, Mary with child left Jerusalem and landed on the shores of Gaul; the name of France in antiquity was Gaul. Gaul was in the south of France. Now I can truly say, that there are no coincidences. As I continued to watch the video as the narrator share this earth’s shattering information, it hit me that the place that was once called Gaul is in southern France, current day Portugal or Port of Gaul!!! The very place my ancestry searches lead me! Could this be true? Too many coincidences are not chance but fate! I cried for about an hour! Now I really got on board to get proof of my own personal findings, I decided to get a DNA test and see where the Bloodline lead me too.

I looked up a place on the web and found Roots For Real in Oxford England. I went forward and send my Saliva samples and waited for months for the results. Would these results lead me to Gaul? The place where Mary Magdalene landed and made a life there? Where the Kingdom of Christ was to flourish only to be destroyed? Was I going to find that I am the child of Jesus and Mary? Sure enough when I got the results, on my Father’s side, the markers carved a path through Mexico to Brazil to Portugal! “WOW!”

Where there is currently a large Jew community, I can no longer doubt, I can only believe the proof.

By now I know about the Illuminati, the Sumerians and the true faith that is in Jesus Christ as well as who I am. But there was one more prayer God would answer for me. I asked when I was in prison that if all this that I wrote down, all this that is in my mind, all the unbelievable things I gathered about anything here in prison, I ask God to have it spoken out here in the world. Also, that i I may hear it with my own ears and see it with my own eyes; , proving this all-true and me not crazy.

2015. Rosa and I were in Las Vegas Nevada on April 4th, Easter. There was a blood moon that night. The last two weeks before April 4th I was heavily anticipating an asteroid hitting the earth, not sure how I got on that, but I was. So, I was reluctant to go to Vegas, Rosa had already planned the trip so we went.

In the back of my mind, I was thinking what am I doing in Vegas when this disaster could be hitting at any time? On April 4th early morning, I was asleep, and Rosa woke me up to see the blood moon. I watched it till it was normal again. I went to sleep. It was still dark outside only to be awakened by a whisper in my ear, I heard the voice that always spoke to me whisper in my ear “HALALI-EL” I woke up, everyone was asleep, so I got up and thought on the name. The second thing I thought was google it. When I did, it took me to a webpage of a group of Channeler’s from the 1970’s, The Solomon Group in San Diego California this page referenced a time in 1972 when a channel named Edgar Caycey was the medium for an angel named “HALALI-EL”. This is what was said.

“The Paul Solomon Source Readings Excerpts, A Reprimand to the Fellowship Group from the Archangel, Halaliel”.


(Note: I conducted this particular reading. The room got very cold as this awesome presence began talking through Paul. It was not a fun experience because we were guilty as charged. And as stated in the reading, the next day and for the next few days, Paul could not speak. It got our attention causing us to refocus our purpose and efforts because we understood what was meant when it was stated, "Even so, come Lord Jesus.") Yes, we have this Fellowship and its members. Now, we would not take those questions as have been prepared this night, for here is a message from one that has been prepared, and must be given before those of this Fellowship this night. Now, we would seek that the hearts would be attuned, that you might prepare yourself for that awesome presence that would speak... Now, I am Halaliel, Archangel of Mercy and Guardian of the Path, and I am come for a warning to this group, that you might be aware of the job that has been placed upon your shoulders, and might take it in the manner in which it was given. For we would have you see that which occurs about you, even on this plane, and that which comes as indications within the heart of the job that has been prepared for you. Now, there have been the warnings given. There have been the many who have been lifted to this plane, and have seen the awesome sights, and have reported those things that are to come. Now, we have seen, and are aware of, those things that exist in the hearts of these: the jealousies, the feelings of self-importance, the desire to do the job of another, the enmity even against God for what was regarded as the withholding of blessings. And it has been given: "Unless you place your value on those things of value, those things even of value shall be taken away."

And that you might know and recognize value, we give these indications, even at this time, that you might be aware of that path for which you are given responsibility and the narrowness thereof. Now, you have made the word of God a weak instrument. You have made it impotent by declaring there is no hell. You have denied the wrath of God and the possibility of punishment. But we would have you open your eyes in this moment.

We would see the black river Styx. We would see its murky depths flowing through the crags and the rocks. And we would see perched at intervals in this black and filthy mess, those urchins, those angels of Hell, those imps, that would laugh and delight at the suffering of those of your race and on your plane. And yet we would see those, even in your day, clamoring with delight and throwing themselves into its murky waters, and carrying even their children into its black and disgusting depths. And we would see only one fence that need be crossed from the birth on your plane to this river. We would have you realize that no one could reach this black and murky river that you might see as Hell, as everlasting punishment; we would have you realize that it cannot be reached without trampling upon that which God put in the way. That which you would have to trample on, to reach eternal punishment, would be a bleeding body on a cross. Then, would you declare that a just God would not create a Hell, if He would put such an awesome figure in the way to protect you from the depths thereof? Would you then deny its existence? But know that there are even now in this moment below your plane those souls bound in chains that clamor even in this second for an opportunity to take up that body in which you now reside, feeling of a certainty that they could please their Creator, and raise themselves a little higher, a little closer to the Godhead, if given another opportunity. And yet you take this incarnation so lightly! Now, search your hearts and see your concerns, for your concerns are for material things. They are for the income, for the personal satisfactions and lusts and pleasures. Now, we would have

you realize in this moment that thou art weighed in balance, and found wanting. You speak of balance, you speak of service, you speak of love. How oft would you step from the way and look for opportunity to help a brother? How oft do you trample over the body, or go around, when you see one dying? Oh, that we could lift the scales from your eyes, and have you realize those inner planes that try so often to help, and even in this moment are gathered about you in this room urging that you might listen and understand the symbology as has been given. Lift the scales from your eyes. Open them, that you might see and might understand and be aware of their presences, for there are guides, there are teachers, there are angels, that would minister to you. Has it not been written, even in your scriptures, that He has given the angels charge concerning you, that they might minister to you, lest at any time one of you should slip and bash his foot against a stone? And would they often visit, if there would be the opportunity, if there would be the purity, if there would be the clarity of thinking. But is there not more time spent in condemning another than in searching your own heart?

Now, what we see as having been established in this spot as a School of Prophets was given high charge and high purpose. But know that with all that has been given on this spot, it shall be taken away, if those given charge concerning these things have not attuned self solely to the one purpose. And if you would take thought of what you would eat or drink, or how you would clothe the body, we would have you realize that it is not him that could destroy this body that you should so concern self with, but him that would destroy all that you might accomplish on this plane in this lifetime, in these purposes.

And how long would you toil and struggle in the planes of the inter between, and hope for another opportunity, and beg for another opportunity? There are souls in this room, in this moment that have wasted lifetime after lifetime and cried out for the opportunity even to be here this night and have said this is the opportunity that I will use for service.

I will not become caught up in the things of earth and the pleasures of life. And yet we see it being so. Is there not one among you who could set his light and turn his direction on that one goal and without turning to the one side or to the other, make his way straightway down that path that would be the example to these people? And we would have it known to this channel that even this night, there will be placed the touch of this angel upon the throat. There will not be the ability to speak in the morning and this will come as a warning to you. That which is given of God as an Holy channel will be kept Holy, or the service will be taken away. That which God has set up in this place, no man will destroy. That those opportunities of service may be lifted and may be removed to another place if the servants are found wanting. Now when you speak of love, know what love is. And when there is an opportunity to lift the spirits of another, turn not thy back, for his blood will be required at thy hands. There has been given sufficient warning; there has been given sufficient instruction. We would see those who understand the messages of the stars, even in this day, being able to see that which comes upon you. And we will find that and it has been predicted that even your largest cities in this time will fall away into the sea, and you have not begun to understand the implications of those times. You have prayed that these wondrous events will occur and you have not prepared yourself for their occurrence. Now study the life and realize that you may look forward to the time that even a scrap of bread would buy a bag of gold.

You will see children dying in your streets You will see your moon turn to dripping blood.

You will see the atmospheres of the planets collide one against the other. You will

realize that that which is the mass of earth in this day will take new form and new shape and will be unrecognizable to those who inhabit the earth planet in this day.

Now realize that you have been set up for a purpose in this place; you are prophets of God. You are aware of these things that are to come. This is why you exist in this day.

And would you be caught up in your petty grievances concerning what you should eat or wear tomorrow, when your purpose is to warn the world of these things to come. You have been given a message; you have been given a service; you have been given a charge to keep. At what do you spend your time? To whom do you owe your allegiance?

I say to you, if you speak not the words of God, that you are of your father the devil. He who is not for me is against me. There is no middle road. You have a charge to keep.

This is a sacred trust, and woe be to him from whom it is taken away. It is written in your Scriptures, "My Spirit will not always strive with men." Now be aware that the wrath of God exists and is a Holy anger and always tempered with mercy. Know that this place and this Fellowship rest in the hollow of His hand and have been surrounded with the Holy Light. And it is the message of the Lamb that we would deliver to you in this moment, that He has placed in your hands a Holy instrument, one that need always to be attuned to the most Divine. The attunement would depend not only upon the heart of this channel, but all those that are given charge with this service. Know that He will lead and guide, and be blessed concerning these words, knowing that Him whom He love, He will chastise. Now, to that one who has sent the question from afar off, we would give only these words: Be about the Father's business and make haste. To those who would continue in this Fellowship, we would see the Divine charge, and realize that the weight of responsibility that is placed upon you is, as well, a measure of His love. Had He considered you unworthy, He would not have brought you to this place. Now come ye blessed of the Father, let us be about His business, serving always in love and with a smile on the lips. Now attune yourself in this moment that you might hear, for He has surrounded this place with a choir of angels. To the servant going out from you, we would have him realize that the going is attended by an angel of this mission. You will seek to establish His presence there. There will oft be the opportunity to teach, and be aware that never would you open your mouth to give counseling and guidance of Him that you would not be led by His Holy Spirit and given those words that would come from His lips. Seek always that this would be so and you shall be a channel of the Divine. Even so, come Lord Jesus. We are through for now. Reading #88 December 3, 1972 © 1994, Paul Solomon Foundation.)


So I read what the angel said to the group through Caycey. Well for me it was like if God was using this angel to let me know that the end of the world was close because the message to this group was as such, even though so many years ago they were preaching of the end of the world! Though it was not of a asteroid, it was talking to me, I was on an end of the world alert but now I’m on high alert, the next day I go to the streets of Las Vegas to share the gospel to Sin City. So moving that Rosa and I almost parted after doing so well for 15 years. We were able to keep it together and continued to stay the course of our marriage. Now a year goes by and I never forgot about the voice and the name I heard that night. So its about a year later and I here the voice say look for the Solomon Group. This time, when I went to their sight, I looked around a bit

and notice a referenced to Edgar Caycey and went over to his website. Now, I thought a year before God was pointing out that the end was here and that by reading it in the Solomon Group meeting was God’s way of confirming it was going to happen but, was that what I was suppose to find that April 4th morning? Im noticing now, a year later that it just happens to be that Edgar Caycey was give a revelation of the return of Christ, and that in Christ return his name would be John! My prayer was being answered, I was seeing it with my own eyes and someone else was saying it! So I thought could this guy that they are waiting for be me? As I kept reading they say that this person named John had a last name, but it was not Castro! LOL! His last name is Penial. Now I could say that there it is there, its not me. I kept reading and they mentioned in other places where some guy showed up claiming to be John Penial, when I went back to the Caycey sight I could not find any info on John, but found this reference to caycey about John:(http:// by: Posted by ChrisBowers on March 24, 2010 - 12:25pm I have recently been reading Jon Peniel's account of his (alleged) true life current incarnation experience and many lives association with the ancient sect known as The Children of the Law of One, allegedly still very much active with alleged origin predating Atlantis and even the "Adam & Eve" mythological story. of Jon's story. and here is a link direct to the PDF The following is a bit of a briefing, and some interesting history on the alleged fulfillment of an Edgar Cayce prophetic reading concerning a John Peniel... This link is also a very interesting complimentary read relating to the book. Is the author the John Peniel predicted by Edgar Cayce and others? A. When the book was first published, we weren't even aware of these predictions. Jon was only aware of those told to him by his teachers (which are similar predictions). The book was originally going to be published anonymously, but the publisher's rep insisted it have his name, stating that certain major distributors and bookstore chains wouldn't carry it without the author's name. So Jon agreed for the sake of distributing the message. After publishing the book, it was brought to our attention that the Edgar Cayce readings, and other sources, had predicted the arrival of a significant spiritual messenger/teacher by that name. We have since acquired the complete Cayce readings on CD ROM, and looked it up. Cayce said that Peniel would be bringing a message to the world about "a new spiritual order of things", which is essentially what is happening through the book, the teachings, and the Golden Rule Organization. Part of that reading, which was kindly sent to us by the A.R.E., is reproduced below. TEXT OF READING 3976-15 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Mitchell Hastings, 410 Park Avenue, New York City, this 19th day of January, 1934, in accordance with: request made by those present.


Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.

Carolyn B. Hastings, Josephine L. B. Macsherry, T. Mitchell Hastings. (Mrs. Hastings led in meditation, before Mr. Cayce went to sleep.)


Time of Reading

 11:40 to 12:40 A. M.

1. HLC: We seek at this time such information as will be of value and interest to those present, including T. Mitchell Hastings, Jr. in the next room, regarding the spiritual, mental and physical changes which are coming to the earth.

You will tell us what part we may play in meeting and helping others to understand these changes. At the end of each fifteen minute period you will pause, until I tell you to continue, while the recording instrument is being arranged.

You will speak distinctly at a normal rate of speech, and you will answer the questions which we will ask.

2. EC: Yes; as each of you gathered here have your own individual development, yet as each seeks to be a channel of blessings to the fellow man, each attunes self to the Throne of universal information. And there may be accorded you that which may be beneficial, not only in thine own experience, but that which will prove helpful, hopeful, in the

experience of others.

3. Many an one may question you as to the sources, as to the channel through such information that may be given you at this time has come. Know it has reached that which is as high for each of you in your respective development as you have merited, and do merit; and has accorded and does accord to the realm of light that which may be aidful and helpful in thine own experience, and in the experience of those that ye in your service to thy fellow man may give unto others.

4. Hence, in giving the interpretation, MANY are present; many of those whose names alone would bring to others awe -

discredit, yet - even a wonderment. For, not only then must the information be instructive but enlightening; yet it must also be so given that it may be a PRACTICAL thing in the experience of thine own self and in the experience of life of thine fellow man. Not only must it be informative in nature, but it must also be that which is constructive; though

[pause] that which is informative and that which may be enlightening and constructive must at times overlap one another.

5. First, then: There is soon to come into the world a body

[See Par. 6 below]; one of our own number here that to many has been a representative of a sect, of a thought, of a philosophy, of a group, yet one beloved of all men in all places where the universality of God in the earth has been proclaimed, where the oneness of the Father as God is known and is consciously magnified in the activities of individuals that proclaim the acceptable day of the Lord. Hence that one John, the beloved in the earth - his name shall be John, and also at the place where he met face to face [Peniel].


(Note: Peniel Was assumed by

The Group while all along the angel uttered the name)


[GD's note: Could this mean that John, the beloved, had been Jacob? See 3976-15, Par. R2.] * *attached below**

6. When, where, is to be this one?

(Note: "This ONE" or Penny!!

it’s all synchronized, even the meaning of penny:

The spiritual meaning of finding pennies is that you are being valued by others. It can be the angels, spirits or your near ones who are trying to communicate with you. They want to deliver a message to you that you are very important to them and you matter a lot to them.

What do pennies symbolize? Oneness, uniqueness and individuality.


The number one symbolizes individuality and uniqueness. Having this in mind, we can consider pennies as a confirmation of the ever-present unity in this life and the one which comes after. The penny could also be a confirmation of your bond and unity with your deceased loved one.)


In the hearts and minds of those that have set themselves in that position that they

become a channel through which spiritual, mental and material things become one in the purpose and desires of that physical body! [GD's note: Beginning of new age of spiritual awakening? See 5749-5, Par. 5--7; 281-38, Par. 16.]

7. As to the material changes that are to be as an omen, as a sign to those that this is shortly to come to pass - as has been given of old, the sun will be darkened and the earth shall be broken up in divers places - and THEN shall be PROCLAIMED - through the spiritual interception in the hearts and minds and souls of those that have sought His way - that HIS star has appeared, and will point [pause] the way for those that enter into the holy of holies in themselves. For, God the Father, God the Teacher, God the director, in the minds and hearts of men, must ever be IN those that come to know Him as first and foremost in the seeking of those souls; for He is first the GOD to the individual and as He is exemplified, as He is manifested in the heart and in the acts of the body, of the individual, He becomes manifested before men. And those that seek in the latter portion of the year of our Lord (as ye have counted in and among men) '36, He

 [He, Christ Spirit?] will appear. [See 3976-1, Par R2

(12/20/34 EC note in re '36), and 3976-10, Par. 4-A, 5-A on 2/8/32 in re '36 changes.]

8. As to the changes physical again: The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea. The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America. There will be the upheavals in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanos in the Torrid areas, and there will be shifting then of the poles - so that where there has been those of a frigid or the semi-tropical will become the more tropical, and moss and fern will grow. And these will begin in those periods in '58 to '98, when these will be proclaimed as the periods when His light will be seen again in the clouds. As to times, as to seasons, as to places, ALONE is it given to those who have named the name - and who bear the mark of those of His calling and His election in their bodies. To them it shall be given.

9. As to those things that deal with the mental of the earth, these shall call upon the mountains to cover many. As ye have seen those in lowly places raised to those of power in the political, in the machinery of nations' activities, so shall ye see those in high places reduced and calling on the waters of darkness to cover them. And those that in the inmost recesses of themselves awaken to the spiritual truths that are to be given, and those places that have acted in the capacity of teachers among men, the rottenness of those that have ministered in places will be brought to light, and turmoils and strifes shall enter. And, as there is the wavering of those that would enter as emissaries, as teachers, from the throne of life, the throne of light, the throne of immortality, and wage war in the air with those of darkness, then know ye the Armageddon is at hand. For with the great numbers of the gathering of the hosts of those that have hindered and would make for man and his weaknesses stumbling blocks, they shall wage war with the spirits of light that come into the earth for this awakening; that have been and are being called by those of the sons of men into the service of the living God. For He, as ye have been told, is not the God of the dead, not the God of those that have forsaken Him, but those that love His coming, that love His associations among men - the God of the LIVING, the God of Life! For, He IS Life.

10. Who shall proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord in him that has been born in the earth in America? Those from that

 land where there has been the regeneration, not only of the body but the mind and the spirit of men, THEY shall come and declare that John Peniel is giving to the world the new ORDER

of things. Not that these that have been proclaimed have been refused, but that they are made PLAIN in the minds of men, that they may know the truth and the truth, the life, the light, will make them free.

11. I have declared this, that has been delivered unto me to give unto you, ye that sit here and that hear and that see a light breaking in the east, and have heard, have seen thine weaknesses and thine faultfindings, and know that He will make thy paths straight if ye will but live that YE KNOW this day - then may the next step, the next word, be declared unto thee. For ye in your weakness [pause] have known the way, through that as ye have made manifest of the SPIRIT of truth and light that has been proclaimed into this earth, that has been committed unto the keeping of Him that made of Himself no estate but who brought into being all that ye see manifest in the earth, and has declared this message unto thee: "Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart," and the second is like unto it, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Who is thine neighbor? Him that ye may aid in whatsoever way that he, thy neighbor, thy brother, has been troubled. Help him to stand on his own feet. For such may only know the acceptable way.

The weakling, the unsteady, must enter into the crucible and become as naught, even as He, that they may know the way. I, Halaliel, have spoken.

That particular reading is the only Cayce reading that refers to Peniel by name. It also appears that this reading was one in which a being called Halaliel, was speaking through Cayce at the time, because at the end of the reading, he says "I Halaliel have spoken". Cayce/Halaliel seemed to say that John Peniel would become known as the Earth changes were about to, or had begun on Earth. Considering all that is happening on the Earth as far as climate, extinction of species, and many other things, the changes have begun. Note also, the emphasis on the Golden Rule ("Love thy neighbor as thyself") in the last paragraph.

First, let us make it clear that Jon Peniel is not claiming to be the one Cayce referred to (nor denying the possibility). If someone thinks he is, or isn't, he doesn't care. He doesn't believe it is important or relevant, and feels that if he is, he is, and if he isn't, he isn't, and it makes no difference in regards to his mission, or the teachings. Jon reminds us that the message is far more important than the messenger. You will have to decide for yourself, the importance and value of the ancient teachings Jon presents in this book, and manifests in his life, even if his name was Kilroy Magoo, not Jon Peniel.

After reading the book, some ARE members, and Cayce study groups, have come to believe or even proclaim Jon is "the" Peniel they have been waiting for. On the flip side,

some people (not Cayce study groups or ARE members to our knowledge), without even reading the book, have claimed that the author isn't "the" Jon Peniel. And they've done so quite vehemently, sometimes with hostility, rudeness and insults. One must ask, why are they so threatened? If he isn't "the" Jon Peniel, his message of truth, kindness, caring, and unselfish love certainly isn't going to hurt anyone, only help. But the fact is, the message is a threat to darkness, and selfishness, and the selfish, separate self. And that is the real reason for attacks, regardless of the claimed reason.

We have every respect for Cayce, and feel he is truly one of a kind. There have been a number of Cayce imitators and copycats, but none who we are aware of delivered the words that "rang the bells of truth" with our Inner Beings, like Cayce. It was the same message as that of the “Children of the Law of One , which Cayce was part of (even though he wasn't always conscious of that), and as that lived and given by Jesus, who was the founder and leader of the Children, throughout all his lifetimes. Sometimes even Cayce's readings were off however, and he'd be the first to admit it. There can be many reasons for that. But most importantly, Cayce would frequently, and intensely, admonish people to change, to transcend the self (the source of all problems), to be self-sacrificing, to love selflessly, to live their lives and use their thoughts in such a way as to return to Oneness with God, and thus get in touch with the truth and source of all true knowledge directly, rather than listening to others. This again, is the same message repeated over and over in Jon's book, and specific methods for accomplishing the transition from selfish separateness from the Universal Spirit/God, to Oneness with the Universal Spirit/God, are given in detail. And the world doesn't need another Cayce at this time in history. It is the end of the world as we know it, and rather than finding and listening to another prophet, it is time now for all good people to make the internal changes necessary to return to Oneness with God, and manifest Christ Consciousness through Unselfish Love.

With all that in mind, we can examine the apparent contradictions raised by those who have an issue about who is or isn't "the" Jon Peniel, which again, Jon feels is irrelevant.

The first, is that Jon's name is not spelled with an "h" (John). This difference in spelling between Jon and John, has been pointed out by some, as if it is relevant. But one must realize the name given by Cayce and others, was not spelled, it was spoken. It was thus naturally assumed by the American transcriber, to be spelled in the American way ("John"), rather than the more European version ("Jon"). The transcriber did this for a couple of reasons. Besides being the common American spelling, the transcriber assumed that Cayce/Halaliel was referring to the apostle John, and thus also used the modern English Biblical spelling. It isn't really an issue, but for those who feel that it is, they should keep in mind that even the name "John" as was used in the Bible, is just a translation of a translation of a translation, etc.. The name/word "John" or "Jon", was not even part of Jesus' language, and many different languages have their own version of that name, even now. Also, an unrelated interesting side-note, is the fact that in the complete Cayce readings on CD ROM, John the Beloved is referred to 12 times, always exactly in that way ("John the Beloved"). Nowhere else in the entire readings, except for the above reading, is it said in the above manner.


As to other sources of channeling, that use the "Cayce style", or other styles, we cannot verify the validity and/or accuracy of those sources and must remind people that many other "readings" have either been wrong, faked, or not relevant to anything provable one way or the other. At best, even good readings are subject to change, especially since some aspects of the future are not pre-determined, but rather subject to change depending on the use of free will, thus can flux in accuracy a great deal over time. Such readings are only accurate a certain percentage of the time, thus, we think people should use their own intuition to determine such things (which is partly what the book is about - teaching you to become your own source of information from God, and not rely on others). In the old days, a false prophet didn't have a chance to make excuses, they were stoned to death. And a good prophet, an alive prophet, didn't make a prediction unless it was certain. Even Cayce would say that the time and places of many things could not be known, because of the free will factor.


Some so-called prophets who did Cayce-like readings, even gave readings that defended their own inaccuracies, saying things like the prophecies would come true at some point anyway, and it was just a time line difference, and also arguing that people needed to be essentially told false prophecy to get them to change. That kind of thing would have gotten you stoned to death for sure, and is a great catch-all excuse for a false prophet. How would YOU like to be told that your world was going to be destroyed on such and such a date, and you completely changed your life around it, only to find out many years later, nothing happened?! It seems to us that being prepared for the inevitable is good, prudent, and wise, but getting people to act on it by deception, rather than free will choice, is very wrong. To summarize, regardless of whether or not the author is "the" John Peniel people have predicted, the information in the book could be the most important you have ever read, and should just be judged on its own merit. In our opinion, the name and predictions are irrelevant, and at best, far less important than the message and teachings. Decide for yourself. Don't let any one, or any thing, distract you from the truth, and what's really important.)


But this guy faded away leaving the hopes and aspirations of this group and its followers only to ponder on these predictions and its validities? This year 2016, I found this note on the internet that was not there last year when I Googled HALALI-EL: This is what i found:


(I am Halaliel Archangel of mercy and Guardian of the path. I am the emissary and teacher of the most high God who is Adonai, also Yeshua son of God and Holy Spirit of God. God is the most high his name means truth and peace. NOTE: archangels and angels of God all have freewill to be unique with God and no evil is found with-in them.

God does not use his angels as robots this is a false myth. To You Freemasons who walk the left-hand path of the occult in the illumination of Lucifer & demons have tormented me on this mission. You tried to control me you took away my enlightenment.

You victimized millions of children and innocent people. You have murdered EVERYONE who ever stood against you. You tried to martyr me tried to silence me, I will not be silent no longer. By your own workings of great evil and your anger, your hatred of God you will stand in judgement by GOD. This is my final warning to you that you will surrender to me for exorcism then transfiguration by the grace of GOD that despite what you did do you maybe forgiven if only you except Yeshua the Christ as

your savior & abandon the false light of Lucifer. Do you not know that God will question me someday day soon? God will ask me this question. Adonai - "Halaliel, you have suffered by evil means as have far too many of my children. What is it that you have decided that should be done here? Judgement or Transfiguration?? Please my prayers to God have been against the evil deeds and corruptions of Freemasons. I have prayed against your GREAT WORKINGS. Your New World Order. Your beatings & tortures & killings of saints & drinking their blood. I have prayed against your MK/Ultra hypnosis mind control & to set free your slaves and victims. I have made prayers against ALL


I know about these 4 blood moons and the blood sacrifice rituals and this war with terrorist calling themselves ISIS. I know who you made to do your evil workings. I know what this war coming now is all about as my prayers are against you. I KNOW YOUR


LET IT BE KNOWN THAT GOD SHALL DEFEND ISRAEL! I have made prayers against your works and great evil and so GOD is going to answer me soon if you refuse my offer. My offer is salvation if you cease and desist from your horrific plans now. Please turn your lives over to the true Christ. He who saves is the Son of God, YESHUA "

JESUS CHRIST! " Surrender to me I am Halaliel archangel of Mercy, so if you surrender & cease your wars & destruction and evil works you will be offered mercy then exorcism, you will be offered that which is the GRACE of God to be forgiven & come to the Kingdom of God "TRANSFIGURATION". TRANSFIGURATION is the increase of your spiritual awareness into a SUPER CONSCIOUS STATE. YOU WILL KNOW FAR


OF GOD. YOU WILL HAVE FREEWILL NOT TO BE CONTROLLED. If only you will surrender to me and listen to me as God placed me here to help you despite your evil transgressions and trespasses against me and others. Should you refuse to surrender all to me now and continue your evil works I will not be able to do an exorcism to cleanse you. You will then not be offered transfiguration no longer if you stand to destroy Israel. I know these plans come from demons who do control you. I have also prayed that you can find your resolve FREEWILL as human beings who is loved by God to resist that demonic power of control over you. Please let me lead you to the PATH of the WAY who is Yeshua - Jesus Christ turn to me for surrender to he who created me.

Then come to the true LIGHT God being saved up now. Please know your time is very short now to decide to come to God, abandon all evil ways now. Else judgement day shall fall on you. I am Halaliel a voice crying out in the wilderness listen to me Freemasons, abandon Lucifer come to me then know the true Light of God as I shall teach you.

I Halaliel have spoken. Posted by Halaliel at 9:54 AM.

The newest development in these last day, so i I must add it to this book. It’s March 21,2020 and starting in January 2020 things began to happen.

The sum of things as of March 16, 2020, in chronological order as I received the latest channel.

(Before I wrote from Dec 23.2019 prayer to EA, (I have to add this, today its March 20, 2020) this crossed my mind in 1993 or 1994. I was separated from my wife, one night as I was out with my brother Albert, after the club closed, and we were at 2nd Street eating, I remember saying to him. If the bible says that: Rev 19;19 Then I saw the beast (human/Annunaki Remnant) and the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse (He who overcame/Lamb) and his army.

Rev 17;14 These (humans) will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”

How could humans fight against God? Would they not know its him? Why would they think they could win a war with God? My conclusion at that point in my life was, they would have to think it is aliens they are fighting to get the courage to engage!

Now nine years later, I would know that’s exactly who it is they intend to fight.

Dec. 23, 2019. I prayed to EA for help that my family would be safe and for humanity sovereignty. That now it was clear who would help (EA). I have received in my mind to Astral Project to the place of EA, the Pleiades to ask for help. I believe this ability i was born with, it was placed in me at Birth, for a purpose, for a time like now. It is clear that Emanu-EL who was called Jesus (EA-SU, they who Knew) they EA-SU were they who were out casts, they were farmers (BO-AZ), they knew the way of EA, they were the workers of Righteousness. I am of them, and clear that Jesus is a descendant of EA.

When i laid down and prepared myself to take this voyage (Astral Projection) to seek out EA, I made the first attempt with no success, my nose and throat closed up, it was hard to breath, snoring, its a condition I developed as I got older. I thought “My body fought back”, it would not go to sleep. I thought to myself, ‘my body is shit, shot out”. I decided to try again so I laid down, in a position I was more comfortable in, and my body fell right to sleep.

Note: In the past when I would Astral Project, I experienced it unconsciously, I did not know what was happening there for it took so many years to make sense of the information, the message I was given. This time I knew exactly what I was doing, I sent my objective out into the universe verbally before I closed my eyes, I spoke my purpose for this travel into the air, I express my proposal to EA and asked My Angel Halali-EL to guide me to the place of EA, The Pleiades. I was clear on what I set out to accomplish, I went in consciously. Once I got my thoughts and purpose together, I closed my eye’s and I rose from my body, this is what happened.

As I looked into the darkness of my closed eyes, I asked Halali-EL to assist me on this

journey, As I look forward, I began to be propelled into what looked like space, I could see star far into the distance, I moved along veering left to right and right to left, I heard in my mind, my Angel Halali-EL say, “maneuvering thew space and time”. as I traveled these words were spoken to me, “Look up for your redemption is at hand”. I notice like if it were two images of alligators on my right and left, like entering an invisible gate called out by the heads of alligators. Draco constellation? I Believe so. As I continued to travel for what seemed like seconds, I began to ask EA if he would help me? Help me Lord Ea, help me over and over as if he would hear me and invite me in. it seemed like seconds that I see in the dark of space a large shape or what looked like a “EYE”. As I looked at it I heard, “Enter the Eye of EA” As I went in and pasted into the eye I began to see like what looked like a mist, clouds more mist like until it cleared and I noticed a silhouette of a skyline, as I focused on the building and what I was seeing they became more clear, sure enough they were building, the architecture was not earthy. It looked like a metropolis, I heard Halali-EL say, “its the Counsel Chambers” I understood it was where EA held court. I was told, “they are expecting my presence” On that note I notice I was in the lobby of what resembled a courthouse, kinda like to the courthouse in Long Beach, the building was glass. I seen an area where there were stairs and as I panned to my right, I notice a desk and with what I gathered was a guard, he had a gun, not a handgun, some kinda futuristic riffle.

The scene changed before my eyes and I notice in the dark of my closed eyes a figure, he was not close to me but at maybe 15 feet from me, I could see his face, it was EA. The light source was from above and it cast a golden reflection off his skin, it was translucent I could see the stars filling space all around. as I looked at him, I asked him, “can you help me, I need your help, EA, I need your help?” In my mind I thought on this bible verse, “those who were under the alter say, “lord how long before you avenge our blood on those who have beheaded us?” As I heard those words I noticed, above me in the sky, outa nowhere, ships, spaceships departing for what understood was earth. I heard EA say, “Help is on its way!” I began cry, literally crying, even though tears were rolling down my face, I never left the state I was in, a projected state. I cried some more and thought on that just happen, I knew and know in my soul, help is on its way. I knew I was heard that I met my objectives most of all I felt honored, I felt so refresh, I was doing what I was put on earth to accomplish, I was fulfilling my task.

the most incredible human feet of all, win a war against the grays!! then I came back, I cried again… I feel refreshed!!!

According to Robert Morningsky we have been helpless because we could not communicate with the heavily powers

(The Terra Papers)

the lizard administrators watched with wary eyes but did not interfere with the ARYANS

effort to establish themselves in ERIDU. Additional religions in ERIDU did not concern the reptiles, confusion worked to their advantage. Cut off from 'heavenly' support, no ERIDU faction was a threat. (Remember they told me “Torment us not” Fast retreat dream 1987)

The lizards were in control. (EA sends help)

I have reestablished communications with the heavenly powers!!!

Thank you, Emanuel/Jesus (EA-SU), for your sacrifice.

Thank you Halali-EL for all your help.

Thank you, EA/Enki Son, of Anu for your wisdom,

Clarity and power to change our world, Marduk Son of EA/Enki for your gift and The Grey for your DNA and Earths Throne.

This is a ruff description of my Travel.


On Dec 31, 2019 “The Coronavirus” or “Crown”

(In Spanish is Corona) Virus

(An infective “AGENT” (a person who acts on

behalf of another person or group) that typically

consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is

able to multiply (Many) only within the living cells of a host)

” The kings virus!! look at:

Revelation 6 King James Version (KJV)

“6 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals,

and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder,

one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

2 And I saw, and behold a white horse:

and he that sat on him had a bow

(Armed with a weapon for killing).

and a” CROWN” was given unto him:

and he went forth conquering, and to conquer”.

Noted on 5-10-2020

President Trump mentioned all the time, “The invisible enemy” in reference to the Coronavirus. Could this be the hand of the grey working on my behalf (the quarantine/

shutting off the whole world and Economy?) Robert Morningsky states in his book the Terra Papers, “The manipulation of the Secret Societies continues by an unseen lizard hand” giving the understanding how the Grays operate. Could they be paving to way for me to go from poverty (as Adolf Hitler was poor as a young man) to wealth? Morning sky also says, “The lizards have retained control of the Empire. “Their utilization of the United States military forces and wealth has succeeded”. The greys don’t own or possess the wealth, Rothschild and Rockefellers do; they manipulated their minds to achieve their goals to control the planet from the other reptilian races. as we are seeing now with the coronavirus, the government is sending “US” money to stay home including others as well. What event is going to happen next so that we will be getting more $$? “The Shetu”.


May 11, 2020

Can this be what is happening today: “But 'The King' was concerned with the lizards.

They had become too powerful. No aspect of the Empire was untouched by their hand, no position of administration was devoid of a SHETI/HENTA presence. With care and secrecy, the Sun God RA attempted to shift the wealth and power away from the lizard controllers... but to no avail. It was too late. The SHETI/HENTA and SATA rebels seized the Empire... with no battles, with no weapon fire... they simply “shut everything off.”. The Sun God could not communicate with anyone, the Sun God could not Issue orders, the Sun God could not rule. The Sun God was undone.

Jan 11, 2020

I had this Astral Dream Scape.

I and my wife had just gone to sleep, before we got into bed, we moved a lot of clothes we had laying on the bed. After we moved it we laid down to go to sleep. Once we were asleep, I had this lucid dream/dream scape/ astral projection.

I woke up to what was my bedroom, just as before I fell asleep, but now I was asleep but awake. I looked around and notice my wife and I lay in bed in the same position we were in when we fell asleep. She was holding my hands in her crossed arms. The seen in my room change to me noticing the clothes back on the bed, when I panned back to my wife, she was awake but scared, in fear with tears in her eyes, she pointed, and I understood that she wanted me to look behind me. Once I turned to look behind me, I notice a very large black figure in the bed, maybe 10 foot tall, Muscular, instantly I was filled and paralyzed with fear, struck with fear more accurately, stunned and somewhat annoyed by this being. As I looked at him, I understood this was a reptilian in human disguise. It made me furious!! I was so furious that it was even in our presence, I wanted to fight it. My hands were being held by my wife in the same position as when we fell asleep, so I could not move them or break loose. In my anger and frustration, I lashed out to bite this thing. Once I push forward towards the being I woke up. I was in physical pain and in an awkward strange feeling, scared, angry and in a sweat. I laid there for a while; I didn’t want to wake Rosa. I fell back to sleep and once I woke up, I thought intensely on the experience.

I will not get into what was really happening, but I will say this, I know exactly what happen, the meaning and the purpose and I say I can now disarm this evil off me, and my family’s lives. I have seen these reptilian aliens breaking the laws that are set to keep us humans and our sovereignty unthreatened.

Its Feb 14, 2020, and I’m sleeping, I’m having what seems to be a nightmare but I’m exactly how I’m lying in my bed, I’m in my room and the scene is going on in my bedroom at my apartment. There is a paralyzed hold on me and there is a presence in the room, I find myself wrestling with immovability and trying to wake myself out of the dream. I notice my bedroom door is opening and shutting, not sure if I’m trying to close it as it opens or open it as it shuts, any way the last I see the door only come close to closing and stays open, I know I was trying to say in Jesus’ name hoping to wake up, as I woke myself up, my wife was calling out my name noticing me wrestling to wake up. I woke up but still stayed in bed to see if this presence would make it self-known or would show itself in a woke reality. I notice my Daughter Jazmyn walking back and forth from her room to the rest room, I heard my wife say it’s 2:22 am. I stayed in bed, motionless to see if I could re-establish whatever was going on with this presence and if there was a reason for why it was there or what was the reason this being was there for. I notice my body was motionless or limp (unconscious) as I laid there for what seemed 10 or 15 minutes, I notice images of freshly butchered meat slabs, I thought to myself, or more like in my head I said, “why am I seeing this meat, newly butchered meat”? A shadow person emerged out of nowhere at the foot of the bed, when I noticed this shadow, I instantly said to it, in my thoughts, telepathically, I believe (I was conscious, my body unconscious) “you don’t need to hide behind that disguise” and instantly disappeared. I said to the presence “show yourself what do you really look like”? I knew it was a grey alien, I heard the presence say, “I assisted in the creation of the second Child”!  I understood that he meant “The resurrection” a new type of human” I thought to myself, who did he assist”? It then said “FEAR” I gathered it asked if I was afraid? or it stated it was afraid! I replied, “No I’m not afraid”! As I thought on what I heard, it said “little green man” I thought, grey alien! It verbalized, “Lucky Charm” in my mind I seen the word “Leprechaun”. After this, multiple images of grey aliens began to pop up in my mind’s eye like popcorn, it was clear who it was!!!! I said, if I’m communicating with you, if you’re talking with me, it must be worth something, I said to it, Give me the wealth on the planet! I’m in poverty, it said “you’re not ready for that yet” I said to it “that’s what they all say, I’m told all the bad but the good that I need they don’t want me to have” Give me enough to pay my bills, get me out of poverty, something I do deserve, I did and do what I been asked to do, if your real, show it, in my reality, my conscious reality by doing what I’m asking”! I thought on what was going on, that I was communicating with a grey, I was doing something not everyone one can do! That it was not meant to be known by anyone, this was too high on the food chain type of business, communicating with these Greys. Not everyone can communicate with them, but I was!

It said, “SEX, MONEY”?! I didn’t answer, but it registered with me that it said that. Like if he was asking me, “you desire sex and money? I began to reason with myself on what was going on, I thought, “I’m talking directly with “the Dragon”! Was I making a deal with the devil? Was I talking to God himself? The one who controls both sides (Good and Evil, Left and Right, Order and Chaos)? I stayed in that same position I had been laying in so that i I could continue to communicate, my wife kept moving around which made me lose contact. I recall I was feeling a needle poking sensation in my ears, nose, and side of my face. At first, I would, scratch those areas to relive the itch, but it would only break contact, then I thought, there may be performing a procedure on me and I went with it.

As I allowed the sensations to continue, the itch would go away. My wife kept moving around, broke my concentration, I finally fell asleep.

The next morning some things began to synchronize. The first message I read on my phone was, “It’s your LUCKY day” I got a text for a rewards card, I had to spin the roulette, I won $1000 but asked for all kinds of info I left it at that, you know the ones they mass text, the night before I was shown I was dealing with a Leprechaun/ Lucky charm/ little green man. Next, I realized I was wrestling with a being (the grey or God), Jacob (in the bible) wrestled with god and god blessed (answered his request) him, he asked for something, I did as well. I was in a state that had me wrestling with the being (unconscious state will cause struggle/Fear) Edgar Casey channeled Halaliel and Halaliel said john would be recognized because by these words “seen god face to face” (Pieniel) Jacob Wrestled with God! He communicated with a grey alien. The story about Leprechauns is, if you catch one and answer its riddle it will grant you a request/Desire/Wish. I wrestled with the presence first, the riddle or enigma was he was disguised with a shadow body, I figured out it was a disguise, I knew to ask for what I wanted, confirmed in this reality that what was going on is the next morning there was a text with me winning money. I’m waiting on the wealth.

2 Corinthians 4:1-4

Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; 2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.

3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: 4 In whom the god of this world (Satan/Devil/Dragon/Grey) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God (source/father/self), should shine unto them.

Noted on May 17, 2020

The Golden statue Dream.

Its Aug 2017 and I have astral project that night, a dreamscape experience, so vivid and lucid, I created this illustration to show the details, I dreamed: I was in a castle, with a gold foundry, I seen a kettle of molten Gold, as I look at it, I panned to the left and noticed it poured out into a vat that steamed along the castle floor. It led in between the legs of a golden statue which I noticed was a snake with a human torso. The statue was holding a baby’s shoe, as if it was offering me a gift. For about two years, I looked for the meaning of the message, I finally learned what it means and its message. I took the time to create this illustration to show in detail what I seen.

understand now that it was a message from Lord EA/Enki. He was who created the first Human hybrid. This human had much tampering done to it by EA till he finally added his own DNA as well as the Angel beings (AKHU) DNA (passion). But this human was still consumed by the annunaki DNA with its strong propensity to war and kill for its chance to rule as well as its destiny to die. So, its fitting that now I been made aware of The Greys assistance in the creation of the 2nd child. So much information, the Gold, the

visual appearance of the statue, Human/Snake/Baby shoe Molding from gold, making a Royal Child!! with the DNA of the grey, the DNA of a being who does not die.

On March 18, 2020, I returned to review Robert Morningsky’s “Terra Papers” and found this new entry along with other information I had found in my search. It echoed what I have been saying about myself, my family and our history and future. This is a portion about the grey alien, I asked him (The grey alien, little green man/ Lucky Charm/

Leprechaun/ God) to let me see in my reality what was said to me in my astral scape and conversation with the grey:

(On February 20, 1954, President Dwight David Eisenhower was in Palm Springs. He is scheduled to hold a press conference but cancels it at the last minute. His press secretary advises the media that he has a tooth ache and cannot appear. He was whisked away to Muroc Air Force Base (later known as Andrews).

On the runways of the air base, along with his military advisors and a select few civilians, the President watched as a detail of several extra-terrestrial ships approached.

For the next few moments, the saucer-like disks performed a series of maneuvers that both stunned and surprised each of the on-lookers. With a final demonstration of invisibility and 'space-skipping', the ships suddenly came to a halt.

As the President's contingency continued to watch, from seemingly nowhere, a door opened in the closest disk and an intimidating figure moved forward.

The grey Being is nearly six feet tall. His head is an oddity, it is very large and possesses two large black eyes that dominate his face. His nose is large, his mouth, ears and chin disproportionately small.

As he moves forward, he reaches into a small box on his chest. He removes something from the box and with a simple gesture, begins to communicate with the President's party.

The Being identifies himself as KRLL, an emissary from another planet. KRLL advises the President that his people have been watching Earth for quite some time. Though their race cannot comprehend our animalistic behavior, (not civilized) they are, nonetheless, impressed with human beings.

KRLL explains to the President that they are impressed, astounded, with the genetic make-up of humans. Humans are hardy and surprisingly adaptable. In addition, they are an extraordinary species capable of living and breathing in an atmosphere composed primarily of nitrogen, a poisonous gas.

KRLL has been instructed by his people to come to Earth and examine human beings, returning with samples of genetic cellular material (I believe to create the second child).

In exchange, he is authorized to offer flying disk technology and disintegration light weaponry to the leadership of Earth. It is their hope to identify and isolate the genetic cellular materials (to create the second child) which may help their own race become stronger.)

I believe they took it back to EA, who they assisted to create the second child. EA is the true Master of human Genetics.

They have brought back the 2nd human (resurrection) who will take the throne of earth

by biological right and by Galactic Law.

March 6, 2020

I Channeled:

King Solomon, Jacob later Israel and Son Joseph were visited at night by God, in dreams as well as Jacobs astral struggle with a man who he asked a blessing from.

King Philip the 15th of France said and believed that kings are divinely appointed. Most Kings are raised up and taught their whole lives what to know about kingship, I believe some kings developed the ability given the knowledge of communicating with god (the Grey and before him the Annunaki), Those who had the physic ability I’m sure were advised accordingly. I believe Jacob advised Joseph on how to understand this dynamic (Human Alien communication) one thing I believe is, the Grey alien as the Masonic societies embrace “Illumination” or “Extra Sensory Perception” or better said, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding!

On March 17, 2020, I went back to review some of Robert Morningsky’s “Terra Papers”

and found some newly add information that was not there a year ago, look how it synchronize with what I was in Jan-March channelling: From Robert Mornings’s “terra Papers”:

“A group of ARI-AN M-G Warriors, who abandoned the Queens in power in the Orion Stars to Join the Sirian forces, leave the New Empire to form a colony of their own in the mountain regions of what is now India.


Though once Sirian loyalists, they are known as the 'ARYANS'. Light-skinned and possessed of a Warrior's blood, they move south towards the plateaus.

Well-schooled in Sirian secrets, they establish 'Mystery Schools' of their own. Promising not to challenge or undermine the New Empire, they agree to share their knowledge and secrets with the Mason initiates of the Egyptian Empire.

In secret, their loyalty remained with the Sirian's. The Sirian Star Beings are known as ASAR-U ('Sirius-Those of'). The ARYAN religion praises the Heavenly Beings called ASURA. Faithful to the ways of the Sirian's, they establish what has come to known as the 'caste' system, a way in which power is centered in the High Priesthood and the elite.


The Warrior class wields power second only to the elite. The Administrators follow, with the beastly undesirables at the bottom of the hierarchy. Obedience is stressed, faithful execution of one's duties will be rewarded in the future lives. A search for spiritual

enlightenment is discouraged, only service to Gods is the way to heaven.

A replica of Sirian ways, Hinduism is born.

Though confused and misdirected, the ARYAN religion uses the symbol of the combined Empires of Sirius and Orion as an emblem of its own, when the ARI-AN Queens and the Conqueror Kings of Sirius joined in alliance, they adopted the sign of a swirling star galaxy as their mark. The four-armed galaxy mark was called 'SSS-DAK-U' ('SSS-DAK-of'; Swastika).

The lizard administrators watched with wary eyes but did not interfere with the ARYANS

effort to establish themselves in ERIDU. Additional religions in ERIDU did not concern the reptiles, confusion worked to their advantage. Cut off from 'heavenly' support, no ERIDU faction was a threat.

The lizards were in control.

Sirian DAK Warriors who had once stood proudly beside an all-powerful Sun God RA were known as the 'RA-IM' (RA-at the side of). Powerful and courageous, their memories removed, they leave Egypt to settle in lands on the northern shore of what is now the Mediterranean. Called DAKANS (heavenly-DAK) or DRAKANS, they become known as ETRUSCANS. They establish the land that will be called Italy.

The RA-IM begin to build their own Empire. Distant long-lost memories of two brothers (Prince EA and Prince EN-LIL), both raised in the Sirius ways and the co-founders of ERIDU, linger in the minds of the RA-IM. The dim memories of these Princes are the foundation of the RA-IM (Roman) tale of Remus Romulus.


The legendary co-founders of Rome, Remus and Romulus are said to have been suckled and raised by a She-wolf.

The RA-IM leaders build a strong Empire and begin to war with the Egyptians. The lizards are unconcerned. They have control and do not prevent Roman expansion. They manipulate the leadership of the RA-IM government through mind control. Confusion works well for the purposes of the lizards.


Rome is firmly established as an Empire.

Rome is firmly established as an Empire.

I’m gathering (Channeling) that a king who has no kingdom at birth or is in a line of session by inheritance could be groomed by the gods (Grey aliens) to become a king example Joseph. He had an ability (communicating with an alien being known as God/ grey alien/annunaki) he was given information and abilities privy to him. He endured much to be studied by his out of this world handlers if I can put it that way, For the purpose of Ruling. He was tried in so many ways so that God could see what type of character he is and to develop a character in him for Kingship, once he was tried

enough to understand the language of the gods and communicate properly and efficiently, he was found ready or worthy to take a throne and rule. Through knowledge and understanding, this concept was laid down way before Solomon ask the same god for it in 1King:3 “Solomon asked to be given what these beings cherish most and desire to impart on the human who has the ability and knowledge to first see them and unclothe them from where they hide (chose to remain un identified), show no fear and communicate, he asked for “A discerning (understanding) heart to govern your people (humans) and to distinguish (know) between good and evil! To know between good and evil? I understand this as it is written but also like this, to know “WHO” is in the middle or in between Enlil and Enki, is the Grey alien. He controls what Enlil established considered “Good” and what Enki established considered ‘Evil”. To know “between” the between is God, the grey alien. The Grey alien today puts humans in place of rule or governance, he is the one who allows wealth to flow to his appointed ruler for they have been found worthy or with the ability to communicate. I’m writing this down because the second child is a human who has come back to life, the grey claimed to have had a hand in its creation, I believe they have been teaching me my whole life to communicate with them, like when we as parent teach our children to talk as the mature, we communicate with them they follow our instruction. Many years ago, when I was taken to the Askaic Records my prayer was, “Give me wisdom and knowledge to lead your people” I at that time thought I would be some sort of church leader, over 39 years later, receiving wisdom and knowledge, I have in the last 6months asked for Understanding or to comprehend (ability to communicate with God/Alien Grey). The very reason Enki tinkered with the human instill he could efficiently communicate and obey.

Also, Solomon said that all he possessed, material things are “vanity”. Vanity means,

“Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements” and he found that possessions had no real worth and that things that are overlooked as needs to human happiness and peace maybe the real treasure to human happiness. I Believe these beings “Grey's/god” maybe trying to teach us that possessions and money, material things have no real worth?! The real worth is the value of the human spirit and the importance of human freedom and his peace and happiness! Thats why they are so active in keeping the pot of Gold away from those who catch them, rather than give them material possessions, they desire to give them intellectual property, mental and physic abilities that can help humans achieve a a higher consciousness and awareness.

They are readying those who can elevate their vibrational frequencies to the next step of human evolution, “Eternal life”! Many years ago, when I was given the privilege to enter the Askaic Records, I remember entering a place that I was told was where God inhabited/heaven? This place was draped in red and gold tapestry, the ways and pillars so amazing artistically, unlike any I have ever seen, unearthly, at a level we are un capable to imagine! So grand I thought “god is vain”! These grey’s have realized after all they have achieved, wars won and possessions acquired, it does not satisfy the thirst to know what it is to live the human experience, and they may now, coming to this conclusion, want to help the present-day human not to travel down the same road, but choose “LOVE” for love may really be “GOD’! I think the Grey by nature is without feelings and conscious, so it commits barbaric acts against humankind trying to find the answers on how we function, emotionally, what they cannot know because they can not experience emotions “passion”, I believe they make mistakes, thousands maybe millions of years of misunderstanding us, but trying to help our race.

Information is what they process, information is what they understand or make the attempt to understand. I believe I can learn what we must know from them to move humanity forward, they don’t need to tinker with figuring us out anymore, only trust that they have brought this far and its time to let us be free. As I write, this very moment I received this text on my phone:

I believe the gray was also telling me the power elite are being moved aside with this verse. They are over a Narcissistic reign.


Rev 17:13-18

13These have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast (Human Governments) 14These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. 15And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore (The USA) sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. 16And the ten horns (united nations/Annunaki Remnant) which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17For God (The Grey/ Shadow Government) hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18And the woman which thou sawest is that great city (The USA/New Jerusalem), which reigned over the kings of the earth.

April 1, 2020

What I’m gathering about the Grey and why “they have assisted in the creation of the second child?!” These greys cannot procreate, they have long lives due to the cellular matter they are made of. They have had their hand in the development of a new

human hybrid (Earthling/Annunaki/Grey) The biblical evidence of eternal life is given to us by them, we were denied that from Anu king of the Annunaki, so EA and these greys decided to put the grey DNA into the 2nd child (Noted on May 11, 2020: Robert Morningsky writes, “Mystery schools were closed by Thut-Moses, remaining open only to a select few. Only the Stonemason off-spring could participate. In every corner of the realm, the Masons would control the secrets and hidden knowledge of the Universe”.

You had to be a descendant to be allowed in).so that it could live for ever. The Grey would save its species in through them, the Resurrection (reincarnation) of a once lived person had to be used, since they (the grey) cannot create, and the soul or passion was added by the being as word of Prince EA's beast spread to neighboring stars and galaxies, another group of Genesis Lords extended a gift to Lord EA. Known as the

'AKHU', they were descended from a bird-like ancestor. The Genesis Lords presented EA with the single strand of DNA filament that provided 'passion'. With this one single element, the invisible motivating force that gave a being intense feelings was passed on to the beasts of the prince. And with this gift, the ADAMUS beast would have even more passion, more feeling, than even the beings of the ASA-RR Empire themselves. Taken from the cells of the AKHU, the offering became known as 'The Gift of the Feather’) Ea allowed to add to the 1st child. The grey in their immense intellect and technology, built the karma system (a way they can trap souls and bring them back to earth realm) to keep with galactic law (humans must chose to come back, “coursed” but chose regardless,) this passage in the book of Revelations was opened up to me to see how they have been giving humans insight to how things work.

Revelation 12:4: "His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth." This passage is often interpreted to mean Satan and a third of angels were removed from heaven to earth. as well as the Karma theology. Now that the greys can live, they are going to hand earth over to they’er progeny, The second child. We are born hard wired with No desire to rule or compete, no racial pride and no patriotic pride. But strong messianic aspirations, coincidence? Passion for seeking Perfection and psychic abilities are traits of the Earthling, Sirian, Grey hybrid. The coming heir of earth. They, The Grey and lord Ea’s forces are taking control of the planet to hand over to the Hybrid.

On March 8, 2020

Note from: Dec 23, 2019, I prayed to EA to help me and his reply was “help is on its way”, I then was allowed to see his face.

On Dec 31, 2019 “The Coronavirus” or “Crown” (in Spanish it is Corona) Virus (an infective “AGENT” (a person who acts on behalf of another person or group) that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply (Many) only within the living cells of a host)” the kings virus!!

Hit in China. In February 2020, early part of the month, I’m not sure the date, I was woken up by these words, “Armed with an Army of your own”. Is my army causing this virus, by the hands of men? God has been putting in my mind, or better yet I heard God tell me look at:

Matt 26: 51-53

51 And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote off his ear.

52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.

53 Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?

As Jesus said and understood, calling the heavenly Host, will require that the one to do so is knowledgeable to know “He” must allow the heavenly host (army) to do the fighting so that I, don’t not shed innocent blood!

Revelation 6 King James Version (KJV)

6 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

2 And I saw and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow (armed with a weapon for killing); and a” CROWN” was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer”.

In my book, I write this, that took place in an astral scape to the Askaic Records around 1988,  I witnessed this, later to learn it was showing me my future:

“From there I was taken to a place where I was able to investigate the sky at a distance, I seen a lot of horse’s as if them who were riding were going to war. I notice one rider, I understood that it was Christ, In the clouds behind them I seen a silhouette of a human who I understood was the father watching over Christ and the armies as they made their way to battle”.

I will say yes, my army is here, Thank you EA.

On March 14, 2020

Me and my family were in Big Bear California for a few days, it was Wednesday the 12th, and I was looking out the window watching for snow, I noticed a cartoon on tv, I really didn’t pay attention to it much. It must have been on for some time, while the kids were watching at some point in the time the cartoon aired, I happened to focus on what it was that was on, I noticed it was about Leprechauns. When I noticed what it was, I took a minute to watch, within seconds, a character,

(In Lucky the Leprechaun, unlucky leprechaun Happy McSweeney is in for the adventure of a lifetime when he and his friends - Sammy, the kind one; Shannon, the brave one; and Reggie, the weird one - set out on a daring mission to retrieve his family’s long-lost pot of gold that was stolen by the evil Houlihan (this Leprechaun turns into a dragon) from the McSweeney family years ago. Can Happy get his family luck


A Leprechaun began to turn into a dragon!! Now on February 14, 2020, I had an astral scape with a being that now I know who he is as I have explained above. I asked multiple time while experiencing this astral scape that this experience be made known to me in my reality so that I would be sure it really was happening and that its just not a fake non important/fictional experience.

I know for sure that I communicated with The Grey alien/little green man/lucky charm and known as

the Dragon.

Annunaki Human Society change

March 15, 2020, I channeled:

I said this to my son today as a witness and judgement of what is coming to planet earth, the change of order:

“You never made it big because you are good, everyone and I mean everyone who has made it to those levels are willing and able to do all manner of evil. The world is changing and the good are going to inherit ( Matt 5: 5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.) the new world that is being shaped for us, all these rich are going to lose everything, all these industry’s that pay a few millions and billions and all who have a lot , politicians, athletes, entertainers, bankers, religious orders all and l who have any level of fame and pursue it, are going to lose it, society will be changed and life as we know it, will never be the same. You are a good person, be that very thing and don’t lose what is coming, evil can’t inherit what is good. I love you boy, change your mindset and the body will follow”.

As we speak, the end of industry’s has taken place, even though everyone thinks things will go back to normal, they are far from the reality that awaits all.

No more NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL! No more making gods of mortal men! No more Hollywood, no more music industry, no more banking and stock industry, no more oil and fossil fuel industry. Everyone here in these industry’s made it here by having the ability to do dirty shit!! along with many more corporations and company’s who have taken ownership of earth and all its resources will end

No more physical world (where physicality is first or elite) sports will exist no more where a few large (vain) humans dominate fueled by ego and self admiration. Physical beauty will no longer be the catalyst of choice. The physical dominated society will cease to exist, and the physic and spiritual man will steward society.

Annunaki remnant (those who are in possession of global wealth Rothchilds, Rocafellers, where left to steward the wealth of the world have corrupted themselves ) have risen up against the very intelligence that have alined it’s self with them (The Grey’s) These Annunaki Remnant are doing as their creators did,” father like Son’!

Annunaki DNA is clear and in the steps and arrogance of its fathers have made a strong attempt to destroy themselves, this planet and us along with them. That is come to and end and now they are trying to mend the damage they have done, example: Bill Gates realizes now that the coronavirus has hit, that it is God who is now judging the wicked greedy rich, so he is trying to give his money away:

“Just over 20 years after stepping down as CEO of Microsoft and six years after relinquishing his position as Chairman of the Board, Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates has resigned from the Microsoft Board of Directors. Gates, 64, is leaving the board to spend

more time on philanthropic ventures”.

He lived Rich over many years and did little for those millions in homelessness, and now he knows that he is being judge for his greed and lack of humanity.

Countless Million heirs are giving now, like never, is it their conscious? The new million heirs that are giving (Sion Williamson) i I find are doing it out of their heart, but to will no longer be a icon and earnings will end, anyone else who is giving after many years of wealth is giving to get mercy from what’s coming.

This is this country’s (USA) Judgment:

Revelation 14: 7- 11; “saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His Judgment is come. Worship Him that made heaven and earth, and the sea and the fountains of waters.”

8 And there followed another angel, saying, “Babylon i(USA) is fallen! Fallen is that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”

9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If any man worships the beast and his image (the way evil humans live) and receive his mark (Sin full behavior) in his forehead or in his hand,

10 the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out unmixed into the cup of His indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.

11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast (Evil Humanity/System/way of life) and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark (Sin) of his name.

The Grey is assisting the second child (the resurrection) for stewardship/Rule/

Governing in righteousness. He (the second child) who has been tested and found worthy to take this responsibility. The Grey is assisting the second child because he knows his time is short, the grey is going to anchor the efforts to disenfranchise all evil Annunaki Remnant with the assistance of the destroyer (Annunaki that have returned to make right for ever the wrong’s of EA and Enlil.)

The bible speaks of this here:

Rev 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! For the devil (Dragon) has come down unto you (Annunaki Remnant), having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” He too is bound to help for a lighter sentence.

Rev 8:11 and the name of the star is called Wormwood (Nibiru (also transliterated Neberu, Nebiru) is a term in the Akkadian language, translating to "crossing" or "point of transition", especially of rivers, i.e. river crossings/The crossing/Mara the waters part, allowing the Israelites to safely cross on dry land. When the Egyptians move to cross after them, however, God interferes with their movements.) And a third part of the

waters became wormwood; and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.

Bitter Change is happening now for the Annunaki Remnant.

Rev 9:11 And they had a king over them, the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue his name is Apollyon (the Destroyer).

So now we see The Dragon (Grey alien) and the Annunaki (EA/Nibiru) back to get this evil corrupt remnant out and establish the second child (Me). And those I see the good in.

USA and the world fall March 15, 2020

That’s the big deception!!!!!

The globalist are making the attempt to put into the new age (Aquarius) their version of this order (one of empathy). They have killed and stolen for thousands of years they have no right to it. Nevertheless, they will and are trying to engineer a new society to fit in Aquarius, one of social, racial and economic equality, we are seeing this gross attempt on mainstream media as well as all mainstream media platforms, haven’t you noticed? It’s not organic if the globalist-controlled mainstream is promoting it. What’s organic is, global governance implosion. Once they are all turned against each other, the Empathetic New World Order will take its place. Don’t be deceived, it will get worse before it gets better, hang on.


Blacks, gays and women agenda, not elite agenda, agenda of few, now they who have been allowed in (Free Masonry, blacks, Woman and Gays) are going to pay for turning on their handlers if i I can put it that way.

What I hate (people who go out of there way to make life hard on people who have not done any harm to them) and have endured (injustice and have suffered by), as well as what has been done to me, rosa, Juan and boy, will see payback for attacking us without a cause. The lifelong jealousies towards me and my family will be leveled, I've been seeing (channeling) and hearing (in my mind) it’s happening. Im gathering that God is handling all those who have gone after us without a cause, as well as others who live to do others wrong. They will get what they extended to us but a hundred-fold, and because of that many will suffer for others. Others will be affected for the evil that people do. From Politics, sports to social, business, personal wrongs and the evil spiritual (dark forces) acts that have been attacking us are as well seeing God stand in on our behalf, now they are staggering ( the dark forces) they to are under attack (Gods hand is on them as well) and they have a little time, they to will try to help our transition (this change that has come to elevate us out of a painful life) These Dark forces are helping us for lesser punishment. All other action against us that we have brought to God’s attention, while choosing to sit still and letting it go while suffering pain and tears, impotence and frustration, we are seeing God stepping in on our behalf. The bible says:

“And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held, And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

That time is now, like a strongman holding our hands while we point out all those who

have done us dirty, bible verse: what do you think the lord of the house will do when he returns to those, he left in charge who have taken the son and beat him? And through him out saying, the lord delays his return! He will cut them asunder and appointment them the place with the hypocrite, there will be nashing of teeth!

Black, gay and woman bigotry (movement) is not the way the new world will be, “Evil for evil! They did not learn that evil for evil does not inherit good, they only learned to do it to others when they are in position to, they should have put they’re trust in Good, instead they did the same ( black maled the establish mason order who allowed the in), the world is not going that way, they are, they are on personal evil anger, on revenge by their own hands, that's not going to be tolerated and brutally they will be taken out the way. They got it wrong, forgive them for they know not what they do, its the proper disposition (Only if you are living a life of doing good to others) let bad circumstances handle them, they did it by their own evil, that has no place in this new world it ends for them too.

Evil fighting Evil is making the way in for those how are meek and honest.

On March 17, 2020 I Channel the Gray it say’s:

In war, once a waring side wins, it can choose to do what it please’s with the loosing side. The victor can destroy, imprison make slave or use the concurred population as it wills, that is the case right now, I’m the victor and the Grey and Annunaki are assisting in vanquishing the remnant of the annunaki who were commanded to leave thousands of years ago. The Dragon is in accord with me, In Rev 17:13-18 it say’s: 13These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast (Human Governments) 14These shall make war (my life’s trials) with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them (be found worthy) : for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. 15And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore (The USA) sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. 16And the ten horns (united nations/Annunaki Remnant) which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17For God (The Grey/ Shadow Government) hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18And the woman which thou sawest is that great city (The USA/New Jerusalem), which reigned over the kings of the earth.

Jesus/EASU taught

The gray made it a point to point out that Jesus told humans how to over come the gray’s but know one understood till now.

Matt 12: 22-29

22 “Then they brought him a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute, and Jesus healed him, so that he could both talk and see. 23 All the people were astonished and said, “Could this be the Son of David?”

24 But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.”

25 Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself (this is happening now.) How then can his kingdom stand? (His kingdom is falling apart be cause evil is fighting evil) 27 And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul (have the authority/right/power by winning a war) , by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. 28 But if it is by the Spirit of God (Good) that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.

29 “Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house (Kingdom/earth) and carry off his possessions unless he first ties (bring into submission or overpower, make an ally) up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house.

Fair and square, I figured out who he is, I’ve seen him face to face, and caught him. I requested discernment to know him so I can humbly lead the humans. Remember I said earlier in the book, “Armed with an Army of my own”.

On April 8, 2020

I was dreaming that we were in the living room. All of us. My immediate family and the blinds began to move, we noticed and realized a presence (being) was in the room, fear came over us and anger came over me. As I struggled in a paralyzed disposition (unconscious) I woke myself up, gained an earthly plane awareness (this reality) I began to communicate with the being, it said “Jacob reiterate” or “Jacob a second time” like

“Peniel” (saw God face to face) I asked what it was doing there? it answered “HORNY” either it was horny or asked me if I was? I gather it wanted me to master bate or have sex. I said yes, I would need something in return, I needed some money to come into my hands today! I asked it its name and it said, “BEDOS”. I noticed I was in a cold sweat, like if I was in a nightmare but I was mentally conscious, (I could hear my wife getting the kids ready for school) at this point my body was asleep. I notice these two times I believe I have communicated with a being in the astral realm, I was sleeping face down. Interesting note, I used to call my nephew Albert Jr. “Bedos” He has been passed away for at least six years now. Could this have been him.? I had a hard time listening for any words that could have been pronounced but with all the noise of the morning I could not focus. I am starting to understand that the fear may be a trigger to wake mentally or regain mental awareness while keeping the physical body unconscious! The being may not be aware of me being awake, I think they do not want to be seen or recognize “CAUGHT” if it’s a Grey. If it’s an energy (spirit) than I’m not sure it cares, I’m just not able to focus (with my eyes open) long enough on a spirit to distinguish an image (shape/body). In these two experiences (communicating) I have had, at times, that communicating has me guessing or figuring out what is meant by what is being pronounced, it will say a word and I have to choose if it’s a question or a statement. It speaks with a double meaning if I can describe it the way. Riddles? or it does not communicate like we do, verbally, our mental cognizance is not as cohesive as their telepathy, like we both are figuring it out as we go. I think that’s where they say a Leprechaun is a trickster, it communicates, but since it does not communicate like we, it could seem like it’s trying to trick those who may catch it or are aware of their presence,

maybe we just are not communicating properly with it, so it could seem that it lies, but I believe there is plenty of misunderstanding. Also, this time it made a sexual reference.

April 8,2020 “Aclama a mi”! “And I will reply”!

This morning I was woken up by these words:

“Aclama a mi”! “And I will reply”! “Green Eyes” (I understood green yes as, little green man (Grey) and me, I have green eyes)

I got up to pray and asked, if there is a blast coming and where and when? Where should me and my family be if there is a weapon being shot into earth?

Earlier in the morning be for I heard the Aclama (Cry out)/Ask) words I believe I seen an asteroid coming?

When I got up to pray, I heard these words while I considered the grey, and that he stands in the middle controlling good and bad, plays the role of God and the Devil. This is what I heard:

“The mystery of God would be revealed in the last days” i looked up the verse and it took me to Rev 10:

And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

2 And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,

3 And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roared: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.

4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

5 And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted his hand to heaven,

6 And swore by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: 7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished (will no longer be hidden or a secret), as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

8 And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth.

9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.

10 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.

11 And he said unto me, thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.


I’m ready.

On Friday April 10, 2020

I’ve been having dreams all night, at the end or beginning of the dreams I would hear these words “Rain mixed with fire”! all night I heard these words, when one dream ended and right before the other would start, I would here “Rain mixed with fire”! when I woke up I reminded myself to right it down, it took me till today to think on the matter because I had, during the night, hot flashes, or what seems like if it was real hot, as if the heater was on or its was hot I woke up sweating, and it was raining as well. I also had a dream where a homo was brought into my dream, this homo caught my attention, He was brought into my thoughts, or homosexuality is being echoed in my mind, I told my wife this morning, “a few days ago I had a dream about “rain mixed with fire”! At about 1:47 p.m. today I decided to look on the web for anything on rain mixed with fire. I found nothing on the web that said anything that resonated with me till I googled bible verses, I found that it was said in times pass that it would rain fire and brimstone, in Genesis, what rained on Sodom and Gomorra (homos) was fire and Brimstone. I thought can this have any thing to do with Rev 6:3-4? I was told that Revelation 6:2 was the Kings Virus, the start of the apocalypse, (the rider on the white horse) with the first rider and what the weapon (corona virus) was given to christ to begin his war on evil, the second horse to ride would be the red Fiery horse, Rev:3-4. When I looked up the verse Rev 6:3-4 it was about a horse, a red fiery horse!!!! pointing out volcanic actives or Radioactive activities. I have been praying to send the Second Horse, look for

volcanic, Radioactive activities to start or taking peace from the earth.

Revelation 6:3-4 New International Version (NIV)

3 When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say,

“Come!” 4 Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.

Revelation 6:3-4 King James Version (KJV)

3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

Fire and brimstone (Hebrew: שׁ







֣ ְרִפגׇּ gafrit va’eish, Ancient Greek: πυρὸς καὶ θείου)

Fire and brimstone (Hebrew: שׁ







֣ ְרִפגׇּ gafrit va’eish, Ancient Greek: πυρὸς καὶ θείου) is an idiomatic expression referring to God's wrath found in both the Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament. In the Bible, it often appears in reference to the fate of the unfaithful. Brimstone, an archaic term synonymous with sulfur,[1] evokes the acrid odor of sulphur dioxide given off by lightning strikes.[2] Lightning was understood as divine punishment by many ancient religions; the association of sulfur with divine retribution is common in the Bible.

The idiomatic English translation of "fire and brimstone" is found in the Christian King James Version translation of the Hebrew Bible and was also later used in the 1917

translation of the Jewish Publication Society. The 1857 Leeser translation of the Tanakh inconsistently uses both "sulfur" and "brimstone" to translate שׁ







ְרִפגׇּ. The translation

used by the 1985 New JPS is "sulfurous fire" while the 1978 Christian New International Version translation uses "burning sulfur."

Used as an adjective, fire-and-brimstone often refers to a style of Christian preaching that uses vivid descriptions of judgment and eternal damnation to encourage repentance especially popular during historical periods of Great Awakening.[3]

On April 14, 2020

I heard, “HOSEA”

This morning I hear these words “Ancient rite of passage”. today I investigated Hosea, it took me a day to investigate it, I remembered that it was a book in the bible, nothing else came up on google. I believe the right to rule is being taken form is real of the flesh and is being to “Israel” of the spirit, the resurrection. Real to the date trusts in its allies (USA) and its wealth, they are not a nation know for their accomplishments, accomplished by God, in stead, they are a political, Technological hub for new agricultural and Cell technology among others but not known for its Spiritual prowess.

Its globally known as “United States Stepchild”!

Not a Nation that the world considered the “LEADER” in matters that pertain to a nation that has God as its Power. They rest in money, Economics and political power. Israel has consistently maintained themselves in a back slide state, only seeking God when it has problems they can’t fix, well that time is over, though he will have mercy on them, their current ruling class will not rule in the new order of the world.

Those saved from “DEATH” are a group that the God of Israel is “BIRTHING” into existence for the purpose of re-establishing the nation of Israel or transferring it to the spiritual Israelite. Romans says:


1 I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God did not reject his people, whom he foreknew. Don't you know what Scripture says in the passage about Elijah-how he appealed to God against Israel: 3 "Lord, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars; I am the only one left, and they are trying to kill me"[1]? 4 And what was God's answer to him? "I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal."[2] 5 So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. 6 And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no

longer be grace. 7 What then? What the people of Israel sought so earnestly they did not obtain. The elect among them did, but the others were hardened, 8 as it is written:

"God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that could not see and ears that could not hear, to this very day."[3] 9 And David says: "May their table become a snare and a trap, a stumbling block and a retribution for them. 10 May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see, and their backs be bent forever."[4] 11 Again I ask: Did they stumble to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. 12 But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring! 13 I am talking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles, I take pride in my ministry 14 in the hope that I may somehow arouse my own people to envy and save some of them. 15 For if their rejection brought reconciliation to the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? 16 If the part of the dough offered as first fruits is holy, then the whole batch is holy; if the root is holy, so are the branches. 17 If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, 18 do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say then, "Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in." 20 Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith.

Do not be arrogant, but tremble. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either. 22 Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, if you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off. 23 And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. 24 After all, if you were cut out of an olive tree that is wild by nature, and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!

The Restoration of Israel

25 I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, 26 and in this way [5] all Israel will be saved. As it is written:

"The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob. 27 And this is [6] my covenant with them when I take away their sins."[7] 28 As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, 29 for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable. 30

Just as you who were at one time disobedient to God have now received mercy as a result of their disobedience, 31 so they too have now become disobedient in order that they too may now [8] receive mercy as a result of God's mercy to you. 32 For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.

33 Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and [9] knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! 34 "Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?"[10] 35 "Who has ever given to God, that God should repay them?"[11] 36 For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.

So we see, why Israel it about to have this happen to them: HOSEA: Declares this for the Israel of today!!!!

1 1 The word of the Lord that came to Hosea son of Beeri during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and during the reign of Jeroboam son of Jehoash [1] king of Israel:

2 When the Lord began to speak through Hosea, the Lord said to him, "Go, marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her, for like an adulterous wife this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the Lord." 3 So he married Gomer daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son. 4 Then the Lord said to Hosea, "Call him Jezreel, because I will soon punish the house of Jehu for the massacre at Jezreel, and I will put an end to the kingdom of Israel. 5 In that day I will break Israel's bow in the Valley of Jezreel." 6 Gomer conceived again and gave birth to a daughter. Then the Lord said to Hosea, "Call her Lo-Ruhamah (which means "not loved"), for I will no longer show love to Israel, that I should at all forgive them. 7 Yet I will show love to Judah; and I will save them-not by bow, sword or battle, or by horses and horsemen, but I, the Lord their God, will save them."

8 After she had weaned Lo-Ruhamah, Gomer had another son. 9 Then the Lord said,

"Call him Lo-Ammi (which means "not my people"), for you are not my people, and I am not your God.[2] 10 "Yet the Israelites will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted. In the place where it was said to them, 'You are not my people,' they will be called 'children of the living God.' 11 The people of Judah and the people of Israel will come together; they will appoint one leader and will come up out of the land, for great will be the day of Jezreel.[3]

2 1 "Say of your brothers, 'My people,' and of your sisters, 'My loved one.' 2 "Rebuke your mother, rebuke her, for she is not my wife, and I am not her husband. Let her remove the adulterous look from her face and the unfaithfulness from between her breasts. 3 Otherwise I will strip her naked and make her as bare as on the day she was born; I will make her like a desert, turn her into a parched land, and slay her with thirst.

4 I will not show my love to her children, because they are the children of adultery. 5

Their mother has been unfaithful and has conceived them in disgrace. She said, 'I will go after my lovers, who give me my food and my water, my wool and my linen, my olive oil and my drink.'

6 Therefore I will block her path with thornbushes; I will wall her in so that she cannot find her way. 7 She will chase after her lovers but not catch them; she will look for them but not find them. Then she will say, 'I will go back to my husband as at first, for then I was better off than now.' 8 She has not acknowledged that I was the one who gave her the grain, the new wine and oil, who lavished on her the silver and gold- which they used for Baal. 9 "Therefore I will take away my grain when it ripens, and my new wine when it is ready. I will take back my wool and my linen, intended to cover her naked body. 10 So now I will expose her lewdness before the eyes of her lovers; no one will take her out of my hands. 11 I will stop all her celebrations: her yearly festivals, her New Moons, her Sabbath days-all her appointed festivals. 12 I will ruin her vines and her fig trees, which she said were her pay from her lovers; I will make them a thicket,

and wild animals will devour them. 13 I will punish her for the days she burned incense to the Baals; she decked herself with rings and jewelry, and went after her lovers, but me she forgot," declares the Lord.

14 "Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her. 15 There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor [1] a door of hope. There she will respond [2] as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt. 16 "In that day," declares the Lord, "you will call me 'my husband'; you will no longer call me 'my master.[3] ' 17 I will remove the names of the Baals from her lips; no longer will their names be invoked. 18 In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky and the creatures that move along the ground. Bow and sword and battle I will abolish from the land, so that all may lie down in safety. 19 I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in [4]

righteousness and justice, in [5] love and compassion. 20 I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the Lord. 21 "In that day I will respond," declares the Lord- (March 26,2020 “Aclama a mi”! “And I will reply”!) “I will respond to the skies, and they will respond to the earth; 22 and the earth will respond to the grain, the new wine and the olive oil, and they will respond to Jezreel.[6] 23 I will plant her for myself in the land; I will show my love to the one I called 'Not my loved one.[7] ' I will say to those called 'Not my people,[8] ' 'You are my people'; and they will say, 'You are my God.' "

3 1 The Lord said to me, "Go, show your love to your wife again, (Birth from the original mother, “Israel” another nation) though she is loved by another man and is an adulteress. Love her as the Lord loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes." 2 So I bought her for fifteen shekels [1] of silver and about a homer and a lethek[2] of barley. 3 Then I told her, "You are to live with me many days; you must not be a prostitute or be intimate with any man, and I will behave the same way toward you." 4 For the Israelites will live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred stones, without ephod or household gods. 5 Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. They will come trembling to the Lord and to his blessings in the last days.

4 1 Hear the word of the Lord, you Israelites, because the Lord has a charge to bring against you who live in the land: "There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. 2 There is only cursing,[1] lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. 3 Because of this the land dries up, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea are swept away. 4 "But let no one bring a charge, let no one accuse another, for your people are like those who bring charges against a priest. 5

You stumble day and night, and the prophets stumble with you. So, I will destroy your mother-6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, (Those who can’t communicate effectively with God) I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. 7

The more priests there were, the more they sinned against me; they exchanged their glorious God [2] for something disgraceful. 8 They feed on the sins of my people and relish their wickedness. 9 And it will be: Like people, like priests. I will punish both of

them for their ways and repay them for their deeds. 10 "They will eat but not have enough; they will engage in prostitution but not flourish, because they have deserted the Lord to give themselves 11 to prostitution; old wine and new wine take away their understanding.

12 My people consult a wooden idol, and a diviner's rod speaks to them. A spirit of prostitution leads them astray; they are unfaithful to their God. 13 They sacrifice on the mountaintops and burn offerings on the hills, under oak, poplar and terebinth, where the shade is pleasant. Therefore, your daughters turn to prostitution and your daughters-in-law to adultery. 14 "I will not punish your daughters when they turn to prostitution, nor your daughters-in-law when they commit adultery, because the men themselves consort with harlots and sacrifice with shrine prostitutes- a people without understanding will come to ruin! 15 "Though you, Israel, commit adultery, do not let Judah become guilty.

"Do not go to Gilgal; do not go up to Beth Aven.[3] And do not swear, 'As surely as the Lord lives!' 16 The Israelites are stubborn, like a stubborn heifer. How then can the Lord pasture them like lambs in a meadow? 17 Ephraim is joined to idols; leave him alone!

18 Even when their drinks are gone, they continue their prostitution; their rulers dearly love shameful ways. 19 A whirlwind will sweep them away, and their sacrifices will bring them shame.

5 1 "Hear this, you priests! Pay attention, you Israelites! Listen, royal house! This judgment is against you: You have been a snare at Mizpah, a net spread out on Tabor. 2

The rebels are knee-deep in slaughter. I will discipline all of them. 3 I know all about Ephraim; Israel is not hidden from me. Ephraim, you have now turned to prostitution; Israel is corrupt. 4 "Their deeds do not permit them to return to their God. A spirit of prostitution is in their heart; they do not acknowledge the Lord. 5 Israel's arrogance testifies against them; the Israelites, even Ephraim, stumble in their sin; Judah also stumbles with them. 6 When they go with their flocks and herds to seek the Lord, they will not find him; he has withdrawn himself from them. 7 They are unfaithful to the Lord; they give birth to illegitimate children. (God himself will bring in legitimate children, “THE

RESURRECTION” or in other  words “the second child”) When they celebrate their New Moon feasts, he will devour [1] their fields.

8 "Sound the trumpet in Gibeah, the horn in Ramah. Raise the battle cry in Beth Aven [2], lead on, Benjamin. 9 Ephraim will be laid waste on the day of reckoning (THE

LAST DAY). Among the tribes of Israel, I proclaim what is certain. 10 Judah's leaders are like those who move boundary stones. I will pour out my wrath on them like a flood of water. 11 Ephraim is oppressed, trampled in judgment, intent on pursuing idols.[3] 12

I am like a moth to Ephraim, like rot to the people of Judah. 13 "When Ephraim saw his sickness, and Judah his sores, then Ephraim turned to Assyria, and sent to the great king for help. But he is not able to cure you, not able to heal your sores. 14 For I will be like a lion to Ephraim, like a great lion to Judah. I will tear them to pieces and go away; I will carry them off, with no one to rescue them. The Insincerity of Israel's Repentance 15

Then I will return to my lair until they have borne their guilt and seek my face- in their misery they will earnestly seek me."

6 1 "Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us, but he will bind up our wounds. 2 After two days he will revive us: on the third

day he will restore us, (Romans 11:15 says, for if their rejection brought reconciliation to the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? 16 If the part of the dough offered as first fruits (144,000) is holy, then the whole batch is holy; if the root is holy, so are the branches. (The 144,000 resurrected Jews. The Gray to the life essence of 144,000 once lived Jews) Romans 11:21-23 says: For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either. 22 Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, if you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off. 23

And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again.) that we may live in his presence. 3 Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth."

4 "What can I do with you, Ephraim? What can I do with you, Judah? Your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears. 5 Therefore I cut you in pieces with my prophets, I killed you with the words of my mouth- then my judgments go forth like the sun.[1] 6 For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings. 7 As at Adam,[2] they have broken the covenant; they were unfaithful to me there. 8 Gilead is a city of evildoers, stained with footprints of blood. 9

As marauders lie in ambush for a victim, so do bands of priests; they murder on the road to Shechem, carrying out their wicked schemes. 10 I have seen a horrible thing in Israel: There Ephraim is given to prostitution, Israel is defiled. 11 "Also for you, Judah, a harvest is appointed. "Whenever I would restore the fortunes of my people, 7 1 whenever I would heal Israel, the sins of Ephraim are exposed, and the crimes of Samaria revealed. They practice deceit, thieves break into houses, bandits rob in the streets; 2 but they do not realize that I remember all their evil deeds. Their sins engulf them; they are always before me. 3 "They delight the king with their wickedness, the princes with their lies. 4 They are all adulterers, burning like an oven whose fire, the baker need not stir from the kneading of the dough till it rises. 5 On the day of the festival of our king the princes become inflamed with wine, and he joins hands with the mockers. 6 Their hearts are like an oven; they approach him with intrigue. Their passion smolders all night; in the morning it blazes like a flaming fire. 7 All of them are hot as an oven; they devour their rulers. All their kings fall, and none of them calls on me.

8 "Ephraim mixes with the nations; Ephraim is a flat loaf not turned over. 9 Foreigners sap his strength, but he does not realize it. His hair is sprinkled with gray, but he does not notice. 10 Israel's arrogance testifies against him, but despite all this he does not return to the Lord his God or search for him. 11 "Ephraim is like a dove, easily deceived and senseless- now calling to Egypt, now turning to Assyria. 12 When they go, I will throw my net over them; I will pull them down like the birds in the sky. When I hear them flocking together, I will catch them. 13 Woe to them, because they have strayed from me! Destruction to them, because they have rebelled against me! I long to redeem them but they speak about me falsely. 14 They do not cry out to me from their hearts but wail on their beds. They slash themselves,[1] appealing to their gods for grain and new wine, but they turn away from me. 15 I trained them and strengthened their arms, but they plot evil against me. 16 They do not turn to the Highest; they are like a faulty bow.

Their leaders will fall by the sword because of their insolent words. For this they will be

ridiculed in the land of Egypt.

8 1 "Put the trumpet to your lips! (DECLARE THIS TODAY APRIL 15, 2020) An eagle (USA/POLITICS) is over the house of the Lord because the people have broken my covenant and rebelled against my law. 2 Israel cries out to me, 'Our God, we acknowledge you!' 3 But Israel has rejected what is good; an enemy will pursue him. 4

They set up kings without my consent; they choose princes without my approval. With their silver and gold, they make idols for themselves to their own destruction. 5 Samaria, throw out your calf-idol! My anger burns against them. How long will they be incapable of purity? 6 They are from Israel! This calf-a metalworker has made it; it is not God. It will be broken in pieces, that calf of Samaria. 7 "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. The stalk has no head; it will produce no flour. Was it to yield grain, foreigners would swallow it up?

8 Israel is swallowed up; now she is among the nations like something no one wants. 9

For they have gone up to Assyria like a wild donkey wandering alone. Ephraim has sold herself to lovers. 10 Although they have sold themselves among the nations, I will now gather them together. They will begin to waste away under the oppression of the mighty king. 11 "Though Ephraim built many altars for sin offerings, these have become altars for sinning. 12 I wrote for them the many things of my law, but they regarded them as something foreign. 13 Though they offer sacrifices as gifts to me, and though they eat the meat, the Lord is not pleased with them. Now he will remember their wickedness and punish their sins: They will return to Egypt. 14 Israel has forgotten their Maker and built palaces; Judah has fortified many towns. But I will send fire on their cities that will consume their fortresses."

9 1 Do not rejoice, Israel; do not be jubilant like the other nations. For you have been unfaithful to your God; you love the wages of a prostitute at every threshing floor. 2

Threshing floors and winepresses will not feed the people; the new wine will fail them. 3

They will not remain in the Lord's land; Ephraim will return to Egypt and eat unclean food in Assyria. 4 They will not pour out wine offerings to the Lord, nor will their sacrifices please him. Such sacrifices will be to them like the bread of mourners; all who eat them will be unclean. This food will be for themselves; it will not come into the temple of the Lord. 5 What will you do on the day of your appointed festivals, on the feast days of the Lord? 6 Even if they escape from destruction, Egypt will gather them, and Memphis will bury them. Their treasures of silver will be taken over by briers, and thorns will overrun their tents.

7 The days of punishment are coming; the days of reckoning are at hand. Let Israel know this. Because your sins are so many and your hostility so great, the prophet is considered a fool, the inspired person a maniac. (SO TODAY!) 8 The prophet, along with my God, is the watchman over Ephraim,[1] yet snares await him on all his paths, and hostility in the house of his God. 9 They have sunk deep into corruption, as in the days of Gibeah. God will remember their wickedness and punish them for their sins.

(REV 6:9. 9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. 10

They called out in a loud voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you

judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?" 11 Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters,[5] were killed just as they had been.) 10

"When I found Israel, it was like finding grapes in the desert; when I saw your ancestors, it was like seeing the early fruit on the fig tree. But when they came to Baal Peor, they consecrated themselves to that shameful idol and became as vile as the thing they loved. 11 Ephraim's glory will fly away like a bird- no birth, no pregnancy, no conception. 12 Even if they rear children, I will bereave them of everyone. Woe to them when I turn away from them! 13 I have seen Ephraim, like Tyre, planted in a pleasant place. But Ephraim will bring out their children to the slayer." 14 Give them, Lord- what will you give them? Give them wombs that miscarry and breasts that are dry.

15 "Because of all their wickedness in Gilgal, I hated them there. Because of their sinful deeds, I will drive them out of my house. I will no longer love them; all their leaders are rebellious. 16 Ephraim is blighted, their root is withered, they yield no fruit. Even if they bear children, I will slay their cherished offspring." 17 My God will reject them because they have not obeyed him; they will be wanderers among the nations.

10 1 Israel was a spreading vine; he brought forth fruit for himself. As his fruit increased, he built more altars; as his land prospered, he adorned his sacred stones. 2

Their heart is deceitful, and now they must bear their guilt. The Lord will demolish their altars and destroy their sacred stones. 3 Then they will say, "We have no king because we did not revere the Lord. But even if we had a king, what could he do for us?" 4 They make many promises, take false oaths and make agreements; therefore, lawsuits spring up like poisonous weeds in a plowed field. (Current mode of operation of the global political establishment, as well as in ancient times) 5 The people who live in Samaria fear for the calf-idol of Beth Aven.[1] Its people will mourn over it, and so will its idolatrous priests, those who had rejoiced over its splendor, because it is taken from them into exile. 6 It will be carried to Assyria as tribute for the great king. Ephraim will be disgraced; Israel will be ashamed of its foreign alliances. 7 Samaria's king will be destroyed, swept away like a twig on the surface of the waters. 8 The high places of wickedness [2] will be destroyed- it is the sin of Israel. Thorns and thistles will grow up and cover their altars. Then they will say to the mountains, "Cover us!" and to the hills,

"Fall on us!" 9 "Since the days of Gibeah, you have sinned, Israel, and there you have remained.[3] Will not war again overtake the evildoers in Gibeah? 10 When I please, I will punish them; nations will be gathered against them to put them in bonds for their double sin. 11 Ephraim is a trained heifer that loves to thresh; so, I will put a yoke on her fair neck. I will drive Ephraim, Judah must plow, and Jacob must break up the ground.

12 Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you. 13 But you have planted wickedness, you have reaped evil, you have eaten the fruit of deception. Because you have depended on your own strength and on your many warriors, 14 the roar of battle will rise against your people, so that all your fortresses will be devastated- as Shalman devastated Beth Arbel on the day of battle, when mothers were dashed to the ground with their children. 15 So will it happen to you, Bethel, because your wickedness is great. When that day dawns, the king of Israel will be destroyed.

11 1 "When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. 2 But the more they were called, the more they went away from me.[1] They sacrificed to the Baals, and they burned incense to images. 3 It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms; but they did not realize it was I who healed them. 4 I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love. To them I was like one who lifts a little child to the cheek, and I bent down to feed them. 5 "Will they not return to Egypt and will not Assyria rule over them because they refuse to repent? 6 A sword will flash in their cities; it will devour their false prophets and put an end to their plans. 7 My people are determined to turn from me. Even though they call me God Most High, I will by no means exalt them.

8 "How can I give you up, Ephraim? How can I hand you over, Israel? How can I treat you like Admah? How can I make you like Zeboyim? My heart is changed within me; all my compassion is aroused. 9 I will not carry out my fierce anger, nor will I devastate Ephraim again. For I am God, and not a man- the Holy One (The holy man among them) among you. I will not come against their cities. 10 They will follow the Lord; he will roar like a lion. When he roars, his children will come trembling from the west. 11

They will come from Egypt, trembling like sparrows, from Assyria, fluttering like doves. I will settle them in their homes," declares the Lord. 12 Ephraim has surrounded me with lies, Israel with deceit. And Judah is unruly against God, even against the faithful Holy One.[2]

12 1 Ephraim feeds on the wind; he pursues the east wind all day and multiplies lies and violence. He makes a treaty with Assyria and sends olive oil to Egypt. (Global Economics/Trade)2 The Lord has a charge to bring against Judah; he will punish Jacob[1] according to his ways and repay him according to his deeds. 3 In the womb he grasped his brother's heel; as a man he struggled with God. 4 He struggled with the angel and overcame him; he wept and begged for his favor. He found him at Bethel and talked with him there- 5 the Lord God Almighty, the Lord is his name! (Israel had the ability to communicate with God face to face and lost it, it has been given to another) 6

But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice and wait for your God always. 7 The merchant uses dishonest scales and loves to defraud. 8 Ephraim boasts, "I am very rich; I have become wealthy. With all my wealth they will not find in me any iniquity or sin." (Confusingly identifying wealth as righteousness) 9 "I have been the Lord your God ever since you came out of Egypt; I will make you live in tents again, as in the days of your appointed festivals. 10 I spoke to the prophets, gave them many visions and told parables through them." 11 Is Gilead wicked? Its people are worthless! Do they sacrifice bulls in Gilgal? Their altars will be like piles of stones on a plowed field. 12 Jacob fled to the country of Aram [2]; Israel served to get a wife, and to pay for her he tended sheep. 13 The Lord used a prophet to bring Israel up from Egypt, by a prophet he cared for him. 14 But Ephraim has aroused his bitter anger; his Lord will leave on him the guilt of his bloodshed and will repay him for his contempt.

13 1 When Ephraim spoke, people trembled; he was exalted in Israel. But he became guilty of Baal worship and died. 2 Now they sin more and more; they make idols for themselves from their silver, cleverly fashioned images, all of them the work of

craftsmen. It is said of these people, "They offer human sacrifices! They kiss [1] calf-idols!" 3 Therefore they will be like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears, like chaff swirling from a threshing floor, like smoke escaping through a window. 4 "But I have been the Lord your God ever since you came out of Egypt. You shall acknowledge no God but me, no Savior except me.

5 I cared for you in the wilderness, in the land of burning heat. 6 When I fed them, they were satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me. 7 So I will be like a lion to them, like a leopard I will lurk by the path. 8 Like a bear robbed of her cubs, I will attack them and rip them open; like a lion I will devour them- a wild animal will tear them apart. (REV 13:1 The dragon [1] stood on the shore of the sea.

And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion.

The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.) 9 "You are destroyed, Israel, because you are against me, against your helper. 10 Where is your king, that he may save you? Where are your rulers in all your towns, of whom you said?

'Give me a king and princes'? 11 So in my anger I gave you a king, (Rev 9:11 And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.) and in my wrath I took him away. 12

The guilt of Ephraim is stored up, his sins are kept on record. 13 Pains as of a woman (Birth) in childbirth come to him, but he is a child without wisdom (Innocent); when the time arrives, (fulfillment of time or end of time) he doesn't have the sense to come out of the womb. (Does not know or is aware of the time appointed) 14 "I will deliver (raise) this people from the power (hold) of the grave; I will redeem them from death (Reincarnation/Resurrection). Where, O death, are your plagues? Where, O grave, is your destruction? (Triumph/Victory over the grave) "I will have no compassion, (he will no longer hesitate, Corinthians 15: says: 42So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: 43It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: 44It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. 45And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 46Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. 47The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. 48As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. 49And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. Where O Death is Your Victory? 50Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 51Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 55O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 56The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. 57But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through

our Lord Jesus Christ.)

15 even though he thrives among his brothers. An east wind from the Lord will come, blowing in from the desert; his spring will fail and his well dry up. His storehouse will be plundered of all its treasures. 16 The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open."[2]

14 1 Return, Israel, to the Lord your God. Your sins have been your downfall! 2 Take words with you and return to the Lord. Say to him: "Forgive all our sins and receive us graciously, that we may offer the fruit of our lips.[1] 3 Assyria cannot save us; we will not mount warhorses. We will never again say 'Our gods' to what our own hands have made, for in you the fatherless find compassion."

4 "I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for my anger has turned away from them. 5 I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like a lily. Like a cedar of Lebanon, he will send down his roots; 6 his young shoots will grow. His splendor will be like an olive tree, his fragrance like a cedar of Lebanon. 7 People will dwell again in his shade; they will flourish like the grain; they will blossom like the vine- Israel's fame will be like the wine of Lebanon.

8 Ephraim, what more have I [2] to do with idols? I will answer him and care for him. I am like a flourishing juniper; your fruitfulness comes from me." 9 Who is wise? Let them realize these things. Who is discerning? Let them understand. The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.

So let it be fulfilled in our day.

Israel (Zionist) are being moved out of the way for a New Human the Second Child, race of Gray/Human hybrids. Empathic.

April 17

It was early in the morning, still dark outside and I see this image, it kept popping up in my minds eye, “A cloud with a lightening bolt coming out from the bottom of it”, I looked to see what the image of cloud and lightning bolt represent, and I found on google that it a symbol of radioactive rain, or radioactive material that rain from the sky. at this point I thought on it and wondered what the message behind the symbolism was. As we can see, later on April 23, 2020, the answer arrived.

April 19

This Morning I heard, “Mission”!

I was sleeping this morning and I was woken up by this word “Mission”! I woke up wondering about what it means for me, was the grey alien giving me some insight to an action I need to take! I prayed that I would get clear insight to this, and what is the message and info I need to channel or gather here, I would be listening and looking for the answers.

Mission is all these things:

an important assignment carried out for political, religious, or commercial purposes, typically involving travel.

"a trade mission to Mexico"

h Similar: assignment commission “expedition” journey trip errand undertaking operation task job labor work chore business duty charge trust message a group of

people sent on a mission."by then, the mission had journeyed more than 3,500 miles"

h Similar: delegation deputation commission task force legation representation delegacy an organization or institution involved in a long-term assignment in a foreign country.

“The head of the West German mission" an operation carried out by military aircraft. "He was shot down on a supply mission" Similar: sortie operation raid an expedition into space.

2. the vocation or calling of a religious organization, especially a Christian one, to go out into the world and spread its faith."the Christian mission”.

April 23

I was all day looking to see and listening to find answers to my request, my request was to understand the symbols and speech that was being given to me regarding the 2nd rider, the red horse.

Around Feb 14th 2020 my Son Juan brought up the asteroid (Asteroid (52768) 1998 OR2) that was doing a fly by the earth on April 29th 2020, I thought on it and I showed some interest for Juans sake, I didn’t want him to feel neglected by me while we are experiencing the up evils of the Coronavirus, I felt he should be shown the proper attention, thus he could be channeling a message I did not want to overlook the possibility, but I truly was focused on the Coronavirus because that was what I was led to focus on.

Around April 3, 2020, Alex came down in the morning and said he had a dream that he woke up crying from. He said he dreamed this: “I was with you and Juan, when I looked up in the sky and noticed a “Mountain of Fire” flying overhead, I got scared and said, lets hold hands, at that moment I remember all I saw was a real bright white light as it hit, I began to cry in my dream. It woke me up, and I was still crying when I did”!

I thought on it as he didn’t think on it much, he went on his business like it was nothing, or was it?

(Remember my dream: On Friday April 10, 2020

I’ve been having dreams all night, at the end or beginning of the dreams I would hear these words “Rain mixed with fire”! all night I heard these words, when one dream ended and right before the other would start, I would here “Rain mixed with fire”! when I woke up I reminded myself to write it down, it took me till today to think on the matter because I had, during the night, hot flashes, or what seems like if it was real hot, as if the heater was on or its was hot  I woke up sweating, and it was raining as well. I also had a dream where a homo was brought into my dream, this homo caught my attention, He was brought into my thoughts, or homosexuality is being echoed in my mind, I told my wife this morning, “a few days ago I had a dream about “rain mixed with fire”! At about 1:47 p.m. today I decided to look on the web for anything on rain mixed with fire. I found nothing on the web that said anything that resonated with me till I googled bible verses, I found that it was said in times pass that it would rain fire and brimstone, in Genesis, what rained on Sodom and Gomorra (homos) was fire and Brimstone. I thought can this have any thing to do with Rev 6:3-4? I was told that Revelation 6:2 was the Kings Virus, the start of the apocalypse, (the rider on the white horse) with the first rider and what the weapon (corona virus) was given to Christ to begin his war on evil, the second horse to ride would be the red Fiery horse, Rev:3-4. When I looked up the verse Rev 6:3-4 it was about a horse, a red fiery horse!!!! pointing out volcanic actives (fires) or radio-active activities. I have been praying to send the Second Horse, look for volcanic, radio-active activities to start.

Note: Corona Virus symptoms a very similar to Radiation Poisoning. How could radio activity reach the masses and have pulses of it regulated? 5G? Food for thought.

Radiation sickness is damage to your body caused by a large dose of radiation often received over a short period of time (acute). The amount of radiation absorbed by the body — the absorbed dose — determines how sick you'll be. An infected person can infect others by breath, touching a surface and leaving it infected. It is also transmitted by frequency. Note: are humans are all frequency based.

Its levels of exposure determines the level of poising (sickness)

Radiation sickness is also called acute radiation syndrome or radiation poisoning.

Radiation sickness is not caused by common imaging tests that use low-dose radiation, such as X-rays or CT scans.

Although radiation sickness is serious and often fatal, it's rare. Since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, during World War II, most cases of radiation sickness have occurred after nuclear industrial accidents, such as the 1986

explosion and fire that damaged the nuclear power plant at Chernobyl, Ukraine.


The severity of signs and symptoms of radiation sickness depends on how much radiation you've absorbed. How much you absorb depends on the strength of the radiated energy, the time of your exposures, and the distance between you and the source of radiation.

Signs and symptoms are also affected by the type of exposure — such as total or partial body. The severity of radiation sickness also depends on how sensitive the affected tissue is. For instance, the gastrointestinal system and bone marrow are highly sensitive to radiation.

Initial signs and symptoms

The initial signs and symptoms of treatable radiation sickness are usually nausea and vomiting. The amount of time between exposure and when these symptoms develop is a clue to how much radiation a person has absorbed.

After the first round of signs and symptoms, a person with radiation sickness may have a brief period with no apparent illness, followed by the onset of new, more-serious symptoms.

If you've had a mild exposure, it may take hours to weeks before any signs and symptoms begin. But with severe exposure, signs and symptoms can begin minutes to days after exposure.

Possible symptoms include:

● Nausea and vomiting

● Diarrhea

● Headache

● Fever

● Dizziness and disorientation

● Weakness and fatigue

● Hair loss

● Bloody vomit and stools from internal bleeding

● Infections

● Low blood pressure

Corona Virus Symptoms: COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Infected people have had a wide range of symptoms reported – from mild symptoms to severe illness.

Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

Fever or chills


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


Muscle or body aches


New loss of taste or smell

Sore throat

Congestion or runny nose

Nausea or vomiting


Look for emergency warning signs for COVID-19. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately:

Trouble breathing

Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

New confusion

Inability to wake or stay awake

Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds, depending on skin tone On April 23, 2020

Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds, depending on skin tone

On April 23, 2020

Weapon then and now.

I was all day looking to see and listening to find answers to my request. My request was to understand the symbols and speech that was being given to me regarding the 2nd rider, the red horse. I was up late looking around on cable TV, I was uneasy, I just scrolled through the movies, all day I was tired of watching the news, somewhat disgusted with the attitude of the people, so rebellious I guess, I scrolled to all types of subjects till I came across a movie titled “Day the Dinosaurs died”. I thought nothing on it, only that it would be something to watch, now keep in mind, I investigated the movie at that moment only with the mind set of wasting time or passing by time before I got sleepy. Turns out that the main point of the movie was not that they died but the “asteroid” that caused the death of the ruling class at the time, “the dinosaur” (they make mention of this in the movie). To make a long story short and get to the point, there were some key words used in the narratives or the wordings used by Joanna Morgan (scientist). One scene after they collected earth borings samples of the impact sight, the main lady scientist, said, “time to move on with the next phase of the “EXPEDITION” another word for “MISSION!” could this tie into my dream? Will the powers that have led me, be showing me the answer to my requests? Let us see more of what was disclosed by this movie. As the movie continued, they explain how this exact place and time of the asteroid impact was key to the death of the dinosaurs (Strategic?) do to the rock elements (gypsum contains suffer) that are in that area of Yucatan Mexico, Chicxulub Crater. On the ocean floor, these minerals mixed with the heat created a poisonous dust that once it made its way to our atmosphere, pulverized into a sand like substance. This substance or sand, particles, become radioactive, (cloud and lightening) acid rain or rain of molten debris!! It also poisoned the waters. This is what killed the dinosaur!! This material gets super heated as it plunges back to earth, while traveling through our atmosphere, or as it “RAINS” down!!! “RAIN mixed with FIRE”!!! This is what is called “Fire and Brimstone” it comes with a Smell of “SULFER” It was like an oven on the ground. This material created what is now known as the KT boundary. What are the odds?

This is a weapon, Natural (from the heavenly host) or Unnatural (human made) for human evil purpose, ultimately for good humankind’s benefit.


Putting it together.

May 24, 2020

Okay, I have privy information that leads me to believe there is a third party at work in the shadows on behalf of humans. We have been dealing with Illuminati /Free Mason/Elite.

These have imposed slave-like restrictions on 99.99% of the population; they have done it by law, yet most know nothing in regard to this law, this law was set into motion by those who Geo-engineered this planet millions of years ago. They created a slave class, you all. In today’s world the elites are the rightful stewards of this planet while 99.99% are slaves, that’s why you are complaining. Now, cause y’all are complaining, it must mean some are raising your body's frequency, therefore, channeling information that is being put into the air. "An awakening", which is clear evidence the human and Grey alien hybrids are on earth. They are why the shadow government (Grey’s) are putting the elite into motion, to accomplish the task of establishing the New World Order. The New human is not here to follow the mode of operations of the current elite, they are the opposite, they are benevolent. Or look at it like this, Evil set against Evil is the only way to get rid of the current evil elite. I’ll say it again, you don’t have to be afraid, humans have an “invisible enemy “working on their behalf, right now as we speak.

The truth is this, the Jewish nation has had a long ride, in most opinion, they have dealt with humankind like if its cattle, well, even though they have the right to rule, they have done it in a malevolent way, this can no longer be tolerated, even by those who are the masters, the real controllers behind the scenes. They (The Shadow Gov) is in the process of turning the world over to another race, one that is programmed to "Steward" the planet in a Benevolent fashion. Humans are at a crossroad, a new day is dawning, an age of true enlightenment. Before that happens, the current ruling elite must finish what it has started, "The New World Order". The irony in this is, they will not rule in it. They will make ready of the planet for, what top secret agencies are calling "The Second Child".

The story goes back farther than most are giving to know, not because one human is better than another, but because some don't have as much access to information. The Jew I know of is not the biblical Jew, but the Mesopotamian Jew.

This Jew, predates the Israeli Jew, it's the Iraki, Jew. He was given the right to rule by an intelligent being they call GOD. I know this being as Enlil, a deity that made up one of the Gods on the Sumerian pantheon of Gods. He later would be known as YWYH, Jehovah and so on. The name changed at different time in history but the same Being.

So do I think there will be a better earth, yes, that's where we are headed, Tragically, some will not make it. There are a lot of humans who have become like the fathers, the ancient engineers (Annunaki.) They are a race of beings from a planet called "DAUK" in the Sirius constellation. You can reference them whenever you want. There mode of operation is Violence against all who oppose their lust for power, even their own kind.

The first human has DNA from The Prime-mate (ape) and a being Known as the

'AKHU', they were descended from a bird-like ancestor this gave the beast (1st human) passion to seek and create his reality and destiny as he seen fit and the DNA of the prince of the Annunaki, Prince EA or Enki and his sister Princess Ninhursag (the beings who created humans) This gave the first human the right to rule this earthly domain, by law! Later in history, once the prince and their kind left this planet or were forced, the 1st human became known as Ra's Child or Rothschild as well as Ra-ca pharaohs or Rockefeller. Therefore, we are seeing an evil generation. The second human is the opposite of the first, I can share on him in due time.

In closing, my earliest recollection of alien contact was when I was five years old. I didn’t know this for years but a being I have come to know by name (Halali-EL) began to communicate with me as well as visitations at night by the Grey alien, I am clairvoyant, telepathic as well as having Invisibility Awareness early as five years old. Obviously, I had no clue at that young age that I could do this. Now, at five years old a alien gray who’s name is KRILL would visit me, it came to visit me dressed in human form, a little girl. I remember waking up late hours of the night by a little girl, we would walk around the house where I lived in Calexico CA. I was awake, eyes open. later in life in my research I believe it led me to know its name by using telepathic synchronicities (that’s another story) the gray alien visited me as an adult at different times in my life, some appeared malevolent, fear and paralysis and ignorance existed at this point. Besides having these contacts, i audibly heard a second being communicate this: “God told me, you will never die”. I still remember as a little boy telling my mom, she can still recall me saying, “God told me I would never die”! As incredible as that sounds. Now I have had plenty near death experiences where I should be dead, so this my whole life seems to be accurate.

On this note, after many years just these last 6months the true reason for a lifetime of phenomena and the proof to support it Began to surface, telepathically that I am a hybrid, then the written study’s, books to prove this fact. First in November 2019 I channeled this message in dream form

I took the time to illustrate what I saw in Aug 2017 (Golden Statue Dream) Now, in ancient Summer (modern day Iraq) tablets that have been found 40 to 50 years ago tell a story of a race of aliens (Sirian from the constellation Sirius and current habitation The Pleiades) who came to earth and created a slave/Royal race of primate/Sirian/Reptilian hybrids to mine the earth for gold. The main Royal being in this story was a Prince named KI and EA as well as ENKI, he was the main biologist, in this story, he took the credit for creating humans. Without going deep into the details, I know now this statue, is him offering this gift, a child. An ancient Sumerian looking statue, gold human snake, a castle foundry setting. Holding and offering a gift, a baby’s shoe. I didn’t fully understand the message till March 10, 2020, note: over the years I read up on Alien accounts and published papers in regards. So, when this happened, I had a grasp of things if I could put it this way. I have been in many dreamscape scenarios as well as acquired knowledge on how they (aliens) operate. So, when it showed up, I was ready on this night. I was sleeping and woke to a presence into room, I stayed motionless and watched it at the foot of my bed, there were other things happening, but I’ll get to the point, when I spoke to it, in my mind, telepathically, I said, why are you hiding, let me see what you really look like! It was disguised in shadow! It instantly disappeared than came back and said, “I assisted in the creation of the second child!” At this very moment I began to see the faces of the gray alien popping up all over my minds eye like popcorn!! “The Gray exposed itself”!! Or better yet, I out witted it, figured him out, drew it out of the dark, unmasked or even beat it at its own game, outsmarted it!! There were some incredible things that happened after this, but I’ll stick to this point, “I assisted in the creation of the second child!” In 1948, Eisenhower at now Andrews Air Force base with a space fairing alien named “krill” the alien asked for permission to take human cellular material to strengthen their race, it was agreed. It stated to strengthen its species.

Its July 2026 and after a few years now, I have gained much knowledge and understanding, an unveiling of more information you might say about who I am and what I'm to accomplish in my lifetime. I have been given the full understanding of the dream of my " In England, being brought into an association of peoples" my enthronement (right of session) and the inheritance wealth with the "Love Won Society" as the establish stewards.  I have been authorized by The Pleiades high court, Lord EA and by ancestry decreed to begin the war on "the Kingdom of the Beast", Donald Trump. Along with Building the house of God and the Law (NASAR/GASAR) and court system, i have been instructed to ready elevated humankind for space travel. This is a brief description of what has been decreed:

The New Galactic Peoples of Earth.

Hello LWS Family, this is my project.

My mission in this lifetime is to have hands on in the implementation of my family’s restoration. To see our heritage and presence restored for to be on this planet, a beacon of light, as Empathetic stewards of humanity and by this, willfully establish humanity’s peace and Sovereignty here and in the Universe, once and for ever.

Also, 1. I will create the dialog and make the demand for the dismantling of all Global Governance to the Alliance/councilor’s, 1. my Lord EASU (Jesus), 2. John-Me-Halaliel, 3. Lord EA, 4. My Father, 5. Amori-EL 6. Rainman, 7. QRILL/Krill ( Made on Wednesday 13, June 2023)

2. I will abolish all existing laws which are based on (Dogmatic) religious ideologies (A.) the current laws are Tyrannical and Antiquated not fit for the Golden Age of Humanity. (B.) the current laws were created in a time period of Narcissistic (waring) temperament not fit for the age of Aquarius, Empathetic (loving) Temperament. (c.) the new laws must be created by humans who have made the next step in human evolution and are exhibit empathy in their personal. business, political and all others facets of their lives, these Men and Woman will be seen as “The focus” for positions of humanitarian service in Stewardship/Governance capacity and candidates for the creations of the “New Law System”, not only should common law exists, Galactic Law has to be made know to all humankind, i will provide this guidance and education. (D) no country, Government, Nation and peoples who by any nefarious, underhanded, corrupt activities, actions and any ways or means established its self a “Sovereign” will continue to exist.

3. I will end the control of lands by those who may have may started Governance in good will but ultimately utilized or regressed in the implementation of tyrannic methods to achieve political goals geared to benefit and establish race groups over the larger segments of the citizen populations.

4. I will return all which has been by Murder and Tyranny stolen from all indigenous populations globally.

5. I have “The Global Council For Human Sovereignty” (Our CAC) for to oversee the creation and implementation of our “New Global Sovereign Society”.

6. I will gather the brightest and Empathetic human beings to council and procure this political and social global effort here on earth and beyond.

7. I will not attempt to create an economic system beneficial and equitable for all, i trust the LWS has this segment of our new global financial system in order.

8. I will Teach the human population the way to achieve “Everlasting Life” (humanity’s right which has been hidden) here on earth, which has been spoken of 2k years ago, the Empathetic, Love for the human race, “The Everlasting Gospel” . (a) learn how to become an eternal being within earth realm. (B) expose the means we all who are called to this eternal human existence must adhere to to reach incorruptibility” (c.) give light on this subject and why now in our life time this human advancement is available.

9. I will Bring balance to earth realm in areas such as (a.) The war between the Lefthand and Righthand Freemasons (b.) Education on “Earth Conciseness” ( earth is a sovereign, conscience being) (c.) clear up misinformation which separates races and social classes (d.) eradicate Religious Dogma which is used to create, Religious, social and political slavery with control agendas. (e.) teach on the rightful order of heaven and earth, Man and Woman, make “the man” (the couple man and woman/duality) the foundation of society. (e.) clear up all misinformation on the global hoax ideology focused on the story of JEASU who is misrepresented by “Jesus Christ’’ and let the information resonate for it’s self.

10. Eradicate Mainstream and Social media networks who promote a “Idol” or “Superior” image of humans threw brainwashing programs, athletics, fashion, entertainment and all other forms of influence programming and marketing which

create a power over the hearts and the minds.

11. This plan of action and all these objectives will see their adept development by The

brightness ‘Empaths” a world over, which i will personally find for to create a strong

and everlasting “Human Galactic Society”.

12. I will disclose and educate Humanity in regards to the alien contingency, Disclosure

(Lifting of the vail) along with education will prepare humanity for “Quantum Jump” better known as The Ascension process, The Resurrection.

A) Political birthing 

Galactic affairs, Earth building galactic alliances through child/race advancement.

Political Birthing is the proper way of operating human and alien’s relationships for galactic affairs. They (advanced beings) desire to escort earth humans into the cosmos, by having earth humans help birth other spices which create alliances with other space fairing races. The human child bearing abilities makes them a “one and only race” this ability makes us the humanoid of the highest honor. Once we are educated on this, humans will start to understand it potential not only as earthlings but ambassadors of life and creation. We have the gift of life and are capable of furthering the existence of other dying races in the cosmos and stop the extinction of marrieds of galactic races. This is why humans killing human is the #1 priority for the Alliance. I believe I have to grandchildren (Autistic) who are “Political Births” I’m going to monitor their speech, “baby talk” to see if it’s a language, of what alien race? We will see. Example: my higher self is my celestial galactic being, my middle self, my humanoid being (pleadien/Anunaki) and lower self, earthen/beast, what beast is? It’s our human/mass, and how it’s part of me? 

Today I’ve gathered it is the spirit of a once lived animal being, example, a tiger or bear or horse.

You have to consider, all the living creatures, have been seen as “soulless”. Not so, where does their consciousness go when it passes?, in the case of a earthling/human, I’m gathering, a animals spirit/soul/consciousness/essence attaches it self to humans as a human becomes an “Embryo “. This being, becomes our “beast”. I’m sure the other two ( higher and middle self) agree to join themselves for the purpose of restitution. Most likely these creatures had an untimely or premature traumatic death, and it is just lingering, which differs from a creature who passed of natural causes and made its way back to source. As well as the original “Primate” used to create us. Establishing this, I’m gathering from my counselors, is that we humans can carry into this realm, reality, world, the offspring of other alien life forms for the purpose of furthering the existence of dying races. With this ability we can establish peaceful alliances with extraterrestrial factions, building alliances through the galaxies and advancing our species into the cosmos.

There are cultures that have a grasp to some extent in this regard “animal association “. The Chinese being one of other Asian communities also India and some eastern cultures. How much they are aware of the galactic alliance observations, I’m not clear on their extensive knowledge.

Note: the killing of a life form does not extinguish its existence, it may in most cases, cause the consciousness to linger, this consciousness will be vacuumed back into earth realm by “birthing “. In most cases, “human births”, it’s a “cycle”, not natural. This cycle must end. The cycle is not the creative “process”, the creative process is the natural birth, (love/peace) and death (natural causes, non  traumatic).

The end of killing all life forms is eminent, this is truly being in harmony (clear understanding) with the planet. Red Meat consumption has to end. Vegetarian is the proper means of consumption for humans as well as the animal kingdom, the death cycle must end. The end of the death cycle will naturally balance the planet’s ability to sustain life forms, we must insist on it.

13. I will educate Humanity of Human and alien hybrids who are now with us,

Resurrected humans and The alien race (represented by QRILL/Krill) with whom am currently in first contact bases.

14. I will educate those who have extra sensory perception on “Astral Travel”. The use of lucid dreaming/ thought for the purpose of quantum travel (Space and time).

15. I will educate the segment of the population who is adept to the esoteric realms on

how to heighten “human frequency”. ( as we currently are making the jump, heightening our vibration/frequency.

16. As i accomplish all this, help others to do the same, cementing myself as humanitarian is my passion , as well becoming humanities representative on the Galactic Council. You may say “Why Me” because i been found Worthy ( Rev 21:7) Plus i have been in the Heavenly Courts in previous occasions, i have all the documentation support my Galactic and Earthen an Galactic rights.

17. I will use the abilities and Authority I’ve have inherited and been rewarded with.

(A) use all my Extrasensory abilities.

(B) enact all war time actions which  i have been empowered to use. (Matt 12:24)

(c) help the white hats by assisting there efforts with military strategic offensive and defensive intelligence as an Authorized Pleiadean

intervention advisor. Providing war time advice with the objective of “severing the cabal” from global governance. My visit to the “akashic records” and retrieval information kept for humanity preservation, has authorized and sanctioned the writing of 

The Book of Life Of The Lamb is a testament, a document depicting my life, my findings, the evidence that connects me to this amazing and unbelievable task. 

This document is sent from the heavens, given to me by the source of all “Love”, with Love and by Love, my guides, my angels my helpers my counselors, “The Alliance”. Through astral travel, dreamscape experiences, visions, prophetic readings (Edgar Cayce) telepathic conversations, dreamscape experiences, first contact (Krill).I have established clairvoyance with them who are intervening on humanity’s behalf , and know who my guides are, their names are:

1. In 1973, Krill

2. John/middle self

Me/Lower self

Halali-EL/higher self (whispered his name in my ear as I slept on April 20, 2014)

3. later in life on March 1, 2020, Krill, after seeing threw the shadow disguise it wore, made it’s self known as: Little Greenman, Goodluck Charm, Leprechaun, The Dragon. (same being who i had first contact with in 1973)

5. Lord EA. in 2020 6. Lord JEASU (Jesus)

7. Apa (my Dad Alberto) Visited me after death in multiple occasions over the year.

Made his presence audibly known to me in 2022

8. Amori-EL ( “Love” whispered its name in my ear as I slept in 2022)

9. The Rainman, Angle of resonance, “Music” Lucifer. (Appeared to me in a

dreamscape experience 2023)

10.Share with humanity the order of heavenly powers which are at its disposal for humanity’s higher purpose.

In brief, this is what qualifies me in my global and Universal mission.

For years I have experienced Supra-Natral/Esoteric and non-earthen phenomena. In the last 3 yrs l've come to put together the 50 yrs of what to most can be seen as make believe or fantasy.

I was lead to LWS by a FB Group friend and i know its where I'm supposed to be, (with like mined people) as wel as my human purpose "Humanitarian" What i share with you today is only a fragment of what I know and who I am, with Love, Respect and humility. After reading the information on the site (LWS), and watching the training videos I believe I'm supposed to disclose my experience, my findings, documentations, DNA and Ancestral Records with you all.

My story starts as far in my past as Ican remember, memories of my childhood that have never left my mind, its 1972 in Calexico, CA. In a newly developed part of town, Kennedy Gardens is the name of The neighborhood. We lived right next to the American Canal. I lived with my Father and Mother, the youngest of 4 brothers and one sister. I remember my first day of Pre School, my Mom taking me to school, watching a little boy cry for his mom as she left him at our class. My older brothers fighting in the streets,

little kids, nothing dangerous. I remember one day My mom getting me and my sister

into the back seat of the neighbor's car for a ride to the grocery store, on the way there, I leaned on the door looking out the window as the car drove down the street. I remember the car door suddenly open and falling out of the car, I never made it to the pavement, something held me from falling out, still don't know to this day what kept me ni the car. Supra natural phenomena has always surrounded me, as far as Ican remember. So much, that Ican still remember, there were nights that I would be awakened by the image of a little girl, a spirit? I would walk around the house with her. I was about 3-5 yrs old. One thing that I remember most of all during our short time there is, one day telling my mom, "GOD told me, I-was never going to die". As I-think on that now, after al these years, God had to put it in my head for me to believe the things that I would learn about myself in the years to come. 50

years later and tons of close to death experiences, unmovable facts which would paint a picture for me to read over and over again, first contact experience with "Kril" the advanced being better known as a “Alien from AREA 51 who disguised as a little girl, spoke into my mind "God" said, "you would never die!"

You may ask, for what purpose? I asked myself the same question, "Ron says "he knows all he need to know" (I associate with you) But I'm inclined to say, in this Quantum Realm, things can be ambiguous if there is no absolute clarity, and clarity is what we have been trained for in this life, the ability to communicated clearly and properly with our Esoteric/Alien/angelic friends.

There's much to share, if anything said here resonates, i can disclose a Document that

Further details my project (The Global Council For Human Sovereignty) it gives you all the information i have, with much tears, allowed to bring into our realm.

May you be Illuminated with the Glorious Light of your divine self as you listen to this information. 

This took place before Covid, I’ll explain as best as i can.

On Dec. 23 2019

I Prayed to EA for help that my family would be safe and for humanity's sovereignty. I was clear he would help (EA, according the ancient Sumerian cuneiform/Tablets the advanced being credited for humanity creation. I have received guidance to Astral Project to the place of EA, the

Pleiades (Place of EA) to ask for help. I believe this ability I was born with, was placed in me at Birth, for a purpose, for a time like now. It is clear that Emanu-EL (Jesus) who was called EASU (They who Knew the way, the way of EA) EA-SU were they who were outcasts, they were farmers (BO-AZ), they knew the way of EA, they were the workers of Righteousness. I am of them, and clear that EASU/Jesus (the man) is a descendant of EA.

When I laid down and prepared myself to take this voyage (Astral Projection) to seek out EA, I made the first attempt with no success, my nose and throat closed up on me, it was hard to breathe, snoring, it a condition I developed as I got older. I thought “My body fought back”, it would not go to sleep. I thought to myself, ‘My body is shit, shot out”. I decided to try again so I laid down, in a position I was more comfortable in and my body fell right to sleep.

Note: In the past when I would Astral Project, I experienced it unconsciously, I did not know what was happening there for it took so many years to make sense of the information, and the message I was given. This time I knew exactly what I was doing, I sent my objective out into the universe verbally before I closed my eyes, I spoke my purpose for this travel into the air, I express my proposal to EA, and asked My Angel Halali-EL to guide me to the place of EA, The Pleiades. I was clear on what I set out to accomplish, I went in consciously. Once I got my thoughts and purpose together, I closed my eyes and I rose from my body, this is what happened.

As I looked into the darkness of my closed eyes, I asked Halali-EL to assist me on this journey, As I look forward, I began to be propelled into what looked like space, I could see a star far into the distance, I moved along veering left to right and right to left, I heard in my mind, my Angel Halali-EL say, “maneuvering though space and time”. as I traveled these words were spoken to me, “Look up for your redemption is at hand”. I notice as if it were two images of alligators on my right and left, like entering an invisible gate called out by the heads of alligators. Draco constellation? I Believe so. As I continued to travel for what seemed like seconds I began to ask EA if he would help me. Help me Lord Ea, help me over and over as if he would hear me and invite me in. It seemed like seconds before I see in the dark of space a Large shape or what looked like an “EYE”. As I looked at it I heard, “Enter the Eye of EA” As I went in and passed into the eye I began to see what looked like a mist, clouds more mist-like until it cleared and I noticed a silhouette of a skyline, as I focused on the building and what I was seeing they became more clear, sure enough, they were buildings, the architecture was not earthy. It looked like a metropolis, I heard Halali-EL say, “It's "The Counsel Chambers” I understood it was where EA held court. I was told, “They are expecting my presence” On that note I notice I was in the lobby of what resembled a courthouse, kind of like to the courthouse in Long Beach, the building was glass. I saw an area where there were stairs and as I panned to my right I noticed a desk and what I gathered was a guard, he had a gun, not a handgun, some kind of futuristic riffle.

The scene changed before my eyes and I notice in the dark of my closed eyes a figure, he was not close to me but at a distance of maybe 15 feet from me, I could see his face, it was EA. The light source was from above and it cast a golden reflection off his skin, it was translucent I could see the stars filling space all around. As I looked at him I asked him, “Can you help me, I need your help, EA, I need your help?” In my mind, I thought of this bible verse, “ those who were under the alter say, “lord how long before you avenge our blood on those who have beheaded us?” As I heard those words I noticed, above me in the sky, outa nowhere, ships, space ships departing for what understood was earth. I heard EA say “ Help is on its way!” I began crying, literally crying, even though tears were rolling down my face, I never left the state I was in, a projected state. I cried some more and thought about what just happened, I knew and know in my soul, help is on its way. I knew I was heard, and that I met my objectives most of all I felt honored, I felt so refreshed, I was doing what I was put on earth to accomplish, I was fulfilling my task.

the most incredible human feet of all, win a war against the grays!! then I came back, I cried again...I feel refreshed!!!

(EA sends help)

I have reestablished communications with the heavenly powers!!! I have illustrations that i can provide to visually show these stages of astral travel.

According to Robert Morningsky, we have been helpless because we could not communicate with the heavy powers

(The Terra Papers)

Robert sates:

“the lizard administrators watched with wary eyes but did not interfere with the ARYANS's effort to establish themselves in ERIDU. Additional religions in ERIDU did not concern the reptiles, confusion worked to their advantage. Cut off from 'heavenly' support, no ERIDU faction was a threat. The lizards were in control.”

Robert in his book says, the alien contingency assisted the Anunaki on earth, in all aspects of mining, Stonecutting and the creation of humanity as well as social engineering, The advanced beings have been here since day 1 and even though created to serve, they developed interested in humanity.

Noted on 5-10-2020

President Trump mentioned all the time, “The invisible enemy” in reference to the Coronavirus (though i am aware of underlining global cabal tribunals) could this be the hand of the Kill working on my behalf? For the liberation of humanity and its Sovereignty? (the quarantine/shutting off the whole world and Economy?) Robert Morningsky states in his book “The Terra Papers”, “The manipulation of the Secret Societies continues by an unseen alien hand” (The shadow Government) giving the understanding of how the advanced beings operate. Could they be paving to way for me to go from poverty (just like they did with as Adolf Hitler? He was poor as a young man) to wealth? Morning Sky also says, “ The aliens have retained control of the Empire, (at this point in time WW1-2) “Their utilization of the United States military forces and wealth has succeeded” (took back control from Hitler). The advance beings don’t own or possess the wealth, Rothschild and Rockefeller's do, they manipulated their minds to achieve their goals to control (The Quantum Realm) the planet from the other alien races. As we are seeing now with the coronavirus, the government is sending “US” money to stay home including others. What event is going to happen next so that we will be getting more $$?

(Once i read and watched the training videos on the LWS website, my guides reminded me of a vision/dreamscape of what i believe now is my Zim Appointment, this is the account:

In 2014 In this dream “I was being lead to a place in England, I was in a large building sitting, looking around, another person there was waiting as well, I was there because I was to receive a sort of recognition or initiation, these people knew everything about me, my past and present, but I was there because they could see my illumination, my shine or brightness. As I sat there I looked around and noticed all the Mason/Illuminati symbols. I felt to see if there was evil there and felt there was not, also my intuition lead me to understand that the Queen of England was there. As I sat a woman came out to talk to me, she was naked, we began to dance, she began to give me instructions on what I need to do but I could not here what she said. The other person was lead out of the room and as she began to leave I said, “I’ll see you again” her reply was “Only if you do everything right?” This group cleaned all my past, my record and I remembered going to colleges all over the world and speaking, I became a very prestigious person, I loved that feeling. This dream I have kept close to my heart, it was so lucid, I awoke in tears of how moving of a message it conveyed to me.

May 11, 2020,

In retrospect, This is whats happening today, Robert states of a time in antiquity, the pharaonic period:

“But 'The King (Marduk/RA) was concerned with the alien contingency (krill). They had become too powerful. No aspect of the Empire was untouched by their hand, and no position of administration was devoid of a SHETI (air faring beings) /HENTA (Inner earth dwelling beings ) presence. With care and secrecy, the Sun God RA (Marduk) attempted to shift the wealth and power away from the alien controllers... but to no avail. It was too late. The SHETI/HENTA and SATA rebels seized the Empire (Egypt) ... with no battles, with no weapon fire... they simply “shut everything off.”.The Sun God (Marduk's, name in Egypt was RA) could not communicate with anyone, the Sun God could not Issue orders, and the Sun God could not rule. The Sun God was undone.

The cabal, those left to control the global wealth were Marduk's Offspring. Note: RA's-Childs (Rothchilds) RA-CA-Pharoaphs (Rockafellers). I have been made

aware, since a very long time, for sure since the Phrenic period, the grays have analyzed the behavior of the ruling class (Narcissistic), and have determined they are not appropriate for the greater good of humanity, the most incredible part of what they figured out is "The Love Code". Since the advanced beings have no emotions, over the centuries their disposition towards humans seemed malevolent, but in fact it acted in a state of "Unemotional/coldblooded" disposition not purposely and not consciously to hurt humans, they are now acting in behalf of humanity (read Hosea) in many ways since they ascertained this knowledge, I will not disclose here but will be happy to with interest from those here, what they have told me about “THE SECOND CHILD”.

I was given this message while I had an outa body/Astral projection experience, the first glimpse to my involvement in the creation process which will catapult humans into the cosmos. I provided this illustration I created of the experience. “The Second Child” 

My Passion:

I’ve been asked to prepare myself for the redemption appointment, to get my soul right, to work every day to prepare for it, my life purpose, so that I may be ready when my appointment comes. I believe I will be asked “what will you do as a humanitarian?” I may not have been able to answer the question with an answer other than “to help people to get rid of poverty to feed the poor” that may have been what I would have answered if I was asked that question 20 years ago but, up to the last seven years, the answer has dramatically changed. The things that I learned about myself, and my ancestors were unbelievable, my ancestors are the man Christ EASU/Emanuel-EL and his wife Mary Magdalene, and the lineage they left behind. Of which I am of. Being lead and Authenticated over all these years, given the insight, documented evidence physical and esoteric, have convinced me that I must in this lifetime restore the kingdom/nation/people/Stewardship they established. The family and bloodline that they gave life too, who have been persecuted and harassed, killed and disfranchised for thousands of years without reason without cause, they are who must be restored. I thought at first I would just inherit the kingdom back, the Merravingin dynasty (France) but logic made clear it would not be so easy, it would take an act of God, this is exactly what it is, God the creative source of all is acting on my, our behalf and with this financial foundation my mission has its beginning.

In the Sumerian epic told by a writer from a hoppy tribe (Robert Morningsky) who writes about this very same account but from a different source other than the Sumerian tablets, but from an alien itself says, the gray was brought to earth by the Syrian prince EA to help in the gold mining, stone cutting technology, mind control and biological efforts, the first humans!!!!!


On March 11, 2020, the gray revealed to me telepathic that they have been waiting for one of their millions of hybrids to wake up, evolve to a being that can communicate telepathically because they don’t communicate cognitively. It was at this moment it fell on me like a ton of bricks, the abilities I possess are alien in nature for the purpose of talking to them effectively and efficiently. There is a long discussion on this that we can talk about later. Only this last month, I channeled the gray to pick up another book that confirms my conversation with the gray “Alien World order” by Len Kasten, it was clear what it was telling me. So, the statue dream is the very lord EA, creator telling me that a child was gifted to the world, his new creation/ second child assisted by the gray, Krill. Every hybrid does not know what they are, most of their lives and may never, some may but, it is without any doubt that every hybrid has extra sensory abilities and experience alien phenomena only to misunderstand it and suppress them to seem as normal as everyone else, therefore I am putting my experience out there.

"The power families have governed and influenced Americans and humans globally".

These sides, the left and right, distort the narrative and use human lives for political gain. Liberals and Conservatives, disgustingly and hypocritically are strongly pushing agendas of murder, hate and disorder, it is clear that they show with actions and words the inability to govern, while asserting their distorted influence on the masses through all forms of media. The real enemy of civil rights is the current government and all who support it. Antiquated, tyrannical, inequitable, and Murderous. It is time to see it for all that it is, and stand against this current warring machine, Democrats and Republican as well as this current political, social, economic and entertainment system, globally, needs to be defunded and replaced. A New World is in Order.

In this short discourse of my life and times, my fabulous and outstanding experiences, and incredible claims, i find that all these supposed imaginations and craziness have truly become a reality and for all who by now are reading this book. You see, when I was a little baby, when we lived here and there, when I was old enough to understand, I heard the story of neighbors during Christmas time wanting to barrow me to be used as baby Jesus for their mangers. I remember my dad would call me “Centavo” Centavo in Spanish means “Penny.” The Angel HALALI-EL was pointing to this prophesy for me to see outside in the world there were others saying what I gathered, (through the spirit) in prison, God answered my prayers, For the Solomon Group and Edgar Casey Foundation waited or are waiting for John Penny-AL….ME.

I would like to thank all who contributed to this work, Robert Morning Sky, Zachariah Sitchen, Edgar Casey, The Salomon Group, Amika Stanford, Camaron Day, James Bartley, Jackson J. Spielvogel, Barbara Bartholic and Len Kasten.

If you have read this far, please sign your name here. You will now

Be written into this book.


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The Book Of Life Of The Lamb (c)2017, Alejandro S Castro All rights reserved

The Book Of Life Of The Lamb is a Trademark of Alejandro S Castro. Trademarks may be registered in some jurisdictions.

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